Saturday, June 27, 2015


June 27, 2015, Saturday
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

【Blog|部落格】The New Watermark|新的水印

June 23, 2015, Tuesday
Something unusual today, usually I've my blog posts done on weekend. But because this's one of the kind so I got to finish it today.

Such an amazing surprise (which can actually count as my earliest birthday gift this year) from my secondary school BFF, Elis. I asked her to design a blog logo / watermark for me. At first she has no clue to start, until we met up at Singapore and I just roughly draw one for her, then now she came out this!

PS: I asked her "Is that because I'm very fat, that's why you drew my so round ya!!!??" +.+ Anyway, thanks so much for her efforts. Hence I'm here to make an advertisement for her as well, she's a graphic design from Anue Technologies ( She and her husband just started the business not long ago, is last year...I guess!
看看日子,原来是那么近了啊?? 今年最早得到的生日礼物是来自我中学的好朋友,阿佩。 身为平面设计师的她,早已被我钉上,请她帮我部落格设计一个水印(这个“请”还是不用钱的那种,我真的够意思!)

它的原先概念完全什么都没有,我只是跟她说“设计随你喜欢,但上面一定要放飞机啊!” (死样子,我想。。。她已经顶不顺我很久了,因为还要从中学就一直听我噜到现在,十多年了,够了没?)一切直到我上星期去新加坡工作时候,晚上与她见面时候才谈起,我只是随意乱画给她,她就可以设计出这个给我。

PS: 嘿嘿!我问她“我是不是很肥啊?所以你才把我的脸画到那么圆呢??” 好朋友真的会对你说实话!=.=!!! 但说到底还是要谢谢她那么用心,所以顺便来帮她打个广告,她在新加坡当平面设计师,是她自家的公司Anue Technologies ( 专做广告平面设计,还有所以做销售的也是她。去年她的公司才刚刚起步,所以我要多多给她加油打气!

I do like this one. Yep, I was actually wanted to blog about it but more and more procrastinate, so might just forget about it! My colleague made this for me (also as I requested) The girl head was drew by one of the blogger Panda Ice in a birthday card that she sent me last year, then scan it into PS. Besides that, it was so like my style, I request a F35 on it!! Hehe!!
那我之前这个呢? 我当然也是喜欢这个啊,只是没有很喜欢(嘘~~~)这是我同事帮我设计的,头像是熊猫妹妹静仪画在我生日卡上的,将它印制进Photoshop,借来当我的水印,然后再加上我爱的F35,嘻嘻!

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

【Singapore|新加坡】The Red Bus|紅色巴士

June 16, 2015, Tuesday
每次旅遊都很隨性的我,可以為了看到街邊有個有興趣的東西而停下來拍照。。。而這個地方也就是這個原因。 話說我15號到的時候,就一直經過這條道路,看到街邊有個停著的巴士。 知道我的人都知道我是很喜歡建築物和交通工具,每況遇到我想要去看的地方,我都會一直想辦法看到。 我和好友佩吃完提早的晚餐後,我跟她說了這個地方。。。



June 16, 2015, Tuesday


Monday, June 15, 2015

【Singapore|新加坡】Paper Market|手帳蓋章

June 15, 2015, Monday
Of course they do not just have one shop for stationary, just next few shop, there's another one, way much bigger one. Seriously if you're not looking for something, do not just walk in for fun, for sure you'll spend something inside =D


【Singapore|新加坡】NBC Haul

June 15, 2015, Monday
Ember said the reason she chose Raffles City because it has few stationary shops nearby, so after dinner we can go check it out.
Ember說會選上這個Raffles City地方來見面是因為這裡有幾家手帳店(是文具店啦!) 這種店其實不進去還好,一進去一定會花錢的!


【Singapore|新加坡】The Soup Spoon Union

June 15, 2015, Monday
It's been a long time post, this was after my visit of the Gundam Exhibition. Remember our first met was here too, yea! I came here to meet Ember.
寫完非常長的高達展覽,就趕來和Ember約會。 上一次我們又是約在這裡,好像這裡都比較容易認,而且也比較容易抵達,所以才約在這裡。 相隔兩年,食物的味道已忘記,但是跟誰約會還有在哪裡,記憶還是很清晰的。


【Gundam|高達】Mini Gundam Exhibition 2|小型模型高達展覽 2

June 15, 2015, Monday
我的上一篇只是分享一點點,那是因為我要分段來寫,因為全部寫在同一篇又太多了。 上一篇的是被隔起來的展覽廳,而以下的是比較集中的放在一起的。


【Gundam|高達】Mini Gundam Exhibition 1|小型模型高達展覽 1

June 15, 2015, Monday


【Gundam|高達】Gundam Docks @ Singapore|新加坡高達展

June 15, 2015, Monday
Yes, I went to Singapore for WORK (PS: not for traveling please, I know some will say "look at the currency now! I would rather choose other places...")

