Monday, December 28, 2015

【Movie|电影】Ip Man 3|《葉問3》

December 28, 2015, Monday
I didn't manage to watch this movie before I left to Hong Kong, so...I watched in Hong Kong alone. Pretty interesting yea! Watch movie overseas and even by myself some more. It was a good experienced, just that the movie ticket is slightly expensive than here though.
25號上映的葉問3,我來不及看,我就去了香港。所以我唯有自個兒在香港一個人看電影,回顧在馬來西亞,我真的很久沒有一個人看電影了,因為大多都是跟哥哥和二姐夫看,加上自己的興趣很多,沒有多出多餘的時間再到電影院去自己看電影。 不過這總算讓我有藉口的在外地看電影,可以用來跟本地的電影院來做個比較。

For some reasons, somebody sue that my post involved of Copyright thing, so from now onward for movie, I would just keep as simple as this.
這一篇,無端端被誣告說是侵犯了私人版權問題,我都不知道哪裏出現了侵犯版權問題? 所以拿下了所以不屬于我的文字和照片,以後都會以這樣的方式呈現。

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  1. Wahhh!!! 3 already eh? Kung Fu Panda, also 3, right?

    1. Yea, but I didn't watch 3 of the Kung Fu Panda, if not mistaken I had watched the first one only.

  2. 甄子丹始终逃不出叶问这角色,票房保证,一演再演。

  3. What a good experience to watch a movie in HK. I have not done that. I heard that Ip Man 3 is a nice movie to watch but most people expected the scenes with Mike Tyson in them to be longer.

    1. Yea, same here...since they're so hardcore on that scene, I thought that's the climax of the whole movie though.

  4. This is one movie I wanted to watch but too bad, the DVD was not out yet. I try not to read the spoilers..LOL

    1. Hahaha, usually I won't spoil much...btw there's a lot online to watch (evil!)

  5. Good morning Sheta and Gong Xi Fa Cai to you & family. I'm back to work today, and I feel like a newbie reporting to work on the first day.. Leaving my footprints here, and back to checking my emails.. Sighhhhh..

    1. Hahaha, Morning sweeties...bless the good start to you.

  6. Gong Xi Fatt Chai, Xiao Ying

    hahaha.... No idea on IP man coz part 1 also have not watch

    1. Aiyo, you shouldn't miss out this movie, it won't waste your time.

  7. actually planned to watch this movie earlier but then later dunno why didn't make it, hahaha.. went to watch 西游記之孫悟空三打白骨精 during CNY instead, errrr, actually quite good also at least way better than my expectation, hahaha.. nope, i will not go and watch 賭城風雲~~ :p

    1. Why?? That's my favorite drama la, I guess is even better if Stephen Chow is in the movie.

  8. 我没有看这部耶 之前上映的时候没时间 :/

    1. 現在可以上網看哦(不過犯法的啦!=p)。

  9. I watched this movie and felt so sad that his wife died.
    I kept thinking how it would be like if the same thing happened to me. Sobs!

    I might try to go watch movies in Japan next week. It costs a bomb there but you gave me an idea to try it. We only live once!

    1. Choi.....don't simply think too much, treasure what you have now is the best of the world already.


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