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Wednesday, June 03, 2015

【Thoughts|想法】Almost Happened|来不及发生的意外

April 22, 2015, Wednesday
That day, the cross line of death was just right in front of me, my whole brain was blank and don't know how to respond to. I was coming out from small road and the other truck was turning inside with a very high speed, by seeing the truck was almost hit on my driver side door and I've nothing to do to stop it... But luckily the truck managed to step on the break pedal on the last few second......

After all something great happened, I lost the feeling of jealously out of sudden. As I was a very competitive person and very easy to got jealous on others. Despite on what I've, I know I'm much way better than others, but still I'm still jealous on how they're so fortune to have a boyfriend/husband to buy stuffs for them according to what they like, they can go travel without paying any single dollar as their other behalf with pay for them. Which is why I also claimed that why do I don't have the other person that can get to know what am I thinking and what I want as they do...(Well, honestly but I do feel proud that I done everything by myself and pay myself, not hopping for anyone to pay for me)

Bla, bla, bla......all of these were the "stuffs" that was in my mind, but the good thing is after this incident, the whole thing was gone like forever......I just lost all the feelings of jealousy towards them, guess it's because when it's near to death then I realized I shouldn't waste time on these. So yah, I'm really thanks to this incident actually and I'm happier than last time, isn't it amazing??

每次放大别人的美好和放大自己的不美好,问谁都知道我。。。除了。。。没。。。有。。。男。。。朋。。。友之外! 确实我其他方便几乎都比一般人来得好很多,我的工作跟家庭环境(应该是别人会嫉妒我,多过我会嫉妒人家吧! 结果我自己还每次死心眼,那种烂心态)



或许很多人会说不要看别人的好,只看自己的,何必去嫉妒他人。 但当一个人处于那种专牛角尖的时刻是,无论旁人说什么,耳朵就好像建了一道不锈钢的抗音器,什么都听不进去的,况且假如一两句话就可以改变的话,这个世界就不会有看不开的人啦!



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  1. Oh dear!!! So so scary!!! Thank goodness it did not happen. Do take care on the road, drive safe.

    1. Yup, it was scary like hell...must be alert all the time...

  2. Oh dear, when and where it happened? Most important you are alright.. It's good that those jealousy feelings all gone, not everyone is as fortunate as you mentioned la.. I pay for my own stuff and we are not rich people, still driving old car..

    1. Yah, just be grateful of what we have, that's enough...

  3. OMG that was scary!!! luckily you are alright, cold sweat dripping and face turned pale.. and I must agree with you, after you have experienced something tragic, you will most probably changed.. you may change to look at things differently and appreciate what you have.. it's good that you are slowly feeling happy with what you are, and I think we can also feel it from your blog leh, it's a good thing.. I think this has also gotta do with the age, at different age and stages of life, we look into different things.. :)

    1. HAHAHA.....Is damn true that I was so emo last time, until the moment I can't believe that, and I'm still learning. Hope that's one day I would be able came out a post teach people how to getting over jealousy and something...

  4. This is kind of like shock therapy at its most extreme. Thank goodness that's all that happened and something good come out of this close encounter!

  5. 這或許就是所謂的因禍得福吧,呵呵。



    1. 因为我不容许自己退步,所以一直看自己有什么需要改进的,假如不去面对它就会不会有进步的一天,所以我必须一致无时无刻的提醒自己哦。

  6. 很多事情都有两面,你看到的只是事情好的一面,比如买东西,有人付钱等,其实这些东西的背后,需要更多的迁就与包容,只能说,凡是有得必有失!!

    1. 人就是很奇怪的爱看好的那方面,而永远看不到后面的悲哀。。。

  7. 人比人气死人,你找到属于自己的价值,就不会对别人羡慕嫉妒恨了。

  8. Thank God you are safe! Be happy that you are still alive and blogging otherwise we would miss you and cry buckets of tears.

    I am surprised that You were always so jealous over small things. You sounded cute like a small gal.
    Hey life is not always fair to everyone as one's karma rules. The fate is in our own hands and only we ourselves could change our fate. Just be happy that you have a lovely & caring family with a nice home besides having so many friends here. I am thankful that I am not drifting aimlessly like those poor boat people now. So sad for them. Cheer up & Happy Blogging Again.

    1. Hahaha, sure or not?? Got people will miss me?? =p

      Yah, I always can jealous with very small thing, small like people won't even bother it, but I just take it too serious...

  9. 说真心话, 不比较不妒忌真的不容易, 我也在学着权衡啊~~~

  10. 任何事摆在生死前面,一切都是渺小的。我很欣赏你勇于面对和承认自己的缺点,当你愿意正视问题就有摆脱的一天。

    1. 我以前很喜欢逃避,但是一直逃避,它是永远不会进步的,所以我唯有告诉自己一定要很坦然的面对与改变。

  11. Glad you are ok... yeah, all these jealously, anger, pettiness and so on are nothing when you faced the bigger things in life.

  12. Luckily u don get any injuries, v don know what will happen next to us. It is normal to have jealousy and negative thinking in our life. Just sometimes when v over focus on it, it become a harm to us or others.
    well no need to jealous on those who depends on their bf or partner so much. Be proud of urself for being so independent in ur decision making and responsible to ur life. It is a good thing that we learn how to grow up first be4 others, and u did it.
    Be glad and be contented in life. It will make things better. Always have a two ways view.
    Hope you are doing well ya

    1. Being independent can be view as difficult but also is an enjoying...

  13. I am glad to hear that nothing happened and the truck driver stopped in time. Good to know also that your view has changed for the better since this incident.

    1. Yup, I'm pretty happy to share my good and bad, wish people can learn something from it as well.


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