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Thursday, November 12, 2015

【Blog|部落格】English or Mandarin?|英語還是華語?

November 12, 2015, Thursday
Quite a lot of people told me, my blog is very messy, why in suddenly English then suddenly in Chinese? Actually they are the same...the top part is English and the bottom part is Chinese. Some may thought I'm using Google Translate, but apparently I'm not, I wrote the English part first then Chinese, or the other way round some times.

Write the freaking same thing for twice is not an easy task. Is like you asking a blogger to delete a post that he/she just wrote then rewrite again. So got it??

And why would I start with two languages at first. Is because I've a best friend that who doesn't know how to read Chinese, so just because of that I started write in English. Well, I can just write in English instead, but I really do not wish to drop the Chinese, so here I am. 

Chinese or English?? Which one is better?
話說很多人說一進來我的部落格很亂,不知道為什麼又英文又華語,其實我是上面英語然後下面華語。 還有很多人也會以為我是用谷歌翻譯的,但其實我是寫了華語再寫英語。

同樣的東西寫兩次,說不累都是騙人的,不相信? 那麼你可以嘗試將你一篇寫好的博文刪掉再重寫,你就會明白過中的道理了。還有還有最不能不提的就是很多人一直投訴我寫過期的東西。。。我是真的沒有辦法寫了一篇長篇的華語,然後再連續寫長篇的英語,所以這才讓他們都一直被擱置在草稿中啊。。。

至於為什麼我會那麼貪心寫兩個語言,是因為我有一位不會讀華語的好朋友,可以說我是為了她才那麼有心寫兩個語言的。 至於她現在還有沒有看,我真的不知道。。。但是現在說要放棄,我又自戀的覺得我有不會看華語的讀者。。。


  1. Both. Best to be multi-lingual...unlike me, so if it is all in Mandarin, I would need to use Google Translate even though the translations aren't all that reliable. I can only speak but not read nor write. :(

    1. Ohh, I thought you just only know English, now I know at least you know how to speak but not write. Nowadays know how to speak is fine, still can communicate.

  2. It's really up to you, as long as you feel ok about it, and it depends on you.. As long as not taking you too much time, not stressing you up.. For me, just English, coz I dunno Chinese..

    1. Hahah, when I was thinking of this, I thought of you also, not many people know how to read Chinese, so end up I give up, remain the old time.

  3. You ask that kind of question, Chinese or English which one is better, is like those Americans asking us to choose, support US or China. Don't lah. Both also good.

    But I agree, writing in both languages is hard. If you want, you can stick to one language. Maybe sometimes write in English, sometimes write in Chinese.

    1. Eh, it sounds like so politic issues, now is 風頭火勢, can't simply say anything.

      Like that hor, I might all just write in Chinese, because I only got very angry then I will feel like write in English.

  4. I started writing in Chinese but then since mid 2008 I started to write in both Chinese and English, to cater for more readers and friends who are more comfortable with either language.. and I write them without using translator because you know how "good" those automatic translation can be, right?? hahaha..

    anyway I admit if the post is too long it can be rather messy with two languages, so few months ago I allow my readers to choose to see only either language or both languages together..

    sometimes it's quite a challenge writing two languages too.. I totally understand your situation, I've been through that.. :)

    1. I know, that's why you are one of those that I admire one, hehe! Time will change and will see

    2. I also admire and salute this SK Thambee for his bilingual posts. He wanted to add in Tamil to make it Trilingual but never started dei...!!! LOL

    3. Eh, then he might just has a post per week, as that is not easy at all though...

  5. Messy? No ah...Maybe due to me reading english only la

    1. Hahaha, maybe part of the reason you don't really understand Chinese, hehe!

  6. 兩者都可以,我其實很佩服你的毅力,能夠寫雙語。

    1. 有時候我都會忙到我我發神經,很想放棄。我的毅力真沒那麼好哦!

  7. 真的...我超佩服你的能力!中英齐全,还要很用心的分享...

  8. I just took a good look at your post and I guess it is not your bilingual issue that made them think it's messy. It could be the graphics that you designed and used, might look playful and heavy to their eyes. To me, this is ART and your own creations. No worries about what others say, we do as we sukak!! Ha ha

    Where are you traveling next??

    1. Hahaha, people gets improved, that's why I want to keep the pass, don't erased that, that would myself better keep improving.

      Why almost everybody asking that? Hahaha, I haven't decide yet, you want to set a place for me??

    2. Everyone asked you because everyone knows you travel so often like air hostess! Muahahaha

    3. Oh yeah, go visit Borobudur! I am going soon.

    4. Thought you just went to Japan?? Hahaha, have fun then!

  9. 都写~因为可以从中学习更多英文(丫丫的英文只有小学程度的说^^)

  10. if you don't mind writing in both languages, then continue to write in both English and Chinese. I think it is nice that you write in both languages so that people who can only read in one language can still follow your posts. Not messy at all. Don't understand what they mean by saying it is messy.

    1. Yea, I heard that from quite a few, and one of them is sort of very famous blogger, sob, sob!


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