November 4, 2015, Wednesday
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Here it comes the last edition and also what they called "the limited edition" So I expect must be lots of people queuing for it. I told MeiLing that we have to start queuing by 9 pm, she said it was too early, so in the end I agreed to start queuing at 10 pm. She reached my house around 9.45 pm then heading to the Kepong McD. And Yea, this is what we saw as shown in the picture, the queue was this long around 10 pm, really? It was just about 10pm, I seriously can't imagine what's gonna be later on......
有了上個星期的“食物”,當然不能少了它的餐廳,而且這個被譽爲限量版的,我在前一個星期就已經拉著美玲說我們一定要星期三晚上九點就去排隊,她一直說我“神經!” 什麽嘛! 要就要去到最極限,怎麽可能半路才開始呢? 但是最終我們都是十點才出發,因爲她說她要睡覺,睡到九點半,過後才來載我,其實我深怕她睡不醒,她說她一定睡得醒的。 九點多她來到我家,我們先朝向最近的麥儅儅出發,我們抵達這裡的時候是晚上十點鐘,看見這個甲洞大街的麥儅儅店,我們還真的嚇到,這是什麽情況啊? 也太誇張了吧?? 美玲說她上次問過櫃檯,每一家分行只是來兩百個罷了,這家看起來就有差不多三十餘人在排隊,而且非常不確定的是會不會有人中途來插隊。
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About 30 people in front of us and not yet count those might cut queue, so decided to check out the one at Gombak where I got the first one. Since the amount of people are queuing here are not as many as the previous one, we cut the crap and stop wasting the petrol to loiter around, might just queue here.
所以我們直下Gombak的麥儅儅,中間經過MRR II的麥儅儅,我沒有看見人龍也沒有車龍,但卻看到裏面有很多人。 來到了Gombak麥儅儅,裏面已經有差不多十幾位在排隊,我跟美玲都同意排這閒吧,反正都是要排,不要再去兜圈子了。
It's finally almost 12 am, about 11.40 pm staff came out to tell us that each person can buy two. And that's such a good news to me, as before that, I was struggling with MeiLing how am I gonna buy two set if let say they only allow one person to buy one?? Also another great thing is the staff are here to give us number as well, this's what it exactly it supposed to do at first because there is one guy like two person in front of me, he and his friends were pretending chit-chatting, when the staff wear giving out number he friendsSS jump inside the queue. (Yea, got to S in capital letter, because not just one but he let squeeze in two of his friends.) Such a bad manner guy, I don't care who you are but you're just being like non-educated because those behind who have been queuing for long time ago, they won't get the number, and they only give out 100, no beyond than that.
差不多十一點四十分,工作人員出來寫號碼給我們,他說一個人可以買兩個(哇,這個真的超級符合我意啦,因爲我是真的需要買兩個的。 而且從上個星期開始我就一直煩惱我到底是怎樣可以買到兩個呢? 因爲有很多分行都說一個人只可以買一個,唯一的辦法就是找多一位來幫我排,我不過這樣的事世怎麽會有人那麽好?? 幫你排然後東西都不是屬於他的,真的咯! 一,除非是男朋友還是老公還或是仰慕者不然就是爸爸;二,不然就是朋友,不過我五指手指都數得出來的朋友,無論怎麽數,我都沒辦法變出一個會這樣做的朋友咯!) 美玲來載我的時候,我還問她說“你沒有幫我變出一個人來?”,她說“我們看怎樣,不然再排過啦!” 話説回來這麽漫長的一個小時多啊。。。美玲一直投訴說她很愛睡,干嘛不讓她明天八點去排商場的那種,而非的要在這裡排啊。。。
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Finally, finally, finally, I've got it and can't wait to post them on my social media account. Yea, is for my own record honestly, not for showing off...=.=!! Also is for collection, not for selling, I know some are gather up to buy as many as they can then sell it online with double price or somewhat, kinda sad to see that people take it as granted >.<
我終于買到了,終于買到了!! 美玲排在我的前面,她在點餐的時候,被工作人員催快一點。 我奇就怪了,很少遇到這種會催客人的工作人員啊,不過後來我想了想跟美玲說“可能他們這些是晚上因爲這個的關係被叫回來工作的,他們可能一賣完就可以回家了,所以才一直催你快一點啊! 説到我買到這個時候,我還是真的迫不及待要分享我的喜悅啊。 (但是不知道會不會有人會看成是那種要炫耀跟風的貼文,我就知道!! 很多人都會這樣想,讓后就在背後罵人那種,看到很多人在面子書犀利的留言,我還真的很想回應說“難道你沒有喜歡追蹤的東西?假如你是真心可以接受別人把你喜歡的東西踐踏得一文不值的話,你才出來留言吧!”)
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Got our meal done, MeiLing and I were having it in the car. As I hardly being outside that night, is rather safe to be back in the car then drive home immediately. On our way home, we passed by the MRR II McD, it was a long queue of cars, even can see from far, what all these people lining up in the middle of night??? That was about queue of cars. Further down to the McD restaurant itself, people are queuing until the end of the gas station......Can't imagine how people (including me) are so into this.
回到排隊現場,當時工作人員是十一點四十分才出來派號碼,在我們前四位就有一對情侶,男的就遇到剛好來排隊的朋友就在那邊説話,我跟前面的女生就有點覺得他這位所謂的朋友根本就是來插隊的。話雖如此,但是還未經過證實,我們還是不能空口説白話。。。到了派號碼的時候,那個男的就是真的叫他的朋友插進來,而且還是插兩位進來。 真是無品的男生,我是簡直氣到很大聲地跟美玲說“他還真的來插隊的,假如是女生,小妹妹我還可以原諒她們不懂事,都差不多看起來像二十多嵗的男人了,還要去插隊,真的很賤咯!” 美玲快點回說“你算了啦,你不要等下給人家打啊!” 而我前兩三位的安娣也是看不過眼,因爲她們也是被人家插隊,然後她們叫我上前去跟他們理論。。。照慣例,我說“我不要咯,等下我去跟他們吵,然後旁邊就會有人拍視頻,然後視頻就會被上傳到社交網站,我不要這樣變出名咯,那是很丟臉的事,而且不只是丟我一個人的臉,還是會丟了我家人的臉咯!” 安娣說我們會裝著睡覺的。。。當然我的答案最終還是一樣啦! 我不要咯,我是很想變很厲害變很出名,但是我不要這樣的爛出名咯! 而且對社會都沒有貢獻。
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After all, so glad that I'm done with it, no longer got to concern about it on every Wednesday night and Thursday morning. And I'm also officially done with the posts, I know, I know! I maybe should write in a post, but it's too split into parts is better, right??
經過一場鬧劇,我的任務終于完成,這樣分段來寫,我覺得好像連載小説啊,哈哈哈! 假如把全部寫在一篇又太長,而且會翻譯得我很辛苦呢,所以都是分開寫,比較明確哦! 謝謝收看!
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2013: 【Book|書籍】《我 心安处是幸福》
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Food? The same? I hear McCafe has some different stuff. We do not have that here.
ReplyDeleteThat's difference, but I think there must be something special over there.