【Singapore|新加坡】PappaRich OneKM @ Katong

June 15, 2015, Monday
酒店放好行李,我和同事約好15分鐘後到樓下集合,一起去吃午餐。 在酒店的對面就有一家商場,名叫One KM(這個名字,說真的,我當時還不以為意,我是在寫這一篇的時候,才發現這家商場名叫“一公里”)


【Singapore|新加坡】Grand Mercure Singapore Roxy: Room|房間篇

June 15, 2015, Monday


【Singapore|新加坡】Airport to Grand Mercure by Shuttle Bus|機場到酒店的接駁公車

June 15, 2015, Monday
Grand Mercure酒店是有提供機場到酒店,酒店到機場的接駁公車的,所以依據指示牌到巴士站等巴士,不同的Terminal,巴士抵達的時間不同,可以點擊這裡知道詳情。


【Airbus|空中巴士】Jetstar Airways A320-200|捷星航空 A320-200

June 15, 2015, Monday
上回說到我在機場Old Town吃早餐,早餐後就直接入等候廳等待起飛了。 這是非常雀躍的心情,因為是第一次工作的關係出國,那時候選航班的時候,我還傻傻的看到捷星航空,想說我沒有乘搭過捷星航空,所以就想要嘗試一下。


【Airport|機場】OldTown WhiteCoffee|早餐

June 15, 2015, Monday
就只是要清文,這個是第一次因為工作關係,到新加坡做個交流。  當時還真的很興奮,原來相比起來,交流的工作性質,還真的輕鬆多了。


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

【DIY|自制】One of Those Days|那些日子

June 10, 2015, Wednesday
Play a little bit of throw back today, and it's back to my secondary school those days... I'm pretty sure most of you must join one or two club in your secondary school and so do I...... I joined a uniform society last time which call "Skim Pinjaman Buku Tesks" in Malay. Basically what we do was give out the textbooks to the students at the beginning of the year and collect them back at end of the year.
今天来细说不一样的当年,早前在收拾装中学时期收到的贺卡纸箱时候找到这个,一个令我真的不得不佩服自己完美执着任性。 相信上过中学的你,多多少少都有参加过至少一个社团,我当时就因为贪方便,参加了比我大两年的邻居的课本借书社团,马来文名称为Skim Pinjaman Buku Tesks。 其实这个社团也真的没有什么东西做,只有年头年尾帮学生搞借书还书的时候比较忙之外,其他时候我们都没有什么东西做! 当时很多朋友都是冲着因为它是唯一最特别的紫色制服而来参加,所以基本上几乎都是抱着玩玩下的心态参加,没有过于认真。 每年9月我们都会有一次职位选举,由今年的高年级学姐选出下一年的新职位,然后就会在酒店搞一个Majilis Perpisahan的仪式来送别最后一年的高级学姐,加职位颁发典礼。


Sunday, June 07, 2015

【Doraemon|哆啦A梦】Elongated Coins|图案硬币

June 7, 2015, Sunday
I helped my brother to pick up his iPad at e@Curve, iDevice Repair store last Sunday because his iPad battery has broken.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Wednesday, June 03, 2015


June 3, 2015, Wednesday
還真的第一次給書寫不好的評語,不過這還真的不關這本書的事哦! 只是我很習慣看白話文,所以我實在接受不了書裡面,作者一直用“”。 平常我們說“我”,我們都會用“我”,但是作者的“我”是“俺”。 我知道這是對的用詞,只是我有時候習慣看書時候會讀出來,作者一直用“俺”,讓我讀得超不爽,更別說是去閱讀和明白故事是什麼,所以。。。 這還是唯一一本書,讓我讀得非常非常非常生氣的,然後我索性就不要看了。。。但是最後還是要重申一句,網上給這本書的評語是7顆星,所以我真的覺得是我的問題,不是這書不好看喔!


【Thoughts|想法】Almost Happened|来不及发生的意外

April 22, 2015, Wednesday
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