Monday, September 28, 2015

【Movie|电影】The Intern|实习生

September 28, 2015, Monday
Read lots of bloggers have a review on this movie, I was wondered why my brother and brother in law never ask to watch this movie o.O Then right on that night, we go for a movie and here is it (law of attraction??) I must got to say Anne Hathaway caught my attention the most, because of The Princess Diaries that movie, she's so pretty and do look like a real princess to me lo.
記得很小的時候就很喜歡這位女主角,大大的眼睛飾演麻雀變公主變公主的她,真的很像一位公主的完美。 那時候我還天真的以為她真的是真的公主,哈哈哈!  而在這部電影裡安妮·海瑟薇飾演的女上司,家庭事業都是盡量配合,雖然到了後面她曾經想過放棄自己辛苦得來的事業來挽回婚姻,但還好她最後還是打消了這個念頭。

So back to the movie, the story wasn't like what expected, a senior intern, Robert De Niro work at an online big company, I was expected he got some failure to get into the flow, but he turned out to be very humble and willing to learn. Even he has't been assigned to any work, he will look around find something to work on (seriously, some fresh newbies nowadays should learn from it, if has nothing to do, they might just loitering around or browsing internet and some even can finish few photo books in advanced)  Well, what about Anne Hathaway then? I do really like her character here though, woman like good in career is definitely charming but as a woman also good in family that's absolutely best of the best. Even though ended up she decided to give-up her company unwillingly but of course she didn't in the end.
這個還是滿新鮮的題材,不過我覺得假如真的有公司是這樣,應該會鬧出不少笑話來。 本來還以為故事題材會延伸到該實習生生病還是什麼的,但是故事的發展卻帶出了很多人生道理。 現代社會,很多老一輩的都會逐漸的被標籤為跟不上腳步的落後一族。 或許那只是表面的看法,畢竟他們都在社會打滾了這麼久,累積了一定的人生處事態度。 男主角罗伯特·德尼罗在新公司的謙卑及待人處事,都是我們應該學習的。

Country: United States
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 121 minutes (2 hours 1 minutes)
Directed by: Nancy Meyers

Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway) is the founder and CEO of About the Fit, a fast-growing e-commerce fashion company. One day she agrees to a community outreach program where seniors will intern at the firm. One of the new interns is Ben Whitaker (Robert De Niro), a widower and retired executive at a phone directory company.

Ben is assigned to work with Jules, who is somewhat skeptical of him at first. One day Jules' chauffeur is drunk, and Ben forces him to tell her when he sees him drinking while he is about to drive Jules, and she begins to warm to Ben when he takes over as her chauffeur as well. Ben eventually reveals that he once worked in the very same building where Above The Fit is now based. He also develops a romantic relationship with the in-house massage therapist, Fiona (Rene Russo), and becomes something of a father figure to the younger workers. He is very committed to Jules, and even breaks into the house of Jules' mother with his band of co-workers to delete an email that Jules inadvertently sent her.

Meanwhile, Jules is seriously considering giving her post of CEO to someone outside of Above the Fit in hopes of professionalizing the company that has grown from a startup founded in her kitchen to a 250-employee juggernaut in only 18 months. Believing it will give her more time at home with her husband Matt (Anders Holm) and daughter Paige (JoJo Kushner), she is willing to consider the offer. While driving Paige home from a party, Ben discovers that Matt is having an affair with another parent at Paige's school. It turns out that Jules knows about Matt's cheating as well. While on a business trip in San Francisco, Jules tells Ben that she's hoping to bring in an outside CEO in order to save her marriage.

Jules decides to accept one prospective CEO's offer. Late one night at work, Ben greatly encourages her to think about how much this will change her authority and how her creativity may be tampered with. Also, Matt unexpectedly drops in at the office and urges her to reconsider, saying that he is willing to make their marriage work. Jules goes looking for Ben wanting to tell him she's changed her mind, to find him in a Tai Chi exercise group. She finally lets herself relax, and joins him, thus ending the movie.

