Thursday, September 10, 2015

【Boeing|波音】KLM 777-300|荷蘭皇家航空777-300

September 10, 2015, Thursday
Couldn't believe this is the one, this is the Europe airline that I wish to take all the time. Can't tell why I like KLM so much, but I truly believed minor part of the reason is the logo of the airline, hahaha! As I like like white color indeed, second is light blue, and KLM logo and the outlook design is light blue and white. Super obvious, right??
荷蘭皇家航空一直以來都是我很想乘搭的歐洲航空,我真的很慶幸Mika選到機票是他(不然我真的還會在那邊碎碎唸,而且最近我也已被很多人說我搭飛機還要講究那麼多 =.= 幹嘛啦! 我對飛機講究就好像你們對食物的講究那樣,對我來說食物只要健康,吃下去後,排泄出來還不是會變一坨東西,而飛機對你們來說也只不過是個交通工具罷了,同等道理!)

So take a glance here, Mika doesn't know that I desired to sit window so much, thus she booked all the inside seats...what a sad news......but, but, but that's okay! So means I will be looking forward to my second tried on this airline by myself (finger crossed)
非常美中不足的就是Mika每一趟都選了裡面的位子,她說因為外面也沒有什麼東西看,而且我們的飛程都是晚上的。 (嘿,那就不是這樣說了,晚上也有晚上的美,可以看到晚間的夜景啊!) 不過,不過,這是不是代表了,我以後還有機會可以再次自己去程搭,嘻嘻!

I won't aware of this or bother taking picture like this last time, but when I truly look into it. I found that every airline has their own design of keeping their booklet and magazines.
看到這張照片後,我才發覺每個航空的放雜誌的“口袋”都不一樣,這個的是這樣向裡面放的。 第一次看還有點奇怪,不過這樣看起來大樣的東西,像是被就不能往這裡塞了,因為我平時還沒用到的時候它的時候,我都是塞在那裡,可知道我們這種經濟艙的是位子有限,所以要多多利用空間。

But the safety booklet here looks a bit old. Apparently is 777-300, actually I was hopping 747 though, no offense, just that I like 747 more than this.
由於這一趟上機跟下機的時候,天色比較暗所以沒辦法拍到機尾的號碼來看機身的年齡,但是以這個安全指南來看,這架機應該也服務了有一段時間。 777-300是很不錯,可是我還是比較喜歡747,就沒有其他,只是747比較吸引我。

Gap between is good here, I've more space for myself, so it means should be very comfortable for others as well. Because I've short legs, if there's too tight for me, then it must be a nightmare for the rest.
剛才上面的放雜誌,下面這個比較狹窄的口袋就是裝安全指南,而且他很小,幾乎也放不了任何東西。不過這張照片我不是要說那個,我是要說這個位子與位子之間放腳的空間還滿闊的。 Mika說可能是為了方便歐洲人身材,因為我們亞洲人比較小小隻,但是西方人的體格比較大一點,所以他們才會設計比較大一點的空間吧! 我想倒是,不過假如我的腳感覺到很大的空間,那代表這對高個子或體格比較大的人來說,也是比較寬敞的。 相對的假如位子很小的話,即使我腳短我也可以感覺得到出來。

Well prepared blue blanket and white pillow here. Due to it's economy seats, seriously there're not much space to put these two. Like what I always did was put the blanket inside the pocket of the seat in front of me. But this pocket here was too tight, so no choice it just had to place on my thigh.
枕頭跟被早已放好在位子上了,一坐下去,真的不知道要把他們往那裡塞,最後只好放在大腿上,不過我看到我隔壁的把被放置在地上。 我也有樣學樣的把被子放在地上先,反正它是有膠帶保護著,但是整頭就沒有辦法了。

The flight wasn't take off that fast after we've onboard, and it did take some times. So we all were kept looking for the earphone or headset. An middle age couple sit besides me, they ask from the stewardess, she replied it will come after takeoff. So after long wait to take off, the stewardess came across with little small bag of this on a tray.
我們算是還蠻早登機的,所以登機後還需要等一段時間起飛。 左鄰右舍都在看為什麼沒有耳機呢? 過後再詢問一下空姐,她說要等起飛後才可以派給大家,所以我們都唯有耐心的等吧! 好不容易終於等到起飛了,空姐端著一個長方形盤子,上面放滿了這個小小的袋子,一個一個的派給我們。

