Saturday, July 26, 2014

【BookFest|书展】BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 1 |马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第一天 欧阳林 新书分享及签书会

July 26, 2014, Saturday
Too much "basi" posts recently, so here I'm to have a most recent happened one...(and this reminds me that I still haven't write the one happened in last year~~~)

As last year I just went there to buy books only, never know they'll have the author there to have book sharing session and signing session! So this year I've counted properly that single entry is RM2.50 and RM10 for 9days!! As like for me, I need to reenter again and again for the book sharing sessions and signing sessions, so I might just get the 9days ticket, I know it will be totally worthy if I've been there for more than 4days, right??

I know lots of people were complaining about the entrance ticket, so do I...if we're going inside to spend money then why we still need to pay extra for the entrance fee...but personally I guess the fee should be for be pay for all the staffs, as who has been there should noticed they've hired a lot staffs for this event...but who knows?? This's just my assumptions only ya!!!

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure they've earned a lot in this event as when I was queuing to check out, I heard some conversations between these two staffs (okay, I'm not so gossip...purposely go and listen what people talking!! It was because I queuing in line as the second waiting person, so I can see and hear clearly from my sight...and what caught my attention the most was these staffs, the female is the casher and the male is the casher helper!! This guy wasn't paying any attention to his work...he was kept on talking to this lady casher, which makes this lady casher missed count of those book that she has then she got to take out every books from plastic bag and recount it again...=.=!!!) Back the topic, from their conversation, I heard that lady cashier told the guy the senior came here just now to collect money from the money, it was about "5-digit" of the figure, see!!!
由于去年只是知道去买书,傻傻的不知道他们有办签书会,所以今年我都已经算好了!!!   一次如门票是RM2.50(进去消费,为何还要手入门票??   给工作人员的工资??   但他们也赚不少吧(瞎猜)!!   因为我在收银台排队等候付钱的时候,听到那收银台的男工作人员在“溜女仔”的对话,话说我也不是那么的八卦的刻意去留意人家在谈什么。。。全是因为后面都已经排长龙,而我是排在第二位,那男助手的又要跟女的收银员谈天,导致她点算错书!!! =.=!!! 结果全部书都要拿出来再重新算过,需要看看有哪一本没有点算到,你说这是不是无奈??   话说回来他们的对话就说到刚刚那位来收钱的工作人员点算收了多少钱去,那女的说了5位数的数额,而那只是属于一个收银台的数额哦!!!   所以咯,除非那入门票真的是要用来给这些售票员,收银员,排书及管厕所的员工等等。。。   那就算是蛮合理吧,但举办当局也没有说明一切,所以这只是我瞎推测而已!)由于我要进去很多次找作者签名,所以算算下,我需要买RM10的季节票根比较划算,RM10九天,只要我去超过四天,什么都值回票价了!!!

This book sharing session starts at 12pm but I was late because I parked my car like super duper far from KLCC...all in all just because I refused to pay the expansive parking ticket inside KLCC!! Based on my bad experience last year, I've paid roughly RM50 for parking ticket for whole day, it was so crazy......right?
其实我由于要省泊车钱(这样也可以省,我每次都会被骂每次省在不应该省的地方,哇哈哈哈~~~   不过也总好过我去年停放在KLCC吃了我整整Rm50多块的泊车费,那么犀利!   我是一个很甘愿走很远,但是可以省钱的人,我不是那种大小姐,走走下路,又不会怎样!   =p),我将我的车停得很远很远,走了很长很长的路才到,所以我到的时候讲座已经开始了!

After reading his 《台北医生故事之菜鸟出诊篇》, I felt like I must participate in his signing session as a support!! He's a doctor and author named DrOuYangLin!! (I saw lots of readers have brought along his previous books to let him sign...but where's mine...why didn't I bring those with me as well!! =[)
自从上次看了《台北医生故事之菜鸟出诊篇》后,我就很欣赏这位医生作家,欧阳林!   他以很搞笑风趣的方式带出整个医生职业,而且他里面也有提到他之前的签书会,让我想到,下次假如有机会我一定要去支持一下!!   (但很失策的。。。很多人都很聪明地带了很多他之前的作品来让他签名,可是我的却都留在家里,真是错失良机。。。)

He's a very friendly author, always tried to chat with every reader who came along to get his signature!!

Forget my big fat arm...=.=!! Thanks to the staff aside, help me to shoot this picture!! =]
虽然我的手臂很粗。。。所以就请忽略掉它吧!   我是一个人去的,真的要谢谢在旁工作人员帮我拍照!   =]

Actually I had bought this book for almost two weeks, but just don't have the time to touch it yet!!! o.O!!!
其实我这书买了两个星期,但还没有时间读!   o.O!!!