Sources from Wikipedia

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

【Blog|部落格】4 x 2|四對二

September 27, 2015, Tuesday

【Festival|節日】Happy Mid-Autumn Festival|中秋節快樂

September 27, 2015, Sunday
The thing I can't miss in every mid-autumn festival is this. Yup, I was got stuck by my Europe trip so when I was back it only like a week left to the mid autumn festival.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

【Haul|購物】Skin Care Routine|小小保养

September 26, 2015, Saturday
I believe most of the girls have their own skin care routine, and so do I... Eh, nope! I've a friend, she doesn't need any skin care routine, she just need clean water to wash her face, that's all! She said if she use something skin care stuffs, her face would start to grow pimples or somewhat, that's really good! Simultaneously she doesn't need to spend any single ringgit in that and that definitely save a lot!!
說到保養,我真的不算很稱職,因為我很懶惰,我每天都說我自己是一條蟲,為什麼好好一個人不做,要做一隻蟲。 但是從25開始,不保養就是自己的吃虧。

Friday, September 11, 2015

【Airport|機場】Amsterdam Airport Schiphol|阿姆斯特丹史希浦機場|Luchthaven Schiphol

September 11, 2015, Thursday
I was so excited, as this is one of the top 5 best airports in the world. I've this instant thought that I'm here for vacation instead and not for transit only.
終於到了,終於到了,我真的抵達歐洲了,終於有那種興奮,而且這個還是全世界五大最好的機場之一。 雖然只是在這裡轉機罷了,但也是一種興奮,讓我可以順便打卡一下。

Thursday, September 10, 2015

【Boeing|波音】KLM 777-300|荷蘭皇家航空777-300

September 10, 2015, Thursday
Couldn't believe this is the one, this is the Europe airline that I wish to take all the time. Can't tell why I like KLM so much, but I truly believed minor part of the reason is the logo of the airline, hahaha! As I like like white color indeed, second is light blue, and KLM logo and the outlook design is light blue and white. Super obvious, right??
荷蘭皇家航空一直以來都是我很想乘搭的歐洲航空,我真的很慶幸Mika選到機票是他(不然我真的還會在那邊碎碎唸,而且最近我也已被很多人說我搭飛機還要講究那麼多 =.= 幹嘛啦! 我對飛機講究就好像你們對食物的講究那樣,對我來說食物只要健康,吃下去後,排泄出來還不是會變一坨東西,而飛機對你們來說也只不過是個交通工具罷了,同等道理!)

【Airport|機場】Kuala Lumpur International Airport KLIA|吉隆坡國際機場

September 10, 2015, Thursday
The day before the flight, I was like..."when is the exact time of the flight ya?" Yup, I was so blur and busy with work, the only thing I remember is to make sure I've passed everything on my work to my colleague then go get a credit card then money exchange. Wow, all this is last minutes works. If really do something came up, I will be screwed up.
以前出國的時候總是非常興奮的一直注意時間,但是現在我卻是在出國的前一天才去查看時間,甚至很多時候都會忘記到底確實的時間日期是幾時。 前一天時候,我突然想起。。。明天的飛機是幾點啊?? 行李最後一刻才收拾,非常臨時抱佛腳。

