Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily Kopitiam @ KL Festival City

September 29, 2013, Sunday
This place is way more far from my place,
obviously I wasn't there just to try this restaurant!!!
I was there as a volunteer for World Vision for the "Making A Greater Impact" Campaign event!!!

Each of us were given Rm10 as allowance for that day's meal,
but even so I put it back into the donation box after that!!! =]
这是我去KL Festival City那边为世界宣明会义工的时候去吃的!!!

不过过后我都把钱捐回去了!!!  =]

Mushroom Chicken Rice ~ Rm 10.50
I was glad to have another volunteer to have lunch together,
which is why the photo turns out to be quite blur cause felt awkward to take picture of food in front of the person that you just met!!!

The portion was quite big for me,
the meat and the rice was quite harsh,
but it's still okay just to fulfill my stomach!!! =]

可是可以填饱肚子就好!!!   (∩_∩)

Home Town Ipoh Hor Fun ~ Rm9.50
Well, on the second day,
I've the chance to eat alone,
because there're five of us and plus one world vision's official staff!!!

Two of the volunteers are couple,
one pretty girl and one handsome guy,
the staff eat with her friend who dropped by to have a glance!!!

This situation was so damn clear,
for sure not to disturb couple to enjoy their sweet and lovely dinner,
so leftover the pretty and handsome,
pretty and handsome should go together,
so when she noticed us is time for dinner,
I straight away ask them to go eat together,
that's why I got that chance to take a clear picture!!! =]

But this dish was just so so only lo!!!
所以我才有机会把这照片拍得比较清楚好看一点嘛!!!   Y^o^Y 


Saturday, September 28, 2013

"Making A Greater Impact" Campaign

I'm so busy recently,
beside from Tzu Chi, I wish I can join World Vision too and continue my CAD drawing,
(Because of blogging, I was kind of behind of my CAD drawing, felt so sorry for it)

Which means I might not have to visit back your blog in the future!
(Even so~~~
I might not able to comment on every post,
but I'll go through every post of it,
cause sometimes the comment loading take some time,
since that I still be able to catch up with you guys!!!)


Let's talk about World Vision,
(Actually I wanted to have longer holiday,
but I cut it short because I've joined this "Making A Greater Impact" Campaign which is organized by World Vision as a volunteer)
The event is at KL Festival City, Setapak on 27 September to 29 September

Which means until tomorrow,
for those around that area can go and have look,
and I'm on duty tomorrow!!! =]

Basically our job is
  • to approach shoppers to promote World Vision and Child Sponsorship
  • to explain/answer about Child Sponsorship
  • to facilitate the sale for merchandise and collect donations at the merchandise booth

I think is the venue problem,
cause stand for whole day,
we just be able to approach two sponsors successfully,
which is why make me decide to be one of the sponsor on the spot!!! Yeah!!! =]

With Child Sponsorship, you'll provide children in need with access to life-saving basics like
  • clean water
  • nutritious food,
  • healthcare,
  • education and more...

For a child from Asian countries is RM65 per month
For a child from non-Asian countries (Africa & Lebanon) is RM80 per month
The reason for different rates is in Africa have built-in HIV/AIDS awareness, education and the community's overall development!

As a sponsor you will receive
  • a photo of your sponsored child and information about his/her community
  • Annual Progress Report on his/her wellbeing
  • World Vision newsletters and Annual Reviews

The monthly contribution of RM65/RM80 would pooled together with that of other sponsors to implement long-term, community-wide changes that help break the vicious cycle of poverty.

The sponsorship would last a few years or the entire duration of the community's development, but once the child and his/her community regains health and self-reliance, you can sponsor a new child in need!

For those interested you can check out the World Vision website here for more details and start sponsor a child today! (But honestly, I just highlight those main points that you might have questions on! Thanks for your reading,
I've spent such a long time to finish order to write in Chinese and English version!!! =.=!!!)

