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Saturday, November 21, 2015

【StarWars|星戰】The Force Awakens Exhibition 1| 谷中城星戰展覽 1

November 21, 2015, Saturday
Star Wars Exhibition at Mid Valley, got to know it from Mid Valley official Facebook Page and do you that at almost the same time, there's another one at Singapore Changi Airport? And here's the link where you can check it out.
畫到不太像的X-Wing,不要嫌棄啦!最近好像是星戰的風潮,樂高有星戰主題,然後今天來個星戰的展覽。 啊! 還有新加坡也是,在新加坡機場也是有星戰展覽,不過略過照片這裡,好像那裏比較吸引我一點(這絕對不是因爲外國的月亮比較圓的關係哦,你自己看了照片就知道了)

Is gonna be at cinema 17 December, but this exhibition was kind of like confuse me, I was thinking it's already on the cinema, that's why they're having this exhibition, but unfortunately it's not.

So what makes it so special?? Actually not quite special to me honestly =.=!! Is just that you can take a picture of you sitting inside the X-Wing Fighter.
看起來並沒有什麽特別的展覽,不過整場的特點就在這個X翼戰機上。 觀衆可排隊坐上去拍照,不過照片需要多少錢,這方面我就不太清楚了。

Indeed you have to spend some time to be there early for queuing. I got there roughly 10 am and it was almost 30 plus people were there in a line. (So, not just me understand to get there early but everyone else does)

I asked the staff working over there, they said is free anyway, but I forgot to ask how about the picture that they took? Is that also free?? But one thing I know is Mid Valley is giving out fast pass which you can skip the queue in their Facebook Page unexpectedly.
我先前還以爲是要買票才可以上去拍照的,因爲之前在谷中城的官方面子書看到有票根。 但是經過詢問在旁的工作人員才知道不用付錢的,那個官方網站送出的票是直徑票,就是説你可以不用排隊就可以到前面拍照去。 

Which color is for which character?? I have no idea, just know that these are in 3D glowing sword where you can hold it to take picture, where lots of people did that.
這個一籃一紅的劍。。。沒有看過此系列的我,我真不知道這兩把劍是誰打誰,有沒有好壞之分啊? 但會發光的他們的確是很搶眼,兩支我都很喜歡。

Can't miss out the figurine of course (I'm more into this actually) unfortunately they don't have many in the show, which I do really hope they have figurine for each character like the Avenger.
當然還有少不了的就是小小模型啦,但他們只有幾個角色罷了。 不僅讓我感嘆怎麽這麽少罷了,不像是復仇者聯盟那樣,幾乎每一位角色都有。

PS 4 game to test play... I wanted to try, but due to my lousy skill better not to embarrassed myself duh. Mostly kids are playing and  everyone seems to be very expert. 
我雖然沒有留意星戰的故事,但是印象中他好像很早就有遊戲版本了,而且是從這種長方形的卡帶就開始有了。 現在演變到PS 4的年代(不得不說時代進步變遷,歲月不留人)在場玩遊戲的小朋友,個個都仿佛很專業,連連闖關。 我這位大嬸級別的,都是趕快離開比較好。

This is the Royal Selangor booth or should I call it as section or what so ever. They're now having is snap photo with this (the Han Solo in carbonite) upload to Facebook or Instagram and #StarWarsxRoyalSelangor which you may have a chance to win a set of Royal Selangor Star Wars gift set worth RM 1,000. For further information can check out this blog post as he was invited to the launching event.
好奇怪的韓·蘇羅表情,這是電影裏面的經典畫面嗎?? 這個來自于雪蘭莪皇朝的作品,在現存與他拍張照片后,上傳到面子書或Instagram,再#StarWarsxRoyalSelangor,就可以有幾乎贏取價值一千零吉的整套星戰模型(這個我沒有照片,不過可以到這個部落格遊覽,因爲他是當時有被邀請出席開幕儀式的博客,當然照片也相當的漂亮)

They're so cute, right?? Is not clear from here, but they're all bubble head and I want to get one of those so I what's app my friend which one to choose. Guess what she replied since they written there "collect them all!" so collect them all... What?? Is RM 65 for one, nope I didn't buy any of it in the end, it's too expensive to me anyway.
在購物區看見這個很可愛的bubble head他們,當下還不知道怎麽選,所以情急之下傳簡訊問她,結果她回來的答案是“他那邊寫著“Collect Them All!”,所以你不是collect them all咯!”  =.=!!! 嘿,一個六十五塊叻,那麼貴! 別發夢了!

Purposely went up to the top floor to capture this picture and very coincidentally I met one of my blogger friend, Vivian here. Actually not here exactly, it was the moment when I upload picture to my instagram, I saw she just updated X-Wing picture in news feed. Then I called her up and we had great catch up later on of course. 

Event Periods: November 18 (Wednesday) ~ November 29 (Sunday), 2015
Time: 10am - 10pm


  1. I don't want to watch this new Star Wars! WTF?! Why they wanna goreng this series again?? Leave it alone lah! Later if it turns out sucks then many people will be angry!

    1. Hahaha, don't being stereotype, be positive, maybe this can be very good.

  2. 喜欢的人会很喜欢,不喜欢的人完全没有兴趣,我是后者,哈哈!!!!!

  3. Looks like a Return Of Star Wars again. Hope it has new stories to continue on.

  4. hmmm I am not a fans of Star Wars luckily, hehe.. so those who were lining up there for the free rides must be super fans of Star Wars.. if I were there, I won't line up but just look around those exhibits, they are indeed very cool.. :)

    1. Nope, those most are with kids, guess they just want to let their kids to have a "ride" only.

  5. wow... I love that X-Wing! Must be a real size. Looking forward to the movie!! I also have plastic model x-wing!

    1. Your Singapore Changi airport has one, you can go have a look.

  6. Same as SK, I am not a fan of Star Wars too, in fact I din't watch any of the installments... Don't know anything about the movie or characters, hehe!

  7. I walked past this exhibition many times but did not look closely at each item. Now I see each item clearly on your blog. Thanks!

  8. Somebody shared photos of the t-shirts in his blog - I love the "Born to Lead:" one. Very nice, but I don't think they have my size. Sobssss!!!!!

    1. Hahaha, ask for specify order? I mean if you really like.

  9. Not a fan of all the Star Wars episodes, but I know this is the next big thing in cinema..


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