This is so so so cute, is like digging Christmas present inside (and I was like wait, wait, wait, I gonna to take a picture first before I opened it up) It has basically everything inside, water, snack, earphone, eye mask, wet tissue, tooth paste and tooth brush.
這真是超級可愛啦! 我搭飛機不算多次,不過耳機這樣的出場經驗,我還是第一次看見。 小小的袋子裝滿了很多東西,每一樣拿出來的東西,就好像發現藏寶箱開禮物的感覺(而這下我一直在拍照,隔壁的阿姨一直猛看著我,算了! 就讓你看吧,而Mika說她已經習慣了我這樣什麼都要拍的動作了)

I didn't use this onboard actually and carry it with me from day one until now =.= Meanwhile I was supposedly to use it onboard, but I forgot then now I've no idea should I throw it or what. Throw it? It's too waste for that, let's keep for the future, maybe!
首先來說說的就是這包裡面含有牙刷,牙膏,濕紙巾,和眼罩。 本來是給我們在機上梳洗用的,但是我開箱後好像都不當一回事的忘記了,所以最後都原封不動的帶回來。

No idea why I took a blur picture here, but since they're so many aircrafts on it, so I'm absolutely not gonna to remove this picture no matter what. Oh yah, this's the bag of the earphone.
這是耳機! 好可愛哦! 我是指上面的小飛機,我好喜歡哦! 即使我不小心把它拍到模糊了,但我還是不忍心的拿走這張照片,因為上面的小飛機收買了我,哈哈哈。。。

They're so cute, is light blue and white. I asked Mika "Did you see this as like an aircraft?" She said "Got meh?" I said "Got, the white part with the logo is the aircraft body which is the fuselage then the end part which connect to the wire is the tail!" She definitely has no idea how to answer me with that......=.=!! 
開起來後,我跟Mika說“你看,它有沒有很像飛機的樣子?” Mika一臉懷疑的回答“有嗎?” 我說“有啊!你看前面白色那邊就是機身,然後後面連接去線條那邊就是機尾!” 她聽了後,再次一臉無奈的。。。不知道該給我什麼反應。

I admit that I'm that kind of person glad to see things from overseas, like this stated there from Netherlands. But this pack is too small, can I have another one??
我確實是那種看到外國的月亮比較圓的人。 所以當我看到這個後面是來自荷蘭的,就有一種莫名的興奮, 而且裡面的花生還滿不錯吃。 拜託,可以要求多一包嗎?

Forget my tired face without makeup, let's have a wefie before we goes to sleep. Is 11pm in Malaysia timing so is time to go to bed, even just a quick nap is fine.

Almost want to fall asleep, stewardess start to dispatch dinner, nope is supper. Surprisingly she didn't ask what I want, but gave whole tray to each of us. (I was still thinking maybe noodles or rice something, hahaha!)
差不多要入眠的時候,空姐來派晚餐了。 嗯! 是晚餐嗎? 我想是宵夜吧! 奇怪的是空姐沒有問我們要什麼就直接放下來了,通常不是會問要魚還是要肉,不然就是要麵還是要飯的嗎?

I had the salad first, because I know myself well, if I don't have those I don't like goes first, then I wouldn't want to take it anymore. The salad goes a bit salty here and because is vegetable so I got to force myself to finish it no matter what.
跟著我吃的順序一樣一樣去看吧! 開胃的先來個沙拉,其實不是開胃,而是我不喜歡吃沙拉,所以放它吃第一個,因為這樣才可以讓我把最好的放到最後享受。

Second is the dessert? You sure I've the right order of dish here?? Is OCD here again, I tend to finish all the small portion one the the last main course keep for the end. Mika likes this a lot and she finish it all, but for me this's too sweet and creamy, I grab a small bite and put it back.

Let's check out the main dishes, no doubt it, glad I kept this for the last. This taste a bit like Mexico wrap, and it was still warm when I was having it, what a pleasant supper!
Mika說這個有點墨西哥卷那樣的味道,吃的時候沒有很燒也沒有很冷,溫度配上味道是剛剛好。 我們倆都吃到很滿足啊! 這麼棒的宵夜,不知道下一樣會是什麼的呢??