In my family,
my eldest sister has sponsored three children,
for the rest of my sisters and brother in laws,
each of them has sponsored one child,
I'm kind of late!!! (What a shamed!!! =[)

My feedback after my first shift is...
kind of hard to approach people to sponsor a child,
have no idea what reason can it be...
(maybe because of the China Red Cross incident that happened last time???)
Some people you felt they might interested with it,
but once you walk towards they'll have a face like you're some kind like "direct sale" and said "no" to you
(but frankly speaking I'm that type of person always try to avoid "direct sale" stuffs)
So for those two that "successfully" approach is because they already knew about it and once your try to explain to them, they just getting more and more interested,
To be honest, I'm so happy when we're be able to have the first sponsor of the day!!!
(This happiness is totally different with those salesmen who be able to sign their first business with the customer, cause they got the profit from it, which is where their salary from)
这个活动在文良港的KL Festival City Mall举办,
  • 9月27日至9月28日

我明天晚上还有当班!!!   =]

  • 向大众介绍世界宣明会和儿童助养计划
  • 给予儿童计划的解释/解答
  • 售卖世界宣明会纪念品凑款

所以犹豫很久的我。。。就是那股冲动所以助养了一个亚洲的儿童!!!    =]

  • 干净水源,
  • 营养粮食,
  • 医疗保健,
  • 教育计划等等。。。


  • 您助养孩童的照片,个人资料,他/她地区的见解和需要
  • 助养童的年度进展报告
  • 世界宣明会的助养人简报和年度汇报
  • 您还能够通过信件与助养童建立友谊,更可以参加世界宣明会主办的探访团与他/她见面






I really like these, but we just allow to pin it on our shirt and have to return back after done with out shift!!!

But we're allow to get this small orange one as a souvenir!!! =]
但是我们又得到这个小个的做纪念品!!!   =]

Saturday, September 14, 2013

【TaiPo|大埔】Hong Kong Railway Museum: Outside|香港鐵路博物館:室外

September 14, 2013, Saturday
看完了室內,就來看看室外。 因為我當時很執著一直想要拍沒有人的照片,所以沒有連著大門口拍。 


【TaiPo|大埔】Hong Kong Railway Museum: Inside|香港鐵路博物館:室內

September 14, 2013, Saturday
走了一段路,經過了文武廟,終於來到這裡了。 這裡人潮不多,大多數都是自由行為主,而我還很幸運的可以等到門口沒有人的時候才拍照。


【TaiPo|大埔】Man Mo Temple Garden|文武廟花園

September 14, 2013, Saturday


【TaiPo|大埔】Lam Tsuen River Bridge|林村河橋

September 14, 2013, Saturday
既然大老遠來到大埔,當然不能只看棵願望樹就回家,我通常一個人旅行的時候,就是很喜歡去一個地方,即使我只是為了要看一樣東西才去那邊,我都會覺得那邊附近,一定還會有一些不一樣的景點的。 我很少會早上去了A點,然後下午B點,晚上又C點這樣去趕行程。 所以既然來到大埔這麼遠,當然是要去大埔的市區走走,反正在這裡,我不會怎樣搭巴士回去,所以就看看這個牌子上寫的,看看有沒有到地鐵站的巴士。


【TaiPo|大埔】Lam Tsuen Wishing Square|林村許願廣場

September 14, 2013, Saturday
上一次分享的許願廊是有點隨便,其實也只是想要滿足我自己喜歡分段寫的癖好,所以才勉強的分段寫的。 這個專程來看許願樹的慾望算是成功又不成功,成功是我真的看到願望樹,但又不像是我想像的那種,可以把願望寫在紅紙上,再拋上樹。 


【TaiPo|大埔】Wishing Gallery|許願廊

September 14, 2013, Saturday
上回結尾的時候,說到我在天后宮出來後,想要沿途走回出去搭巴士到另外一個地方。 但是既然來到這麼遠的地方,我當然想要盡我所能去到任何我看到的地方啊。 所以都會東張西望的看看附近還有什麼是我剛剛走進來的時候錯過了的。



September 14, 2013, Saturday
吃過早餐,我既然來到了那麽遠,雖然那許願樹是有點失望,不過我還想在周圍走一走,看看有什麽東西可以看看。 在吃完早餐的地方出來,我向左轉,一直沿路走去。



