May 29, 2014, Thursday
The moment when you saw this post, I'm already away for vacation!!! Was thinking to prewrite post before I leave but it seems to be like too rush for me!!! So just here to make an announcement first, hehe!!!
Something about out of topic before I pull off!!! I know I've been writing a lot of outdated post!!! So here's the newest update!!!
I've changed a new hairstyle!!! How's it??? Guess this looks too mature for me, but is okay to look mature duh, as I'm not so young anymore, few years to go to 30!!! >.<
我三姐说要出国了,所以要换换新发型(这是什么歪理???)所以我就被我三姐捉去理发。。。我感觉有点成熟。。。有感觉很老吗??? (不过,再过几年都要三字头了。。。还想要年轻到哪里去???)
Actually I writing the English version of this at the can't go any much further!!! See ya on Wednesday!!! =]
我明明就有染上颜色。。。但我三姐却嚷说“我都看不到有颜色,染了好像没有染这样。。。你应该染褐色亮色那种的嘛,那样才够抢眼!” 但这么抢眼的外形。。。不是我的style啊!!!
我明明就有染上颜色。。。但我三姐却嚷说“我都看不到有颜色,染了好像没有染这样。。。你应该染褐色亮色那种的嘛,那样才够抢眼!” 但这么抢眼的外形。。。不是我的style啊!!!
好!!! 就这样!!! 拜!!!