Woke up after long sleep, it was 815am in the morning in Malaysia and we were on top of Penza where is southeast of Moscow, 2,743km to destination.
宵夜後我看了一兩部電影就睡著了。 起床的時候是馬來西亞的時間8點15分。我們在這個奔萨的領空,在莫斯科南方2,743公里處。

Actually I do not wish it arrive so fast, hahaha......because I like to sit on a plane. Okay, this one suddenly has switch to English Unit, 4,748 miles here means roughly 7,641 kilometers away from home.
好像很快的感覺,我還不想那麼快下機,在飛機上很爽(這讓很多人罵我變態!) 離家4,748英里就是7,641公里 (螢幕上的測量單位是一直變化的,是方面只會看明白其中一種測量單位的人)

First time in my flying history here, I really fly to Europe this time. Not like dreaming, in the beginning of the year I set a new year goal list o myself, fly to Paris, to Europe is one of it.

Among all, this is the coolest, yup! Can check on the altitude and airspeed here. Guess maybe in the future, can we also check out the MFD and TCAS here? Okay, that's a little bit too much!
超級帥,以往看到的都是數字,這次可以看到圖面的,有高度還有飛行數度的顯示。 不知道以後會不會有MFD和TCAS的出現呢? 想太多了。。。

Around 9.40am in Malaysia timing, we have our breakfast served. Fruits, cheese, bread, orange juice and eggs (my favorite). This definitely brings me back to my sweetest memory in ANA of course.
馬來西亞時間9點40分,我們的早餐來啦! 有水果,乳酪,麵包,橙汁和我最愛的雞蛋。 30,000尺上高空的雞蛋早餐,第一個憶起的當然是全日航空的早餐啦,真是流連忘返。

And Mika had this, like little small bread (glad we had different order so I can both picture to show) to me this's a lot and surprisingly she can finished them all. Kinda impressive ya!
沒有選擇的宵夜,聯想到早餐到底有沒有得選擇。 還好這是有得選的,Mika選擇的是薄煎餅。總共有6塊,她全部又吃完,我傻眼再傻眼。。。

Done with the breakfast, I asked Mika to take a picture of me while I was writing this. Finally, finally and finally I've someone to catch a picture of me while I was writing. I'm truly done everything by my own. Not easy from the bottom and here writing bilingual is making the tasks even more difficult.
吃過早餐,有精力,是時候來寫手帳了。 我興奮到一直跟她說“終於終於有人幫我拍照了,終於有人拍我了,因為平時我都是自己一個人飛,想早人拍我都很難(而且我又超級挑剔,拍得不好看是要多拍幾次的!) 當下寫下來就是方便日後寫部落格的啊! 可想可知,我硬硬要寫兩個語言,那是多麼多工和辛苦的事,快點來稱讚我一下,哈哈哈! (不要臉!)

Toilet is always full, on top of roughly 300 passengers on board, that's the way it works. I guess the flight is full house because I can't even see a single empty seat.
應該是滿座的機艙,大概300餘數的乘客,導致上廁所都是要排隊,不到門口去排隊,都很難會上到廁所。 窄窄的廁所,讓我懷念起日全航空的夢幻客機空曠的廁所。

While I was writing, somebody get so bored here and start texting me from the side =.=!! Hahaha!! But the screen here is kinda sensitive though, not like the lagging one at the airport, shhh......
我是很多東西要做,要拍照又要寫手帳,但是我隔壁的Mika就超級無聊,無聊到我坐在她隔壁,她也要這樣來跟我聊天。 不過說實在的這個觸碰螢幕一點都不遲鈍, 相比起某個醋碰螢幕,那個已被我彈到地底下去了。

What's this?? Honestly I was like starring at this picture for quite, like asking myself what's this? Why am I taking this picture? Oh! I found out in the end, this's the socket plug on board, and unfortunately it's hiding under the seat, not like exactly under seat, is the mounted 90 degrees down of the handle. If you didn't really go look for it, you won't even know there's a socket plug on board.
黑矇矇的照片,我在電腦前面對著這張照片看了很久,都不知道這是什麼。 最後我才想到這個是插座,它是個非常隱密的插座,就是在手把的90度直下,假如不是我蹲下去撿東西,我可能下機後都不知道有它的存在。

I like this, you can adjust it according to your hight, like for children usually it just got put until the top end of it. As I've kids siting in front and behind me (very lucky) but even more lucky is they didn't make any noisy throughout the whole flight. Good job, kids!
可以移上移下的頭肩很方便,不是那種固定住的,會頂到自己的背後。 啊! 對了,我們的前後都坐了小孩,感謝小孩們都很乖,整程都沒有鬧,不是乖乖睡覺就是看電視,沒有打擾到周圍的乘客。

Is 11am in Malaysia time, we're ready to touch down. Before I leave the plane and while the plane was still taxing, I was busy with this and told Mika, wait, wait, wait!! I need to take a picture of this, it's very important! =.=!!
馬里西亞時間11點早上,我們即將抵達阿姆斯特丹史基浦機場。 臨下機前,我都差點完了拍照,叫住了Mika等我拍照先,我還真的全程記錄啊!

