Thursday, May 29, 2014

Holiday!!! Holiday!!! | 放假去玩咯!!!

May 29, 2014, Thursday
The moment when you saw this post, I'm already away for vacation!!! Was thinking to prewrite post before I leave but it seems to be like too rush for me!!! So just here to make an announcement first, hehe!!!

Something about out of topic before I pull off!!! I know I've been writing a lot of outdated post!!! So here's the newest update!!!

I've changed a new hairstyle!!! How's it??? Guess this looks too mature for me, but is okay to look mature duh, as I'm not so young anymore, few years to go to 30!!! >.<
 我三姐说要出国了,所以要换换新发型(这是什么歪理???)所以我就被我三姐捉去理发。。。我感觉有点成熟。。。有感觉很老吗???   (不过,再过几年都要三字头了。。。还想要年轻到哪里去???)

Actually I writing the English version of this at the can't go any much further!!! See ya on Wednesday!!! =]
我明明就有染上颜色。。。但我三姐却嚷说“我都看不到有颜色,染了好像没有染这样。。。你应该染褐色亮色那种的嘛,那样才够抢眼!”   但这么抢眼的外形。。。不是我的style啊!!!

好!!!   就这样!!!   拜!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

【Game|游戲】Escape Room|密室逃離游戲

May 17, 2014, Saturday
Since I was young, I always addicted to the Detective Connan comic and imagine that I could be like Conan to have that brilliant detective mind to solve all the cases. So since I've a chances here that MeiLing asked me where to go, then I suggest to go try this, the Escape Room.
在我小時候,我就已經很喜歡看名偵探柯南,常常會幻想自己也是那麽厲害,有著很厲害的偵探頭腦,很容易看透一件案件。 所以乘機就拉了美玲陪我去這個密室逃離游戲嘗試一番。


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

【Baking|烘焙】 Agar-Agar | 燕菜糕拍一拍

May 13, 2014, Tuesday
這天是個衛塞節的公共假期(其實馬來西亞有一樣好的是有很多假期,好像贏一個球都可以放假那種,你看! 多麽輕而易舉啊!) 但話説回來這天因爲很久吃到媽媽做的燕菜糕了,所以擼了很久媽媽才答應做的


Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Wesak Day

 May 12, 2014, Monday
How was your Wesak Day holiday, while the day before the Tuesday holiday, there's a Wesak Day perade at Jinjiang! Compare to the want I saw at KL last year, this one is way more smaller!!!
今年的卫塞节有什么节目呢???   有去看游行吗???   去年去吉隆坡看,因为当时有个“所谓的朋友”带我去到那边,一年过去,几乎面目全非,所有事情都变得不一样,所以今年的花车游行的照片就只有少少几张,地点在增江大街!!!

Of course the crowd wasn't as crowded as the one at KL!!!









After go through all the pictures, do you feel like I was on the spot and take all the pictures by myself??? Hehe!!! Actually, I wasn't there, all of these pictures are taken by my eldest sister, as her house is facing the Jinjiang street so basically she just take all these pictures infront of her house only!!! =]

看完以上照片。。。是不是以为我是身在其景而拍的照片呢???   嘻嘻!!! 其实我当天本是要去看的,但是要跟一个学院的好朋友吃晚餐,所以就没有去。。。换而言之以上照片都不是我拍的。。。是我拜托我大姐拍了后再传送给我。。。因为这地点就是在她家门前而已非常方便。。。加上见她拍得还不错,所以就借用来分享咯!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day | 母亲节快乐

May 11, 2014, Sunday
How was your Mother's celebration??? Sometimes I really want to say blogging is the best way to keep part of my memories, like if I forgot something and my blog is just my online notebook the noted down everything......even though I used to care so much about traffic, but now it isn't important anymore... Well, blogging is not my full time job what!!!
一年一度的母亲节你们是怎样过的呢???   有时候还是想说很感谢部落格让我记录很多,毕竟人的记忆有限,不会一直记得每一个细节,发觉有时候部落格是一个很好的记事簿,曾经很在乎点击人数,但太过在乎压力会很大。。。所以还是别管吧,反正我又不是靠这一行吃饭!!!

Sunday is Mother's Day, my eldest sister and I ordered this cake on Thursday, cute right???

A candle on it

Yeah!!! Happy Mother's Day!!! =]
㖿!!!   母亲节快乐!!!   =]

Almost forgot to take picture duh!!! This's black sesame flavor and the "hair" is made by dark chocolate, overall all of us like it so much!!!
吃到一半才记得要拍照 =.=!!!。。。里面是黑芝麻蛋糕,然后头发是用巧克力做的,整体来说都很好吃!!!

But the strawberry was a bit sour!!!

Here's the present I got for my mom, hehe!!!

Was thinking I should get some flower too, but my brother had already bought it on Saturday, this's how it was look like when he bought back!!!

And it will blossom on next few days, put it inside vase and add in some water, then cut a bit of root everyday so it can last for more than a week!!!
然后插进花瓶再加水,它就会慢慢开花了!!!   每天再拿出来把下面的根稍微剪掉一点点!!!

The reason my brother bought this flower, because it can last for so long and my mom loves it so we know beside this, the rest of those flowers wouldn't be able to last for so long duh!!!