September 14, 2013, Saturday
已經被遺忘的香港游,但是我還是很想要寫,畢竟去的每一個地方都是值得記錄的,所以我還是慢慢寫吧! 總有一天一定會寫完的(真的但願如此)。 這個幾乎一早出門就直接來到看願望樹,先前沒有吃了任何東西,還是空腹的我,當然會肚子餓。 雖然看到的願望樹是有點失望,但是也要吃早餐啊! 所以順道問了賣許願套裝的嬸嬸,她說向裏面走,有個叫做“牛記餐廳”可以點個早餐來吃。


【TaiPo|大埔】Fong Ma Po (Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree)|放马莆(林村许愿树)

September 14, 2013, Saturday
Back to my Hong Kong travelogue, don't you miss it?? Yea, I know I should write more about this, I've been to many place in Hong Kong. But even so I still like to go there, for me Hong Kong always have lot of places to explore.


Friday, September 13, 2013

【HongKong|香港】Eslite Bookstore @ Causeway Bay|铜锣湾誠品書店

Location: Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
September 13, 2013, Friday

【HongKong|香港】The Night at Hong Kong Central|香港中环的夜晚

September 13, 2013, Friday
On the first night in Hong Kong, I took the tramway to Central, remember on year 2012, we were there took a lot of selfie and wefie crazily, so decided to go back to refresh back again!!


September 13, 2013, Friday

【HongKong|香港】Villain Hitting @ Canal Road East, Causeway Bay|铜锣湾堅拿道的鹅颈桥打小人

September 13, 2013, Friday
In 2012 I took tramways passed by here, heard a bunch of very loud "hitting" noise, but can't guess what was that sounds......then my third elder sister asked us to look to the left, we saw a huge group of people was on villain hitting (da siu yan)!! That was my first time seeing so many people on "da siu yan", was shocked till forgot to take a picture of it......

And this was my second time saw it, didn't really stop down to take a picture, was taking this while I walked passed by......
2012年搭叮叮车的时候无意间听到很集体大声的“敲打”声,起先根本都不知道哪来的 这么大声的声音啊。。。但当我三姐叫我们看向左边的时候,看到一大群人在打小人,这么壮观的场面,当时都看傻了都忘了拍照。。。那是我第一次看到打小人的场景!!


【HongKong|香港】There's a Limitation|自由的约束

September 13, 2013, Friday
Settle everything, have my data!! So now I can start my journey, but I don't know where should I heading to......
搞定完一切,就开始我的旅程,漫无目的的,其实也不知道走去哪里!   看着阴暗的天色时候走回原来的路找晚餐去了!

【HongKong|香港】Prepaid SIM Card|本地储值卡

September 13, 2013, Friday
Back to my HK travelogue, don't know why...but just feel like want to continue writing this, I always tell myself not to write same kind of topic stuffs in a week!! 

【HongKong|香港】Yesinn @ Causeway Bay|铜锣湾悅思客栈

September 13, 2013, Friday
The story continued with why I rush down off the bus quickly…cause I saw this signboard,
I thought I was almost there but wasn't sure about it,
tried to ask a passenger who stand next to the but exit door,
he wore like the airport officer uniform,
so I bet he must be local!!!

Showed him this paper and asked whether is it the right stop to get down,
and he answered me "yes, this's the right station!"

【HongKong|香港】Airport Shuttle Bus to Hostel|由机场去住处的接驳巴士

September 13, 2013, Friday
You may start to see some Hong Kong's pictures from this post...(no more lies on this...away from airport already)

Based on this hostel's direction, I planned to take bus!!!

Was planning to take MRT, (have watch lots of news from HK always complain that people who like to carry luggages in train was kind of troublesome, but I took the train on my way back to the airport so definitely shown that I think too much for it)


One of the good thing in HK is you see lots of clear directory signboard, (even though I took some wrong route later on)
but after all, it still considered quite clear!!!

The bus stop I had to wait at was just right in front!!!

There're lots of bus stop, remember double check to make sure you wait at the right station, cause you don't want to waste your time to take the wrong bus and waste the bus fair as well!!!

Yeah!!! Go...go...go!!! 

Still be able to take some photos of a taking off aircraft before leaving from airport, and glad that I spot it!!!

