Thursday, July 31, 2014

【BookFest|书展】BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 6 Queen Book Sharing & Signing Session|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第六天 女王的新书分享及签书会

July 31, 2014, Thursday

The sixth day of the book fest and this was my last day to visit!! The book sharing session that I want to attend was starts at 7pm, but I was there around 6pm!! 

Before it, was organized by Sin Chew Newspaper, the host will ask couples of easy questions, then whoever got the answer correct can get to pick three free books home on the stage!

And here she's, she's one of my favorite writer after I had read one of her book when I went to Taiwan in year 2012!! Everything that she wrote in her book was just like she's a voice from your heart, those that we hardly voice out but just kept all in our mind, which also make why most of the female like her book very much!!

Actually I hardly found a female that I admired a lot, as I always prefer girls to be mature, independent in physical or mental and also financial as well!

She said female should try to stand alone, try to enjoy the independent and single life, not just because of loneliness then simply find a guy to be together!!

An audience ask question about "third person" in a relationship, she answered if on the half really love you that much, it won't be any third person around!
她说女人要耐得了寂寞,享受独立的生活,不要因为寂寞就随便找个人谈恋爱!   (我也发现现在很多女人真的都耐不了寂寞,当另一半不在身边最会拼命的连环追call,然后一直嚷说自己很可怜没“人”理,那个“人”应该只是说某个人而已)

由于当时连续爆出很多“小三事件”,所以有观众发问假如发问关于小三的问题?   她以很简单明确的回答,假如对方真的爱你的话,也就不会有小三的出现!

Also, she said we don't need to have lots of friends, few of them are just fine as in a good friend will always enlightened your life, but if a friend always full of sad emotional, you might get to influenced by him/her as well......she's an optimistic person no matter what had happened she always look at the brightness side!
她说朋友无需很多,只要几位要好的就已经足够了!   选朋友要谨慎的选朋友,一个好的朋友会让你不断的进步,而一个负面情绪连连的久而久之,你的情绪也会慢慢的被影响!   在舞台上的她很活泼,一直动来动去。。。有人发问她如何面对生活上负面情绪,她说她本身应该天生乐观开朗的人,她会让自己往好的方面去想!

During the Q & A session, I really tended to ask something but too bad that I was siting next to a very big fans of the next book sharing writer, they were kept on laughing on those audience's questions (how rude are they!)

Serious, I thought can learn lot during this book sharing session, but the girl (who's the died fan of the next book sharing writer) she was keep on talking and talking...I don't mind she's talking, but please lower your voice and stop laughing at people's questions!!
这次新书分享其实我也很难专心听,所以没能够记得到她所说的一切,因为我隔壁的坐着下一位新书分享会的粉丝,一直拼命的说话,我都一直很有礼貌的要她安静,她旁边的男性还会告诉她安静一点,她还一直说话。。。哎!   虽常听说看书的人都是比较文静的,但你要有点礼貌吧!

Event period: July 26 (Saturday) ~ August 3 (Sunday), 2014
Admission Fee: RM2.50 per entrance; RM10 for season pass
Official Website:


  1. Wah, you went to the book fest for 6 days berturut turut? Geng! Eh, your "ngau cheong" very sweet looking leh.. I like her hair.. Eh your hair also looks something like hers ma, but yours is black..

    1. No la, just 3 days berturut-turut!! Hahaha, you're so cute la, but of coz she's more pretty, hehe!! =]

  2. haha, I had the same question in mind like Princess Ribbon.. so you went to this BookFest like everyday??

    good that they arranged the authors to give talks and autograph sessions to meet the fans.. but true what you say, those people were really rude!! if they do not want fans of other authors laugh at their questions to their own author, then they should not do the same!!

    1. Nope, just day 1, 4, 5 and 6!!

      Yah la, wanted to shh...but I scared later she might get crazy, you know la, nowadays people very pressure, very easy got mad...

  3. Bravo! Glad your met your favourite author. bad of the other fans to laugh at people's questions

    1. Yah la...I forgot what question was that already...but just so don't like them!! =[

  4. 女王是我一直以来都好喜欢的作者,很喜欢她!
    好羡慕你呀~ 可以见她本人,又有签名合照!!!!

    1. 很多女性都应该很喜欢她,因为她的书实在太有道理了! =]

  5. Wow ..
    I'm sure you have a good day. The author is beautiful too.

  6. She is a beautiful author, Sheta! Very sweet.. too bad you didn't have a chance to ask her questions... yes, I think it is rather distracting to laugh all the time to someone's question...

    1. I know right!! but what to do, that moment I can't anything, any action also seem like not right!! =[

  7. 下一场是九把刀的吧~你没听九把刀的吗?

    1. 或许我比较在意人家怎样看我,所以每次都会保持沉没!

  8. What a lucky day to meet your favourite author. She looks attractive and definitely a popular person with so many fans. Who is next in your list?

  9. 女王的书我还没接触过,看完你这篇,我要买一本爱自己来看看!

  10. She's so pretty. Love her lace dress, very nice.

  11. Wah, you love book fest very much wo! =)

    The author is pretty~

    1. Yah, she's lo, that's why I was kept on snapping pictures!! =]

  12. 妳去了四次,我一次都没去到。。。

  13. This author is very pretty. So pleased you got a photo with her.


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