【Europe|歐洲】11 Days in Europe | 11天的歐洲之旅

September 10, 2015, Thursday
Europe always is one of top place wish to go in my wish list. Last year I promised my friend, Mika to have a vacation with her (seriously I didn't even remember that until she reminds me =.=!) At first she said want to go Hokkaido, then don't know for what reason, it has been switching to Italy (wow, that's a very big jump!) Despite about the sudden jumping high currency I still have to go, because she has already bought my flight ticket as well in mid of June (huh? You never afraid of I might not be able to pay you back??) I told her, I seriously don't have time to work on the itinerary then she told me is okay, asked me to pick a place then she will do for the rest. Luckily she did that as when I going for a trip, I'm so lazy and hardly work on any "homework" before I depart. I always think that is so compact and systematic in my daily life already, so why would I be so troublesome when I go for a trip. Thus this sort of a big challenge to me, but glad I did guess the time I used to spend on it was definitely worthy!!
欧洲! 在今年的2015愿望里,到欧洲旅行是在里面的,但是一直都没有去实行,因为我单一旅行的话,我大概是在前一两个星期才决定地点,前一个星期才订机票,出发前一两天才订住处。 今年我还真的很过分从年头巴厘岛(妈妈要的新年旅行)日本(这个胆粗粗的跟博客Ember的旅行)新加坡(这个明明就是去公干)华欣(家庭旅行)再来的意大利,还有大大小小的本地旅行。最重要的我尝试到全日航空捷星航空泰国航空马印航空荷兰皇家航空法国航空,这个才是重点,但是目前为止我还是最喜欢全日航空,嘻嘻! 单单飞机也要分一篇一篇来写(因为那是很重要的)从去年就答应了Mika(她说不可以放华语名)北海道旅行,但是不知道怎样就变成去了欧洲,当时我还以为她说说而已。。。谁知道某天的六月中她就连我的飞机票都一起买了(这么相信我,你不怕我走数?? 哇哈哈哈!),我当时整个人都还没回过意识来! 都买了,所以就去吧! 回想去八月的时候我忙到都还没有有时间去申请假期呢。。。还有当时在分地区做功课的时候,这个真的考倒我,因为我旅行从来不做功课,因为平日的生活太过于规划,所以我旅行的时候都放空,大致上都是乱乱走为主(加上做功课? 我自问真的没有那么多时间,明明就是懒,所以我索性就将他留给冒险吧,兵来将挡)既然上次日本之旅就辛苦了Ember,所以我告诉自己我下一次不可以再犯同样的错误。当然也很庆幸的Mika知道我多重岗位的关系,她让我自由选一个地方来做功课,其他的就让她来做吧! 我还真的很客气的选了威尼斯来做,因为威尼斯最小(嘿,我没有选梵蒂冈来做已经算很好了,但是话说回来,为什么我当时没有想到梵蒂冈呢?真是超级欠揍啊!)

Friday, September 04, 2015

【Book|書籍】Merhaba! My Turkey Journey|《土耳其手繪旅行》

September 4, 2015, Friday
What does this book inspire me the most?? Is the drawing of course, couldn't imagine everything inside was handwritten and drawings. If you carry this book with you during travel, bet that you must have a thought to write and draw on the way of your journey.
一本讓我迫不及待想要立即看完,但是有240頁的他,因爲裏面的内容,卻讓我想要快點看完,但是又同時不想那麽快看完。 想要快點看完是常態吧,每次都想要東西能夠快點完成,而不想看完的原因是,我擔心我看得太快,然後很快沒有得看了了,這本應該也會成爲我一看再看的書之一吧!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

【Movie|电影】The Transporter Refueled|玩命快遞:肆意橫行

September 2, 2015, Wednesday
At first when I saw the trailer, what came to mind is "Is this an Audi car advertisement or a movie?" Then after I watch the movie,'s definitely like half Audi advertisement and half movie. Or I should watch it like this way, they're trying to show how advanced was the car can do. Umm......
看著這部電影的時候就有一種是在看奧迪車的廣告那樣(其實當下我是希望不要那麼重廣告性質啦!)但是看完出來的時候。。。啊! 它真的是廣告電影啊,其實多次電影都是看到這樣的劇情了(而且看太多還有一點膩,是那種有稍微知道劇情的膩)

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

【Movie|电影】Attack on Titan|進撃の巨人

September 1, 2015, Tuesday
Human body was being tear apart and the chewing sound from the broken bones......that's all I can remember and nothing much. It wasn't scary but disgusting, reminds that few years back the Saw series, that's scary and disgusting.

✈1 Picture Sources
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