Saturday, July 11, 2015

【BookFest|书展】BookFest 2015 Malaysia Day 1: Books I bought on Day Time|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市第一天之早上书籍购物篇

July 11, 2015, Saturday
Glad that I visit the book fest on the first day, because some of the books are out of stock... Like seriously, so now lesson learned!! Don't wait, the "chance" won't wait for you forever, buy it before it's too late!!

The parking fee at KLCC or Convention Center is so expensive, my first day from 10 am to 2 pm++ is RM 18, bloody hell!! At night I went again with my eldest sister and her son (eldest nephew) from 7 pm++ to 10 pm is RM 8. (Actually my sister do pay for this) Then the second day from 10 am to 6 pm holly crap is freaking RM 34... kill me please! 

The selling ticket counter is opened at 930 am, but the book fest is open at 10 am. I guess the best time to visit the book fest is be the early bird (not like I want everything to be the first one) is to avoid the crowds, mostly like close to 11 am or 12 pm, you can feel the crowds around, can't even move smoothly, and the kids are playing on the ground, be careful not to bump into them accidentally.

RM 45.68
This is the book that I mentioned is out of stock, seriously I don't expect it run out of stock so fast, as I still saw a lot at the rack on weekend. But my eldest sister she went on Tuesday, everything was gone...=.=

Maybe part of the reason is people buy it because of this tape. Well, for those don't know she's one the Taiwan famous singer,  she delivered a cute twins baby in February this year. This book is about all the story since she knows she got pregnant until now...Guess for those knows how to read Chinese do follow her and her husband in instagram and Facebook (By the way I've seen her real person before in the 30 Hour Famine Fight Hunger event on 2013)
不知道有多少位是因为这个纸胶带而去买这本书的,第五天我死不甘心,亲自去问,他们说不知道为什么星期一二的时候很多人来找,所以就卖完了,这个他们都不会再进货了,真的想要就必须上网订,但就不确定会不会有这个纸胶带。 娱乐圈的模范夫妻跟他们的一对熊猫的故事,从开始怀孕开始的故事,让很多人都高度的关注.

RM 27.12
The reason I went to the book fest so early is I want to take my own sweet time to browse through the whole book fest. Some sort of like look into every corner of it. For example like this book, is about plane, I was standing there check out this book...

Then this guys standing aside said "do you want my autograph?" I was still blur at the moment, why do I want your autograph? >.< Then he said again because he's the author of this book. Oh, okay! So the author is here, since by that I should the chance to ask for an autograph. But the conflicts here is I haven't pay for it... Duh!! Is about the trust and thank you!! Did I forgot to mention the other lady stand beside him is the Chinese translator of this book.
他还问我“要不要签名?” 我还在心想“我干嘛要你的签名啊?” 然后他自己多补一句“我是这书的作者!” 哦!真的有够白目,隔壁站着的工作人员说“这是这书的作者,你要给他签名吗?” 嗯,那当然是好啊,但我还没付钱嘢! 但最后我还是很厚脸皮的问你可以帮我签名吗? 还好他答应了,可是他旁边却有人说“但她还没付钱!” 他接着说了一句“这是信任!” 当然的,到最后我是有去购买这本书,嘿!上面有我的名字呢,真的要那么瞎吗?

RM 22.40
He is one of my favorite author. A Malaysian Chinese studied medic in Taiwan and last become a doctor in Taiwan. If not mistaken he is also one of the frequent author in the book fest.

RM 34.40
Also another local author, she loves travel and also being a volunteer. So by that she went to many places to do what she can to help others.

RM 34.24
Kristy Chu Cha Ray, she is an artist, writer and also uni lecturer. Read this from somewhere else, she said always mad at those students who afraid to mention which school they went to, just because people around them are mostly from very great school. She can't believe why those people can be embarrassed of which school they're from, if you're the best, no matter which school you went to, you're still the best. I guess this book also got sold out in the book fest, because I didn't see any of it on the next day.

RM 36.90
I saw this book many times, but still didn't get it because the price is too high, so buy I bought it now because they're doing promotion. She's one of the survivor in earthquake, before it she's a dancer, can you imagine girl who are so passionate with dance and lost both of her legs during earthquake. No one can truly tell what she has really been through.....

RM 36.64
Can't remember where I saw somebody was recommend this. It's about both of their life after married and also story about them and their son.

RM 40.04

RM 44.64

RM 40.04

Bet most of you have read lots of travelogue books, but have you seen something like this?? She record everything by hand written notes and also drawing. Many might start with an opinion that "I don't know how to draw!" Well, I'm not asking you to take it to join some competitions, just write for your own record. Guess you will started to fall in love in hand written stuffs again.
这是我自认找到最棒的书籍,因为被夹在中间,没有每个“洞洞喇喇”去看,真的很难看到,这之前我在Kinokuniya的时候就有看到,但一直不舍得买,但在这里一而再的看到,我还是买了下来,而且一本真的不便宜,但我却觉得是物超所值。 你所看到的旅游书都是图画跟文字的,你有看过手帐的旅游书吗? 里面除了车票还有一些入门票跟几张小小景点照片,几乎99八仙都是人手写画的,每个字都是一笔一划的写出来。有时候我会在想,怎么会有人可以兼顾到那么多,但原来只要把手帐书握在手,你就会一直想要写下来。

RM 36.90
Direct translate from the title of this book is "Quit job and go travel" Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna to do so, I'm still can't give up my pride of my job and let go everything for travel. Maybe just not until that level. I don't mind a very long holiday for a vacation, but not giving up job.
“辞职,去旅行!” 不要误会,我当然不会这样,最多留职停薪去玩罢了。 毕竟我还是那种很爱脸的人,是不会放下现在的工作而去玩的,要样样兼顾,那才帅嘛!