So here we are!! Landed safely in Amsterdam at 5.30am in the morning with the local time. Before I write this, I was kept on thinking is this gonna to take long to reach until the Italy post? But if I don't write this, this's gonna be so not me, as I like things to go accordingly.
阿姆斯特丹當時是早上5點,我們安全的降落,等待轉機。 在寫這一篇的時候,我在想到底要不要跳過這一些,這麼長氣的飛行篇,應該只有我這個變態才喜歡寫(很長氣嗎? 我都沒有說到引擎部份,那哪算啊?)加上要按部就班這樣寫這樣才像我嘛! 不然都不像我了。。。詳細的發現一般人不會注意到的東西(經過這趟旅行,Mika最後分析給我聽說“你第一樣喜歡的是交通工具,第二樣是建築物!” 因為我對建築物和對飛機有著一樣的熱忱,不是那種維基百科抄抄回來就算的,怎麼說我也是中學時期就開始研究很多世界級的建築了)

As landed in other country, everything looks so new and interesting to me, look at this jet bridge here, is so much different, this has huge lever or rigid bar to hold it.
話說到最後,這個空橋也太特別了吧! 跟我以往看過的不一樣,有真麼多槓桿哦! 或許太累的關係,所以也沒有深入去研究到底它們是怎樣支撐的,可能以後我自個兒再到來的時候,我會去研究吧!

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  1. yeah it seems nice taking KLM, but I have not taken KLM before.. usually I would also prefer aisle seat than window seat, especially if I'm travelling alone, more convenient la eg: easier to go to toilet, haha!! the meals looks good enough, way better than the MARS airlines I took recently, haha!!!

    1. Hahaha, but I've heard a travelogue blogger said before, is better to take the window seat, so you don't get wake up by others as they need to go toilet lo.

  2. Seems like a very nice experience.. And ooh my, the food, looks so so good.. Supper a lot, breakfast also a lot, I can't eat a lot when I'm flying, makes me uncomfortable with a full tummy, but food looks so good, if me also I will finish it..

    1. Really? Sure? I guess if you said you can't eat a lot but you still can eat a lot one lo, hahahaha...

  3. Wah that screen that shows altitude and speed... Awesome! I don't think I have seen it before in SQ flights!

  4. christmas came early :)

    Too made about no window seat. But it's okay. There will be other time

  5. Thanks for showing so much details in the photos. Felt like I was sitting in the plane with you.

  6. 777, same aircraft as MH370 and MH17. Used that to fly KUL - AKL. Nice.

    1. Mas that two is 777-200ER, and this is 777-300ER. o.O

    2. Yes, this one is nicer - got headrest, did not have that on the one I used to NZ, only know 777, dunno the rest. Food looks nicer too.

    3. Hahaha, actually it confused me sometimes.

  7. I took KLM once and had a quite satisfying experience with it, but food still so so to me la... May be not ngam my appetite, haha!

  8. Hvn't tried KLM before. I like the color. Nice blue! I envy the time to travel. Hv fun!

    1. You have it too, no need to be envy, the time will come! =]

  9. 知道你真的很喜欢飞机啦!!所以真的很讲究 XD

  10. Klm is great and you seems to have a comfortable flight ! Have fun !!

  11. 很詳細的記錄啊!


    1. 哈哈哈,因為是飛機的關係嘛,所以才那麼詳細。

  12. What an interesting flight details on board this KLM. I have never flown in one and might do it soon.
    Do you know that KLM means Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij which is Royal Dutch Airlines? If they call it RDA, you might dislike it...!!! Muahahahaha
    I am a 6 footer so I always have issues with leg rooms and had to pay extra in AA to get hot seats.
    I like that the altitude and airspeed screen, so cool. Thanks for a nice tour on KLM.

    1. Yea, I know (when I was googling it)
      Definitely, because my brother in laws are very tall too, they always request for hot seat, if not that would be very difficult for them.

  13. I always like window seats, usually i will require for window seat... hehe...


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