Saturday, July 11, 2015

【BookFest|书展】BookFest 2015 Malaysia Day 1: Books I bought on NightTime|马来西亚吉隆坡第九届海外文书市第一天之晚上书籍购物篇

July 11, 2015, Saturday
As I mentioned before, I went on day time and night time...I left about 2pm something back to Kepong for my violin class, then back to the book fest with my eldest sister. (Though, as a prove here...I really like my violin class, that I've rush here and there just to attend the class! =])
之前就有提到我晚上还会去一趟,那为什么我要走两趟呢? 因为我5点钟小提琴课,所以我必须赶回甲洞上课,然后再跟我大姐一起再过来。(最近老是跟不上,让我压力很大,真的不要随便缺课)



Most of the books I bought this year are way much different from last year. I've most of motivation book last year, but as I said in The Secret, I can throw away all of my emotional motivation book already, so on this round I want to read something different, which's something very relax like story books. Which is something like this, books from Giddens Ko. I always saw his books selling in the bookstore, but the price for a book is always RM30 above (I mean for the new one) but these for the previous collections are BUY 2 FREE 1, this's so super cheap....(guess only see this price at book fest, usually it won't be so cheap in the book store!)


Of course last but not least is the new release as well, sad that I wasn't be able attend his book sharing session this year. Hopefully next year it has a very great timing for me!
买了旧书,当然也要跟风买新书一下(不要真的以为我一直写旧文,所以觉得我只欣赏旧的东西)今年非常可惜的是,我无法出席他的新书分享会,希望明年的时间可以完全配合得到,而且一定要在周六那种,还有一定要在下午前。。。那我晚上还可以去上小提琴课嘛! 哈哈哈~~~ 真是要求多多啊!

Before it, I know I want to buy Giddens Ko books, but I don't know which one to buy, luckily the staff on duty nearby is Giddens Ko fans, so he recommended those three books to me and also this. Is just RM9.00, not so expensive, let me have a read then tell you the story...
九把刀那么多书,我怎么可以这么快可以选到,那是因为当时有位九把刀读者的工作人员在场。哎哟,这种就简单啦,读者一定是推荐此作家最好的一面出来的嘛! 而且另外他还介绍我这本书,看起来还okay的旧书,不错啦!



And also these, I kept on see her books around the book store many times, but still not willing to buy them, since now so cheap...might take this chance to have a "read"!

Okay! You know why I don't buy all these at the day time?? Because my basket was so heavy at that moment, so I took some out then come back at night......and back here with my sister, so I've somebody else help me to carry what!! XD I know, I know, some of you might say "Why don't you prepare a luggage bag to carry all the books?" Come on, if is that easy, then I've no reason to stop myself from buying, okay?? That's my own kind of saving money technique!! xp

最后我知道你们一定好奇,我干嘛不要把这些书在早上一次过买完就好啦。。。那是因为书本太重了,晚上跟我大姐来。。。还会有人帮忙我提(真的是心计重啊!)哦,我知道! 一定有人会说“干嘛不提个行李箱呢?多方便啊!” 对啦,是很方便,那。。。你就会买很多啦! 我那可是克制自己买太多的方法之一嘢! 所以这时就真的要发挥我懒惰的本性,不拿行李箱!!!

Event period: July 11 (Saturday) ~ July 19 (Sunday), 2015
Admission Fee: RM2.50 per entrance; RM10 for season pass
Official Website:
Address: Hall 1 to 5 (Ground Floor), Grand Ballroom & Banquet Hall (Level) of Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre KLCC

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  1. haha you are very hardworking and can see you are such a book lover.. you can go there in the day and in the night!! I wonder if this is a 24 hour thing, will you actually camp there already?? hehe.. nice books you have, and I think it's good to have a change, else you'll never discover other interesting books to read.. :)

  2. 小影你的书当中有一些是我很想要的也! 今年的书展我人在墨尔本所以错过了, 明年一定要去扫书!!

  3. 买二送一这优惠也太吸引人,我也想入手阿~我虽然现在很少看九把刀的书籍,但是对于他的杀手系列我仍然是很爱的。蝉堡这本非看不可,因为这是杀手系列书籍最为神秘的一部分~我没有得去现场,但在城邦入手,还在等啊~

  4. Great for book lovers and those who can read Mandarin.

  5. Wah very dedicated of you, purposely rush to violin clsss, then back to the book fest at night with sis.. If I can read Chinese I wana go too :)

  6. 看了真心動,我好久沒逛書展了!!

  7. 平时很少花时间看书(都在上网去~),今年只买了两本书回家,和你相比真的是小巫见大巫了。。。

  8. 去书展找到的书比书局多好多~而且优惠也比较多xD

  9. 其实阅读是很好的习惯,可惜我就是没这个习惯!哎,希望我孩子不要学我就好了!:p

  10. wow, wish I'm as hardworking as you. I haven't been reading books for a long time.

  11. I like your way of preventing yourself from spending more money.


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