I heard he told the previous reader, he'll signed two autographs for when my turn, I asked him can I have the two autographs as well?

Hehe!! This's his nickname

And this's his full name autograph, while on that moment this kids who queuing behind was asking his mother, why he signed so many signature one? o.O!
After his book sharing session then is Ah NiuThe Journey's director Chiu Keng Guan and Director Wong Kew Lit

Event period: July 26 (Saturday) ~ August 3 (Sunday), 2014
Admission Fee: RM2.50 per entrance; RM10 for season pass
Official Website:
Address: Hall 1 to 5 (Ground Floor), Grand Ballroom & Banquet Hall (Level) of Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre KLCC

Day 1 [July 26, 2014, Saturday]
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 1 |马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第一天 欧阳林 新书分享及签书会
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 1 Stuffs I bought in Lifestyle Pavilion|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第一天 文娱馆所买

Day 4 [July 29, 2014, Tuesday]
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 4 Books I Bought|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第四天 我买的书
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 4 OwenYap Book Sharing & Signing Session|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第四天 叶剑锋新书分享及签名会

Day 5 [July 30, 2014, Wednesday]
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 5 LimSiawShan Signing Session|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第五天 林晓姗签书会

Day 6 [July 31, 2014, Thursday]
BookFest 2014 @ Malaysia: Day 6 Queen Book Sharing & Signing Session|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市: 第六天 女王的新书分享及签书会


  1. Uiiiks, your update only appears in my feed now.. Oohh this one, yeah, you sent me the picture the other day, I still remember.. Glad you could take autograph from your favourite author.. Wow, you look very chic and trendy in your cute skirt and cap.. Love it..

    1. Hehe!! That's my favorite skirt!! Yah! That's the first day of it, I thought that day was the most crowded day but who knows the following days were much crowded than the first day duh!

  2. 新鲜滚热辣。。呵呵呵

    1. 我没有每天去到,因为太累了,而且工作很忙,我只是去了四天而已!

  3. 很羡慕你们那边有那么大型的书展,天天去才能逛完全部书摊吧?收进门费是有怪。。。

    1. 对呀!那就不会那么赶,不然会搞得自己很累哦!

  4. 我喜欢那本书的书名 “跟医生去鬼混” 嘻嘻嘻
    我想去,但是老公不准我去。一来家里还有很多书还没看;二来带着两个babies 也不能去啦!

    1. 我看到很多妈妈带小孩去,我都佩服他们啊,人那么多,真的会很累而且担心小孩也会不舒服!

  5. 我知道他们真的赚超多的啊!!!而且天天的书展都那么多人耶。

    1. 但我第一天的时候没有那么多人,过后接下来几天真的是人多到吓人啊!

  6. 我只是去看草本街,那时在台上的是叶剑锋,真后悔没买到他的书。

    1. 所以我才分很多天去,所以才不会那么赶!

      叶剑峰的实在太棒了,我有得到他的签名哦!! =]

  7. well, they do this event for a profit, after all. Good money for the organiser and authors. ;)

    1. Yah!! But can see not all authors get to earn a lot, hehe!

  8. 说真的,klcc的书展,我去过一次后,就不敢再去了。。。好多人啊

    1. 真的很多人,所以不可以待太久,不会很不耐烦!! =]

  9. Oh? Bookfest... I saw the link in somebody's blog and I read Breakfast... LOL!!!

    1. LoL!! You scared me, I thought I miss typed it as breakfast!!! Wahahaha~~~

  10. I always like to read the way you write. So honest and tickle my ribs always. In other words, you have a unique style of blogging which attracts many readers! Keep it up.

    I have attended many book fairs and you might think that I was crazy to visit the fairs in BKK, Singapore, Taiwan and China. I was importing books and trading them with only one client >>> EM-PEE-H.
    Once I was in Kaoshiung and the long queue of devotees lined almost a thousand to get the author's signature which was believed to bring them good luck! So this man just shared his wisdom and luck with you too! Great!

    I am scared of the KLCC parking fees too!

  11. 呵呵,这篇果然是新鲜出炉。

  12. Wow, lucky you! And now only I know your Chinese name is 碧珊 ;)

  13. 你是为了我写这篇的吗?哈哈哈哈(想太多XD)




    1. 关于入场费的问题,星洲主编说过:“大馬讀者頗有對吉隆坡海外華文書市“恨鐵不成鋼”的口吻,其實雖然同是大型書展,彼此的條件是相距很大的,這包括:海外華文書市


  14. The rm10 season pass is worth it since you go in and out for a few days.

  15. Very pretty photo with the author. You look really stylish!

  16. 泊车费真的超贵的。

  17. 我前两年都去了,但是这次遇上回家乡,结果就没去,明年希望他会再来


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