Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Picture Sources
I know I'm pretty busy but luckily I'm still manage to maintain up one movie one week!!!
Due to two of my weekend trips last two weeks,
I've missed out a lot of movie,
so I got to watch back those movies that I've missed!!! =]

Was planning to watch this with my friend on Thursday,
but my friend changed it to today!!!

At first my friend told me that I probably can't make it because there's a terrible jam in KL,
but end up he managed to make it on time and I'm the one whose late because of the jam along the LDP road!!! =[

Was late for 10 minutes for the movie,
luckily we didn't miss out a lot!!!

Another movie for kids and family to watch together!!!
This time is not in Kepong MBO so...
no more kids chit-chatting in the movie theather!!! =]

I didn't watching the 3D version but I do love the animation of it,
especially the slug and snail,
they're so cute!!! =]
所以真是要把握时间追回来!!! =]


可是他没有迟到,反而迟到的是我,因为LDP不知道为什么会塞车!!! =[


还好不是在甲洞的MBO看所以没有小孩们的高谈阔论!!! =]

最可爱的就是它的蛞蝓和蜗牛,真是可爱极了!!! =]
Country: United States
Language: English
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Running Time: 102minutes (1hr32mins)
Directed by: Chris Wedge
Following the death of her mother, Mary Katherine (a.k.a. M.K.) (Amanda Seyfried), a 17 year old teenager, moves in with her estranged and eccentric scientist father, Professor Bomba (Jason Sudeikis), who has been searching for tiny human soldiers, about which M.K. is skeptical. She wants her father to stop his work. Unknown to the both of them, Bomba is right that there are tiny soldiers called Leafmen. They protect the forest Bomba lives near from evil creatures called Boggans, who shoot arrows that can kill any living thing, and their malevolent leader, Mandrake (Christoph Waltz), who plans to destroy the forest. An independent young soldier, Nod (Josh Hutcherson) decides to quit, much to the ire of the no-nonsense Leafmen leader, Ronin (Colin Farrell), who wants Nod to learn about teamwork. 

The queen of the forest, Queen Tara (Beyoncé Knowles), who is aware of Ronin's apparent attraction to her, decides to choose an heir to her throne and goes out to a field of leaf pods, guarded by a laid-back slug named Mub (Aziz Ansari) and an uptight snail named Grub (Chris O'Dowd). Tara chooses the smallest pod as the heir; however, immediately after doing so, the Boggans attack. Tara flees the area with the pod, and though her bodyguards do their best to protect her, they are soon overwhelmed by the sheer number of Boggans. Tara uses her magic to slow down her pursuers, and is at one point rescued by a flower child who idolizes her; eventually, Ronin arrives for her, and the pair fly off on Ronin's hummingbird mount. They are then attacked by Mandrake and his son and lead general, Dagda (Blake Anderson); Dagda is killed by Ronin, but Tara is shot by Mandrake, and falls off Ronin's bird into the forest. 

Meanwhile, M.K., annoyed at her father, decides to leave and leaves a note on one of his security monitors. Before she can leave, her and Bomba's one-eyed, three-legged dog, Ozzie, runs into the woods. While looking for Ozzie, M.K. sees Tara falling. A dying Tara gives her the pod and uses her magic to shrink her. She tells M.K. to take the pod to a Glowworm named Nim Galuu (Steven Tyler) before she dies. After meeting Ronin and the Leafmen, along with Mub and Grub, a confused and scared M.K. joins them. Ronin discovers that Nod has entered a race against other creatures and bugs on birds. He goes back on a deal with a tough bullfrog named Bufo (Pitbull). Before Bufo and his gypsy moth and scorpionfly goons can kill Nod, Ronin intervenes and orders the goons to leave. A reluctant Nod joins him, M.K., Mub, and Grub after hearing about Tara's death. 

