November 1, 2015, Sunday
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Since I got it that day, I can't stop myself from finishing it, even though the one I was reading on, it has been abandoned because of this. Indeed it doesn't turn me down after I've done reading it, and I surprisingly felt that it's better than her previous book.
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Ever since the old days, I always finished a book in very short period. Until that's one time, I looked at those books I've done reading of, I couldn't even remember what was exactly the story about. So from there on wards, I read it slowly and understand carefully.
以前我總是看書很快,快到連我自己的數個月後,再看回同樣一本書,我已經忘記了裡面的內容是什麼。 所以我這次很有耐心的慢慢看,不要急,慢慢讓它吸收,這樣才是真的看書嘛! 不然只是為了看完而看完,那就真的太對不起作者了。
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Do you agree when you were mad at certain attitudes on others, it's actually represent yourself?? I've been through this many times, as I always get to see what attitude that I hate the most was represent on my niece and my nephew, it was so like the old me. Incidentally when we faced something like that, we always choose to deny it first, but think deeply, we actually have no way to escape from the truth.
每個人不願看的地方,往往都是自己的最深黑暗處。 這個我很認同,因為我在我姪兒姪女的身上我也看到我以前的影子,那種很討人厭的行為以及性格。 就好像有人指證你是這樣那樣的時候,第一個反應就是反駁,不過真的仔細想想還是不得不承認是自己的錯。 問題都是這樣,只要我們一天不去面對它,就沒有解決的一天。
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What I've recalled the most in the book is "Would you really felt happiness when you see others are in troubles?" This actually works on me, when I always to jealous on others and start asking "Why are they so fortune, always have somebody to adore them like queen?" So by that, I asked myself "Or else, you wish to see others always in troubles and in miserable situations??" If not so, why would I jealous on that?? And with that I start learned how to wish sincerely from my heart and no longer like those phony types.
在這書中,最讓我印象深刻的就是這個「難道你希望別人不幸福,你才會幸福嗎?」真的認真想一想,每當我要妒忌人的時候,我就用這個方法來提醒自己,那麼我就不會去希望別人失去什麼的。 因為問心的一句每當看見有人分享幸福開心的事,我都會去妒忌去想「為什麼他們可以那麼幸福?」不過經過這樣,我再我自己「難道你要看到人家,家破人亡,你才高興?」 所以我現在要告訴自己,要慢慢去學習真心祝福人家,而不是假假的那種,心境也才會更廣闊。
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Is like law of attraction, you only got attracted to those same type of person. For an example, I always wish to tag along with any ideal person that I wish to be, but unfortunately they always doesn't like to get me involved with it, because I'm so obvious not the same kind of person as them. So in order to do that, I got to learn become one of those ideal person first to get attracted, right? (like so scheming, ya!)
你是什麼樣的人,就會吸引什麼樣的人。 其實我也真的很相信這個,就好像吸引力法則一樣,好像我每次都會喜歡上我理想的人,但是我又沒有特有我理想的人喜歡的條件,所以我喜歡的人通常都不會喜歡我。 所以唯有我自己變成那個理想的人,那我才能夠吸引到理想的人來喜歡我啊! (不過這好像有點耍心機喔?)
页数: 263
ISBN: 979-986-133-544-5
定價:Kinokuniya ~ RM58.80,Popular,Cite ~ RM51.40
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2013: 【Thoughts|想法】曙光
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Good that you learn from the books you read.
ReplyDeleteYea, that's why I like reading!
DeleteI always wished that I could read Chinese as there are thousands of good books written in Chinese.
ReplyDeleteIs still not too late to learn duh!!