Forgot to say why I didn't plan to take taxi, cause it may changed me HK$ worthy for one person lo!!!

Can see the Airport Express along the road!!!


Looks like more taxis and buses on this road!!!

Cathay Airline office...I used to like Cathay Airline last time, but not so since it has some silly scandal after that...

国泰航空的总部嘢!   我曾经有一时很喜欢国泰航空,可是由于它过后很多丑闻出来,我就没有那么喜欢它了。。。

HK almost gets flooded by all these tall buildings, even so they still sold as a crazy expensive prices, cause no matter how expensive it goes, they're more and more the red flag people came over to buy it!!!


Realized the window on the side was pretty dirty or they might put the darker window for it,
cause no matter how I take the picture,
it still looks so dark and dirty!!! 


The front view is much clearer and comfortable!!! 


Disneyland....was planned to go there under my trip list, but plans always can't be able to catch up with unpredictable!!!


Getting closer to the city!!! 


More and more buildings in front!!!


What was it in front??? 


 Is Tsing Ma Bridge!!!


Can say that it looks a bit like the Penang bridge, but...all the bridge looks like the same!!! 


Took lots of pictures in here!!! This's what happened for single traveler, can take as many pictures as you want, (Things were totally different when travel with family, cause I've to take of the younger and also the elder one.....)

我拍,我拍,我拍,拍,拍!!!   一个人旅行就是可以这样乱拍,(跟家人一起的时候真的没有那么轻松,要顾小的,又要顾大的。。。)

Always watched this in HK drama or movie, before leaving or heading to the airport...they always have a shot of this bridge!!!


Okay, wasn't intended to scare you guys in this Halloween period...
my self shoot photos are not more than 5 don't worry!!!


Due to the bus fast speed, so hard to get this shot!!!


Container Terminals??? Can it be like those in HK drama, that they always like to keep the hostage in it or some gun shoots there???

货柜码头?   该不会像港剧那种喜欢把人关在货柜里面或着是在那边拍开枪戏码的场地吧???

Tunnel...tunnel...glad that managed to shoot the name of this tunnel!!!


I was right!!! It's that type of container terminal that I mentioned!!! First time seen so many containers, felt they're so amazing!!!

是没错!!!   就是我说的那种货柜码头!!!   第一次看到那么多货柜,真是有点壮观的感觉!!!

This is Stonecutters Bridge!!! Did you see the  International Commerce Centre was just right in front??? The tallest building in HK and seventh in the world!!!

这是昂船洲大橋!!!   有没有看到九龙的環球貿易廣場大厦???   香港最高的建筑,全球排第七!!!

Getting closer, so excited!!! 


More on here too...


First time see such a huge container ship!!!


This can be considered as the daytime shoot for HK view, more coming on the night views as well!!!


Keep shooting it, was just wondering can I spot on any filming  action or not...(this's just my silly thought) 


Too many of this residential towers, looks so pick!!! 


I stayed at Kowloon last year December, didn't get to go Central that much, then now I picked to stayed at Causeway Bay, way more easy for me to go Central!!!

Too many outside photo??? Let's talk the inside,
in order to see such a great view, have to sit in front and upper deck!!!

外面的照片看累了吗???   来说说,假如要拍到清楚的照片,一定就是要坐在大巴的前面,一眼看完才好哦!!!

Saw lots of this Chow Tai Fook advertisement behind of almost every bus, they must earn a lot then only can have such a big promotions lo!!!


Don't believe??? Here's the picture prove it, hardly to find the bus with other advertisement on it!!!

不信,你看!!!   我没有骗你吧。。。

Getting into the city, started to see some traffic!!!



This is Jardine Houseit brought me back to the SARS incident happened in 2003, cause they've a promote charity video of people stand in front of every window of it!!!




Didn't manage to take every picture of every building, only got some of it only, there're way too many to take every of it!!!


HK mini bus, reminds me of Malaysia's mini bus, that I took once when I was very young, story end here...cause I got to rush down from the bus...why???

To be continued...…

香港的小巴,记得小时候我都有坐过马来西亚的mini bus的,


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