They eventually find Nim Galuu, who is a showman and keeper of magic scrolls that tell what has occurred during the times, in a tree. After learning about Tara's death, he leads the group down to the scrolls, where M.K. discovers Tara's brief message before shrinking her, and a message that will get her back to normal size. When Ronin leaves, Nod takes M.K. on a enthralling deer ride, where they fall in love. Mandrake (to whom Bufo fearfully reveals the location of the pod, which he overheard from Ronin and Nod) arrives and kidnaps Mub and Grub and imprisons them, along with the pod, which he hopes to bloom in darkness to destroy the forest. To get into Boggan territory undiscovered, M.K., Nod, and Ronin set out to Bomba's house to get some disguises, where M.K. learns that her father is what the Leafmen call a "stomper" and have been leading Bomba off their trail. After getting the disguises, Ozzie (who earlier returns to Bomba's house) sees M.K. and chases her, catching Bomba's attention. He sees the group and catches M.K., but faints after seeing her. Before leaving, M.K. marks where the Leafmen territory is on one of Bomba's maps with a red push-pin. 

When they reach the Boggan land, which is a wasteland of dead trees, Ronin distracts the Boggans while M.K. and Nod rescue Mub, Grub, and the pod. They are eventually found out by Mandrake, who summons the Boggans to stop them. M.K., Nod, Mub, and Grub escape alive, but Ronin sacrifices himself to ensure their escape. Before the full moon can sprout the pod at Moonhaven with moonlight, Mandrake's bats block the light, causing the pod to sprout in darkness. When the Leafmen set out to fight the Boggans (with Grub unsuccessfully joining them) M.K. sets out to get her father for assistance, but an exasperated Bomba, after regaining consciousness, decides to give up on what he has been doing to find his daughter and shuts off all his cameras, believing that he didn't really see M.K. and that he's been insane all his years, but changes his mind when he sees the push-pin in his map. 

After locating M.K., Bomba is overjoyed to see that he has been right and when he follows M.K. to Moonhaven, he (with his daughter's persuasion) uses his iPod to make bat sounds, causing the bats to follow Bomba. Meanwhile, Mub and Nim Galuu try to stop Mandrake from reaching the pod, but are unsuccessful. Just then, Ronin appears, bearing scars and bruises from Boggans. Mandrake manages to outdo him, but Ronin is defended by Nod, who earlier finally understands the importance of teamwork. Before Mandrake can obtain his victory, the moonlight takes over the pod before it blooms in darkness, causing it to bloom in light and Mandrake gets sucked into a tree. It also heals the forest after much damage from the Boggans. 

The chosen heir is the flower child who idolized and saved Tara earlier in the film. Grub becomes a Leafman, Nod and Ronin reconcile, and Nod and M.K. kiss and become a couple before M.K. is given back her original height by the new queen. After reuniting with Bomba and becoming his assistant, the reunited human family still keep regular contact with their new small friends as they continue the research of the world in their home.

Sources from Wikipedia

Sent!!! =]

Since the last experience in Post Office,
I'm pretty sure I won't make any mistakes again!!!
But I forgot to wrap one more bubbles wrap of the souvenir,
as we all know how those post office officers work!!!
Everyone just wait for the time to pass and get their paid every month,
doesn't care anything!!!
I'm so damn scared that they'll throw my package like throwing rubbish!!!
Got to pray for that!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dinner @ 1U Jusco and Souvenir's Envelopes

I'm not that type of girl always want to eat expensive food!!!
Instead I always pick normal price food as long as it's taste not bad!!!
Hehehe!!! =]
呵呵!!! =]

 Can't procrastinating my work anymore!!!
Finally have the time headed up to 1U to get the envelopes for the souvenirs!!!
Wink!!! =D
拖了很久了, 不能再拖了!!!
明天寄手信去!!! =]

【Movie|电影】Christmas Rose 《聖誕玫瑰》

Picture Sources
Since I need to get the envelopes for the souvenirs,
why not go for a movie as well!!!
With my high school 's friend,
(Yup, there's the same girl again)
but there's lack of showing time in 1U there,
so we went over to Tropicana City Mall to watch it!!!
My was wanted to watch Fast and Furious 6,
but I watched twice for that movie,
am I gonna to watch for the third time???...

End up, 
I told her that movie is not gonna be on the screen for at least two weeks,
so we just watch this first and the F6 on the next time!!!

