Sunday, August 30, 2020

【Drama|電視劇】The Umbrella Academy: Season 1 and Season 2|《雨傘學院》第一季和第二季


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The Umbrella Academy, originally from Netflix. Seven siblings with various superpowers. Given names as numbers by their adopted father. 

Number One, Luther who has super strength, was once almost killed in a mission, to save him, his father injected ape's blood into his body which has literraly turned him to looks like an ape from some point. 

Number Two, Diego, the one can aim on anything with knives, nothing much story to tell about him besides the plot is giving him a relationship in each season, her ex-girlfriend friend got killed when trying to save his brother. And on the second season, his ex-girlfriend has the superpowers of every of them, almost killed all of them.

Number Three, Allison, would say she's the one has the most stories as she has a superpower called "Have you heard a rumour, everything said after this, it will turn into truth. She used her power to get things that she wants but it brings some of the lost of her as well.

Number Four, Klaus, the most weird among the siblings, doesn't matter from his outfit or his behaviour, he is always in a sober conditions and addicted to alcohol. Glad he wakes up eventually and help his sibling whenever he can.

Number Five, also called as Five, he doesn't really have a name because he ran away from home in a young age. He has the ability to jump through the space, the past and the future. He is basically the leading of the whole stories as he always see the future and attempt to change the future from the past. Well, one thing is true is that we can't change the past, but we can change anything which hasn't happened, isn't it?

Number Six, Ben, he is not acting as a human being but as a soul, sometimes he needs to use Klaus body to show himself. Can't remember these two seasons did show how he really died but guessing he will be acting as a normal human being in season three as this is showing at the ending of the season two.

Number Seven, Vanya, the one has the most uncontrollable and the strongest power among the siblings, that's why she has been treated as a normal child, but actually she is the most dangerous boom.
終於把這部美句給看完了,明明之前是在看著這部電視劇的,但由於《三十而已》的出現,所以就放棄了這部美劇而去追中國劇。 話說回來這部美劇,我連續看了兩季,第一季介紹人物的開始,第二季跟第二季有所連結。 七位主角,收養他們的父親用號碼來命名他們,老大有著超大的力氣,老二是飛刀高手,老三可以說出任何可以成真的謠言,老四可以和靈異溝通,老五可以穿梭空間和時間,老六有八爪魚一樣的角,老七擁有音波共震的力量。

老七從小就不會控制自己的超能力,所以就被灌輸她只是一個普通人,但其實她的超能力卻是七位兄弟姊妹中,最厲害的那位。 我總覺得她的超能力有點像Captain Marvel一樣,適當的運用超能力可以讓她飛在半空中。

老六不幸早死,在第一二季的時候都是已靈魂的方式出現,但劇情的發展,讓他在重要的時刻,還是可以幫得一些忙。 剛看維基百科,在第三季的時候他終於不再是靈體,而是用實體人物出現了。

老五算是整部戲劇的引領,能夠看到未來過去能力,所以幾乎都一直在嘗試著改變未來。 過去的無法改變,但是未來卻是掌握在我們手中,不嘗試改變,我們怎能知道未來會是怎樣? 至少都有努力過,不是嗎?





Monday, August 24, 2020

【Drama|戲劇】Nothing But Thirty|三十而已

 August 24, 2020, Monday

✈️1 Picture Sources

Sunday, August 23, 2020


 August 23, 2020, Sunday

辦公室哲學,MCO期間,看著很多人失業,很多人開始找工作,當新同事進來公司的時候,大家都是怎樣對他的呢? 假如年紀比你大一點,但是卻要跟你做相同的職位,你又會怎樣跟這位同事相處呢?


記得他剛入職的時候,身邊的同事都當他是只是普通的同事,沒有想說以他的歲數而對他會有些尊敬,適當的時候,還會對他有所排擠和遭笑。 回想起當時,我也為當時自己的不禮貌而感羞愧。 曾經有看過其他的同事,明明看到他犯了錯,還或者是辦事方法出了問題,而從都不提醒,反而在背後遭笑或像個播音器一樣,將整個故事傳片整個公司。 也許大家想到的辦公室生存之道是少做少錯,即使看到別人做錯,也不要多嘴。


Saturday, August 22, 2020


 August 22, 2020 Saturday





Sunday, August 02, 2020

【Blog|部落格】Personal Characteristics|個人特色

August 2, 2020, Sunday



【Running|跑步】My Running Journey|跑步記錄

August 2, 2020, Sunday

我是一位不喜歡運動也根本不喜歡跑步的人,但是我卻總是想像自己是跑步的人,就是那種就一直想像自己想要成為的人,但一切一直都只是一個空想。 我即便有想過要開始過,但即使開始,我最多都只有三天的熱度。 不然就是以三天捕魚兩天曬網的態度,然後到了第六天,我就會開始想說跑步是明天的事,就這樣明天再明天,隨著歲數的增加,我一直夢想想要成為的人都沒有成為到,卻看著很多人生完小孩後,怎麼都可以怎麼瘦,而我自己卻一直胖胖地? 雖然跑步不能講說一定可以減肥,但是我覺得只要有運動,就不會壞到哪裡去,所以我就這樣慢慢的跑起步啦! 雖然看著自己的跑步時間和進度,真的沒有什麼很明顯的進步,但是我知道我是在前進的道路上。


【Book|書籍】Before I meet You|《滿世界找愛》

 August 2, 2020, Sunday

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