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Friday, November 13, 2015

【Thoughts|想法】Not days but YEARS|改掉速成習慣

November 13, 2015, Friday

原來很多時候,你以爲別人出了一點點力氣就成功,但其實私底下他人是用了很多很多時間來籌備的。 不過這到讓我想到以前讀書的時候,身邊的朋友總是說沒有讀,然後他其實有讀,就讀到很拼命那種,有種想是自己想要成功,卻告訴別人你什麽都沒有做到而就成功了那樣。然後我就會心理不平衡的在想“爲什麽他們可以不讀書就那麽厲害?” 然後就會一直轉牛角尖去。對! 所以說其實這種人到底是要別人抱著什麽心態來看他們呢? 

是想要別人覺得他們不用功就有天生的聰慧及運氣?還是他們是那麽的謙虛? 不肯承認自己的成功,但是自己覺得自己成功是否是自己看自己的另一回事,在別人虛心問你的時候,你就該盡量的回答,抱著希望他人以後也可以成爲像你一樣走到今天的地步,這才是真正謙虛,而不是一直說“我沒有,我沒有!”(當下說真的,還真的很想呼個巴掌給他,掉頭就走!) 這些人,我還真的遇到過不少,最後他人還會以爲我在那邊自己心裏不平衡,嫉妒到一旁去,但是說到一言點醒的還真的不能小看了它的力量。

分享一路的過程,告訴人家途中很辛苦很累那也是一種激勵,因爲一點可以知道的是只要肯努力,不怕辛苦,不怕累,那是不會白費的,你說是不是。 從速成爲什麽可以延伸到那麽多,因爲我覺得我一定是被這種心態而導致我相信不勞而獲,因爲那些所謂成功的人也是少少努力,就可以一夜之間成功的。 但真實的背後他們都不是那樣的,改掉那種想要速成的懶惰習慣,世上是沒有所謂的運氣。就如蔡依林說過“努力一定會成功,如果我失敗了,一定是我不夠努力!”
Read this very inspiring article this morning. (Didn't decide to copy paste here because it's too long and it's others article AND it's in Chinese most importantly!) Ohh, what does it say basically in the article is she always burn the midnight oil almost for everything. Until one day she realized she couldn't like this forever, so she started to prepare things early and that's enough for good.

After that she got her studies further in US, she was surprised that people around her, not just use days or weeks to prepare their resume and interview but YEARS... They started prepare their resume since the first day they entered Uni, and kept practicing how they gonna to face the interviews.

I was surprised to see that too actually, like we always complain why we didn't get what others always get but we forgot to look into how much efforts they've put in (so honestly is good to tell how tired you are and how hard they you've tried then people won't say such thing as "they're just lucky")

There's no such thing as luck, take it or drop it, if decided to take it, gonna to work hard till the end. You may not understand why others have more time to do lots of things, but you don't! I found it recently, we've spent too much time online, like while you're busy facebooking checking your friends status, those are their treasure time to do all these stuffs. Heard from somewhere before...everybody has very even 24 hours in a day, just depends on how your use wisely on that.

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  1. indeed!! I guess we always think how lucky someone is for being such a successful person, but we always ignore what they have actually done all the way to be successful.. most of the time, there have been lots of effort, tears and sweat, before one can achieve what we can see now.. and right, there is no free lunch, if we do not give our 100% effort to pursue what we want, then there is just no one or nothing we can blame on besides ourselves if we failed in the end.. having said that, the most important thing is to be persistent, keep trying and never give up.. :)

    1. Yea, now I know actually 100% is not enough, if really want to be the best, 150% or 200% is the must. Nothing come easily as we thought and just work for it.

  2. 别人充其量只是一个成功的例子,无从比较,听得多也很烦,最重要了解自己的能力。

  3. 哈哈!!~同感,有些人可能很害怕分享,怕其他人也跟着他一样。最讨厌考试时说没读书的人最后还考到好成绩。不是嫉妒,只是觉得为什么要骗?有读就有读嘛!!~


    1. 网上看到的多半也是骗的,有时瘦身的文章是大肥仔写的 尤其是那些[教你X个步骤 2个月瘦20公斤]的那种(我就有写过一些,一个文章收20块钱),要小心分析啊。。。总之要瘦身又要瘦得健康就要慢慢来的,注意饮食多运动,没有什么特别窍门的。

    2. 全部都是日積月累下來,假如真的這樣每個人都是成功人士了,最是得來不易,所以才必須堅持才能夠達到!

    3. @CL,原来那些文章也不可信啊!!~ 谢谢提醒,我会小心分析了。^^

      @小影,坚持才是最难做到的。哈哈!!~一起加油吧!!!~ (=

  4. 我没有!我真的没有!。。。好啦好啦,有啦。。。 :D

    不过说真的,念书时其实真的有很多粉肠是临时抱佛脚却考试成绩比我好的。更可恶的是,他们是用我的笔记来开夜车的。这些人真他妈是考试奇才来的。不过进入社会工作就不行了。你做工走捷径,偷工减料,到头来肯定会吃亏的。所以如果在职场上听到有人说:“没有啦,不用努力的,运气好而已” 多数都是在吹水甚至是陷害你而已。天时地利还要靠努力才能浮现的,你没有准备好,天时地利你还看不出来呢。。。

  5. 我没有,我真的没有!...... Okay okay,有啦... :P

    不过说真的 念大学时真的有些粉肠是临时抱佛脚的考试奇才 更可恨的是明明是靠我的笔记来开夜车的 考试成绩却比我好。

    不过出来社会工作就不太可以走捷径的。做工偷工减料到头来肯定会吃亏的。有时候天时地利也要靠自身的努力才能体现出来的。所以职场上跟你说 “没有没有” 的多半是在吹牛屁,或者是要隐瞒 陷害你的。

    1. 我也是,所以我以前很怕人家來看我的東西,哈哈哈,有點死心眼,不想人家成績好過我。


  6. 我不敢跟别人说自己有认真读书,是因为不想让人家知道,我拼尽全力还是脑袋不好,哈哈!!

  7. 从小听到大的谎言,什么叫每读可是考到好成绩,这些人只会被我冷笑喔!

    1. 哈哈哈,聽到都令人氣,這種不要接近他們那麼多,會心理不平衡 XD

  8. Hard work is definitely required but most hard workers who succeed attributes it to a bit of luck too. They call it luck but you may call it by another name - randomness perhaps.

  9. Yes, time management is very important...and dedication and discipline too.

  10. 講到分享,反過來說,有些人自己還沒去努力就一直想要用別人的成功方法,會的人部代表他很厲害教人,而且人家成功也沒有義務要教你啊!無論學什麼,心態很重要。


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