The reason to watch this movie because of it's Charlie Young directed movie and the best actor, Aaron Kwok and best actress Gwei Lun-Mei!!!

Doesn't like to talk more about the story of this movie,
what I can say is the director should thanks to these two main actor and actress,
because without them the movie just like nothing!!!
就到Tropicana City Mall看!!!
却要看Fast and Furious 6!!!

改天再看Fast and Furious 6!!!



Country: HongKong, China
Language: Cantonese
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 92minutes (1hr32mins)
Directed by: Charlie Young 楊采妮
Tim is a defense attorney with a heart of gold who quits his well-paid job to become a prosecutor at the Justice Department. One day Tim meets one of the most challenging cases he has ever handled when a handicapped piano teacher Jing, urges him to desperately help her with a sexual harassment case against her doctor, the renowned surgeon Zhou. 


Sources from Wikipedia

Monday, May 27, 2013

Quick Update

For those that have received the postcard,
please be patient,
the souvenir will be coming soon!!!
I was so busy after my Kuching Trip!!!
I was back on Monday night!!!
On Tuesday, my second elder sister sent my car to put on the dark sticker on the windows and add on auto lock!!!
Wednesday, busy preparing my interview on the next day and watched Fast and Furious 6 with my brother and second brother in law!!!
Thursday, two interviews in one day, tired like hell!!!
Friday, watched the second time of Fast and Furious 6 with my friend then headed down to town for the Wesak Day parade!!!
Saturday and Sunday, headed up to Alor Star with my families,
星期三忙着准备隔天的两个面试,晚上与哥哥和二姐夫去看Fast and Furious 6!!!
星期五陪我朋友看了第二次的Fast and Furious 6,晚上再一起去看卫塞节的游行!!!

So until today I just managed have some time to read and comment on your blog!!!
Please forgive me for late visit back on your blog,
because I've disabled the blog reading feeds as I can't stand the figures keep going up!!!

Look at the 336,
(I guess this was print screen on last Wednesday)
I remembered that I was tried to reduce it from 400++ to 300 when I get back from Kuching,
but it just pop up to 300 then 400 on the following days!!!
Have to disable it because I don't want to see it hit up to 1000!!!

Finally I've just reactived it today



Happy Wesak Day

Happy Wesak Day!!!
Sorry for not update my blog for such a long time,
because I've too much things going on recently!!!
Just got back from my Kuching trip and got to headed up to Alor Star with my family,
have too many things to write and share with you guys,
can't wait for it!!!

 Can't remember the last time I took LRT,
I think is four years back when I was studied in Sunway,
because I used transit the mini bus, KTM, LRT, metro bus to reach home!!!
I'm very good in that!!!

We were going to KL Sentral to see the Wesak Day parade later,
to escape from the traffic so my friends and I just took the LRT
时间长但是最给最少钱的需要搭mini bus, KTM, LRT, metro bus才到我家的那种!!!

我们三个人都是搭LRT到KL Sentral的!!!

This is the first one!!!

Was thinking the electric power is hiding under the parade car!!!
but obviously it's carried on the truck behind it!!!

The second!!!

Taken from the bridge above!!!

Not clear???

Now is clear!!!

I really scared that my phone will fell off!!! 

That's so crowded!!!

The street is so dark!!!
Better walk faster!!!

Closer shot!!!

I always here back in my high school... 

Have to take this!!!
Because my mom and my dad is from Jinjiang!!!

The museum is so amazing lol!!!

This is nice!!!
But I've never been up there!!!

Those roads were blocked!!!
Even the opposite road is so quiet!!!

Can't really say which is which anymore because my friend just like a monkey!!!
keep running back and front, here and there!!!
****************************************************** 因为我的朋友好像猴子一样,

There's free water along the parade!!!

Have to leave to Alor Star on the next morning so I got to pull out earlier!!!
but got to take couple more before I leave!!!
can't see clearly because of its brightness???

The last two shots!!!

I was using Touch & Go all the time, 
feel bored while waiting for my friend so I took this picture!!!
我是用touch & go 的!!!
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