Wednesday, July 30, 2014

【BookFest|书展】BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 5 LimSiawShan Signing Session|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第五天 林晓姗签书会

July 30, 2014, Wednesday

I went to the first, and the forth day, and this day is the fifth day of the book fest!! This day I was rushing to this blogger, Lim Siaw Shan and as well as author's new book signing session!! Her book sharing session was started at 4pm (obviously I won't be able make it on time, so I was thinking at least I can catch her signing session) Thus I left my office at 4pm from Shah Alam straight away to KLCC... 

Guess what time I arrived?? I arrived at KLCC was roughly 430pm, wow!!! Since I'm still not familiar with the road around KLCC so I just parked my car at KLCC then walked to KL Convention Centre...for those who know, from KLCC to KL Convention we need at least 5 to 10 minutes walking distance, but on that moment, I was running......I ran as fast as possible to get to Hall 5 to get the entrance bangle then ran all the way to Hall again...was almost out of breath when I got there......
从Shah Alam抵达KLCC是四点半!!   根据之前的签书会,虽说到4点45分结束,但签完所有的书籍,应该会5点多吧!   所以都不管三七二十一,以最快的速度在KLCC找到停车位就以跑的速度再飞到KL Convention Centre。。。虽知道KLCC虽然在KL Convention Centre旁边,但步行过去,至少都要5到10分钟,而且还要在Hall 5拿票再跑到Hall 1,这整个过程都在喘个不停啊。。。

Finally...I'm be able to make it on time and since I didn't get her autograph on her first book, I asked "I did bring your first book, can you sign for me as well?"

At the end, I got both of my books signed happily and......also tired like hell......

Event period: July 26 (Saturday) ~ August 3 (Sunday), 2014
Admission Fee: RM2.50 per entrance; RM10 for season pass
Official Website:
Address: Hall 1 to 5 (Ground Floor), Grand Ballroom & Banquet Hall (Level) of Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre KLCC

Day 1 [July 26, 2014, Saturday]
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 1 |马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第一天 欧阳林 新书分享及签书会
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 1 Stuffs I bought in Lifestyle Pavilion|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第一天 文娱馆所买

Day 4 [July 29, 2014, Tuesday]
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 4 Books I Bought|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第四天 我买的书
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 4 OwenYap Book Sharing & Signing Session|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第四天 叶剑锋新书分享及签名会

Day 5 [July 30, 2014, Wednesday]
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 5 LimSiawShan Signing Session|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第五天 林晓姗签书会

Day 6 [July 31, 2014, Thursday]
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 6 Queen Book Sharing & Signing Session|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第六天 女王的新书分享及签书会


  1. Morning morning, don't forget about our lunch tomorrow.. Your first picture that lenglui looks very "sook min".. Hmm... But I dunno her la of coz, hehe.. Cute signature :)

    1. Wah you so geng! After work, terus rush to KLCC, and you only took half an hour! You "fei cheh" (fly car) ahh? You took the NPE then to Smart tunnel right? Clever wor you, not scared of driving.. Geng!

    2. Of coz I won't forgot about it lla, hehehe!! She said she's very different from the picture, but I when I see her real person, I found it she's very cute lo!!

      I didn't manage to take the Smart Tunnel leh, I miss it...=[ Guess if I took Smart Tunnel should be much faster, right?

      But you're right, I was serious fei cheh to get there leh!! XD

  2. 我可以想象到你的喘。。还好总算赶到了。。哈哈哈

  3. only 5 min meh?? I think from KLCC to the exhibition hall in the Conventoon Centre about 10 min leh.. plus with the people "strolling" there in groups thinking that they own the way blocking other people's way, takes even longer lah~~

    I may not know this blogger 曉珊 but I think she's nice person.. she signed two books for you and what's more??!! she drew something for you with the autograph also, 很有誠意 leh~~ :)

    1. Yah la, quite true also...I put 10minutes at first, then I thought that might just apply to my short legs only, so I make it 5 minutes lo!!

      This's her second book, and I've already half way finish the second book, it's so interesting, highly recommend it!! =]

  4. Wow..Nice , you get to take pix with her too !!

  5. you went so many rounds. So nice leh to have her autograph

    1. Yah lo!! No choice, they all came in different days!! =]

  6. Dunno her either. Nice illustrations, like Lat's cartoons.

    1. Yup, I like it too!! Guess she's more well known among Chinese blogger, hehe!!

  7. 赶到就好赶到就好XD
    我也很喜欢她,只是一直没机会去到她的分享和签名会 :/

    1. 对,那时间真的狠半天吊的感觉,还好有赶到,希望以后的会在晚上,那就比较方便了!

  8. What a nice memory and keepsake from the author. :)

  9. This is mun here with my other id. Wow, you must have driven like a race car driver. Can reach there in 30 mins. Glad to hear you managed to get her autographs on both your books. Your multisession ticket is really worth it seeing that you attended so many book signing sessions.

    1. Hahaha, apparently I drive pretty fast, like my usual days as well, don't know...just feel like got to rush with the time!!

      Yah, that's what I said before, I got to be there for at least four day to worth back what I had paid for!!

  10. 我还没试过拿书给作者签名呢!!! ^^

  11. Woah you're really geng!!! 30 mins to KLCC!
    Then walk in 5 mins to KLCC, can imagine how fast you are woohoo~
    Luckily you managed to get her autograph in the end :)))

    1. Yup, it was definitely flying car and running in the hall!! XD

  12. 哇,超级粉丝^^

    1. 不会是超级粉丝啦,呵呵!

      只是很想去的那种感觉吧!想做就会一定要做到的那种!! =]

  13. You really like this author, huh? That's why speeding all the way to KLCC :) Worth it lah she sign both books for you, some more got take photo with you.

    1. Not really like those died heart fans, but just feel like doing so, hehe!!! =]

  14. Such a young and sweet author.. too bad I don't understand Mandarin... the book must be good otherwise you wouldn't be running all the way to make it in time.. phewwww!

    1. Yup, her book was pretty funny and interesting plus not very expensive and is local writer, we should support more!! =]

  15. 看来天天报到,有恒心,一个也不放过~:)

    1. 也没有很有恒心,我只到四天,其他的都不管了。。。

  16. 你真的很有心~ 记得你也特地下去马六甲参与蓝天白云的演讲!

    1. 哈哈哈,现在想回去都不知道我有时候就是那么的执着啊。。。

  17. 哇!能与年轻作者合影签书,漂亮,太棒了

  18. Wow, another great book to add in your collections!


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