Monday, June 15, 2015

【Gundam|高達】Mini Gundam Exhibition 2|小型模型高達展覽 2

June 15, 2015, Monday
我的上一篇只是分享一點點,那是因為我要分段來寫,因為全部寫在同一篇又太多了。 上一篇的是被隔起來的展覽廳,而以下的是比較集中的放在一起的。

English: Compare with the previous post, this has more pictures, because the previous one was at a specify compartment. And for this one they're placed together among each other.
Event Periods: June 4 (Thursday) ~ June 28 (Sunday), 2015
Time: 10am - 10pm
Admission Fee: Free
Official Website:
Address: Ngee Ann City Singapore.

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