RM 31.84
This one? Hinting something?? Don't know...will see!! (Cover my eyes first) =D
这个,我干嘛买这个? 我不知道叻! (先逃走,不要问我)

RM 31.90

RM 32.90
After read the secret I always want to collect her whole series by that, but it always sell very expensive at the book store. Since so cheap here, why would I wait
看了秘密,其他的系列还会远吗? 而且这里卖得便宜很多,不要过后它卖贵了我才想要买,那是真的很白痴咯。

RM 26.90

RM 25.90

RM 25.90
Self praised that my drawing is getting better day by days...(should show the prove next time ya) I always buy this kind of book during book fest, because usually what you found at the book store is always more than RM 30++, some are even RM 50++ O.O

To be continued......

Event period: July 11 (Saturday) ~ July 19 (Sunday), 2015
Admission Fee: RM2.50 per entrance; RM10 for season pass
Official Website:
Address: Hall 1 to 5 (Ground Floor), Grand Ballroom & Banquet Hall (Level) of Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre KLCC

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  1. 有好几本,我好想要看哦~~


  2. Wah parking can reach as high as rm34 huh.. I know klcc parking is expensive, but I never reach rm34 before.. nvm la, as long as worth it and can get your books..

  3. parking fees is definitely killing especially if you are in the central areas.. so you paid like RM50 on parking already huh?? though very 肉赤 but nvm la, you bought good books at cheaper price there, then treat it as a contra lor, hehe!! maybe next time park somewhere else then take LRT to KLCC if you are going to stay there for hours..

    wah you bought lots of books, and all seems to be very interesting read.. somemore got freebies as well as unexpected autograph from the author, haha!! okay lah the parking fees worth back lah :p

    1. Cannot, cannot...carry the book walk so far, then very XIN KU myself lo!!

  4. I really hate this "Kiao CC" parking rate, as much as I hate Pavilion's! We go to the malls to spend money leh, the least they can do is not rip us off for parking!

    You bought so many books! I thought people will only sapu books like that during BBW where each book goes for RM5 or RM10. I think I will like the book on picture #14, must be very inspiring to read how she stand up again after losing her legs.

    1. I haven't been to BBW, but I don't wish to go, because I don't want to spend more and buy more then in the end couldn't finish reading.

  5. Replies
    1. But your area is very convenient to take public transport!

  6. 你买了好多书,每本看起来都好好看 :D

  7. Replies
    1. Hahaha, I'll try my best to read some English books in the future! =]

  8. 好可惜啊,我买不到张佩瑜的旅游手帐。我买的是散册。手帐。喜欢张佩瑜的旅游手帐!

  9. 我有收藏一本secret,有事无事拿来看看!!!

  10. 我在raya第一天带孩子去...簡直恶梦.只能看人.书都不能看.沒办法...出去回家.

    1. 哈哈哈,下次分開去吧!一次去看你自己的,第二次看他們的跟看人!

  11. parking fee真的是有够吓人的!去年我家人是停在外面的私人停车场,没有计算小时大概RM5吧?

    话说,遇到作者那件事,你内心想的事好好笑!幸好不是说出来,不然会很尴尬 =P

  12. 熊猫来了 我第一天去看到很多很多耶,没想到这么快就完了XD

  13. 看到你买那么多书(好爽咧XD好像自己买酱)

    1. 檳城現在也有很多哦,下次可以搭火車來,嘻嘻!

  14. 没有得去书展,但是熊猫来了我有买!在博客来买的,预计多两天就到我家啦~哈哈!

  15. 其实每一年的书展都是在开斋节前后进行的 (因为工作的关系有参与几届书展 ^^)

    1. 前後是好的,但不要在當時就很美了,因為假期好多人哦!

  16. The parking fees at KL are always expensive. Nice book fair there but I am done with books..seldom read nowadays. hahaha...

  17. 小影买了好多书哦!熊猫来了真的很抢手,到处看到人家推荐这本书呢! 今年因为人在国外错过了这次的书展,有点捶胸 ><

    1. 謝謝你的期待,我手上已有幾本了,只是沒有時間寫罷了!

  18. hahaha...grab when you see. Dont wait. '

    Ya lor parking very pricey there. So I lazy to go. Moreover it's more to chinese books and they charging entrance fees. I wait for the other sales la

  19. Wah you are really a book lover! Every year you go to this book fest for many hours although the parking is so expensive. You also buy many many books too. Good of you to support these authors. Glad to know that you are enjoying your dream job.

    1. Actually my dream job is still far away, but better than nothing, hahaha!

  20. I have been shocked by the parking fees few times and learnt a good lesson.
    I see that you laid your hands on so many interesting books. Someday you will compile your blog into a book and sell them!

    1. Interesting, actually I wish to do so one day, hope the day will come!!


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