Friday, May 09, 2014

【Movie|电影】Vehicle 19

May 9, 2013, Thursday
Is kind of sad is been 2 years ago and I haven't post this, sorry that this has been sitting in my draft box for years, until the moment I was almost forgot about it... 2 years ago, Paul Walker was still alive and I don't know much about him, just knew that he's one of the main character from Fast and Furious. Time can't flow back but memory do, it's as a lesson for us to be treasured everything we have, don't wait until you lost it, it may not be replaceable!

Story start with Mic who just got out from prison and headed to a city at South Africa to look for his beloved. Unfortunately he rented a car has got him into troubles again (guess that's why the title of the movie is name after the car number)

Nonetheless the fighting and car chasing scenes that push the movie to the climax of course. When the world has turned down on you, and put all the guilts on you, even though you're innocent, how can you escape it? To expose to the world, to the public, but who has really make it successfully?? Corruptions can be covered layers by layers, guessing the pressure of the media maybe can stop it somewhat...

PS: After this movie, I got a conclusion that...shouldn't I check every single spot in rental car before I rent it?? Just in case any guns may keep in the front sit drawer, who knows??? (Okay, this's thinking too much~~~)

看这部电影的时候,Paul Walker还没有出事,那时候只知道他是Fast & Furious的男主角之一,真的不仅感叹岁月不留人,必须赶紧抓紧脚步,想到就去做的心态!

故事开始于男主角Mic,他出狱后立刻到南非一个小镇上找他挚爱的另一半,不幸的租上这辆编号19的车(所以片名才叫作Vehicle 19),而再次让自己惹上麻烦。


PS: 我看完后,还在想说我以后租车的时候,是不是也应该在场先检查,免得抽屉内有把枪都不知道啊??? (我,想太多了~~~)

Country: United States, South Africa
Language: English
Genre: Action, Thriller
Running Time: 85minutes (1hr25mins)
Directed by: Mukunda Michael Dewil
Starring by: Paul Walker

The film takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa. The main hero of the film is an American citizen named Michael Woods (Walker), who has recently been released from prison on parole. Once free, he is immediately sent on a far-away journey to meet his beloved. Caught in a strange city, Michael becomes the target of a massive police manhunt after inadvertently picking up a rental car with a female whistle blower tied up in the trunk. In the confusion, he decides to leave the car at the dump, but suddenly the phone rings. He is asked to continue on. Later, the whistle blower tells Michael that she was abducted and was meant to be killed - she knew too much about the involvement of local police in the criminal business. As the police attempt to silence the woman before she can testify about the city's rampant corruption, the ex-con, who has just regained his freedom, must defend her life, and clear his own name.

Sources from Wikipedia

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Saturday, May 03, 2014

【KualaLumpur|吉隆坡】Kuala Lumpur City Gallery: The Making of ARCH @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 小小模型大大工程

May 3, 2014, Saturday
Finally came to the last part......

Before this, these model were nothing to me...nothing special......

After that...then I just know the making of it wasn't easy at all, every master have at least 20 years and above!!!
但原来背后的制作过程都不简单啊!!!   每个师傅似乎至少都有二十年以上!!!

Each master in charged on different model design

Slowly pick them from the card

Then put accordingly

Seeing is easy but the making is not that easy!!!

They did some world landmark buildings as well...then the following part is the souvenir where is not allow to take picture, so no picture of it!!! =]

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【KualaLumpur|吉隆坡】Kuala Lumpur City Gallery: Largest Miniature of Dataran Merdeka @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 吉隆坡微型独立广场模型

May 3, 2014, Saturday
Was thinking after second floor, there'll be nothing to see already, but obviously not......

They even have the "I love KL" statue like the real one outside the building!!!
这个还把者这建筑物外的“I love KL”标志给做了出来!!!

 The light of the buildings was keep changing from yellow to purple then purple to yellow......
它完全没有玻璃在上面盖着,所以可以让你看得更加的清楚,除了独立广场外,还可以看到China Town和Masjid Jamek,整个的面积是大约1.7平方公里,有着所有建筑,路面,河流和树!!!
While the paints on the wall are all of the buildings around and year the year it have!!!

The exact spot of this is just right in front of the staircase after down from second floor!!!

【KualaLumpur|吉隆坡】Kuala Lumpur City Gallery: The Largest Kuala Lumpur City Model @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 吉隆坡最大的城市模型

May 3, 2014, Saturday
Here's one of the section that I like to recommend the most!!! I saw a lot of visitors miss out this place, mostly they just went in to take few pictures then went out... never explore around!!! I suggest follow the staff shows the direction to upstairs!!!
整个KL City Gallery里面,这是我最想要推荐的地方,千万不要看完历史后就顺回同样的路线走回出去,一定要顺着工作人员的指示到二楼!!!   不得不说的是我蛮喜欢他们的服务态度,很友善(我要求不多至少不是脸臭臭的那种)他们这里的工作人员都很有礼貌!!!   

Once you're there, the staff will give a direction where to queue to wait for this show, this show was about 4 minutes, can take any picture inside but without flash!!!
上到二楼的时候,会有工作指引你等候看这个show,只是长达四分钟而已。。。我看时间只是短短几分钟所以就进去看了,而且我进去的时候没有人。。。像是我一个人看完,很自由似的!!!   工作人员会告知可以拍照但不可以用flash。。。

I was thinking just something like video showing only...but turned out not!!!

 Not only the video is showing but also different light colors on the building models too!!!

I was so impressive by this seriously!!! All these pictures without any editions...especially these last two pictures...any of you wish to go there to see it with your naked eyes???
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