Sunday, September 27, 2015

【Festival|節日】Happy Mid-Autumn Festival|中秋節快樂

September 27, 2015, Sunday
The thing I can't miss in every mid-autumn festival is this. Yup, I was got stuck by my Europe trip so when I was back it only like a week left to the mid autumn festival.

Glad that I was still be able to buy it before it ends, I heard from the staffs, they said the last day was Sunday and I bought it on Saturday. It was a long day, I was at Mid Valley in the morning, about 11am drive to Bukit Kiara meet up my friend, Mika have lunch together then towards 1U to meet up my eldest sister to buy this.

Okay, I definitely don't like the packaging here this year, feel like the designer hasn't put any effort on it, check out the 2013 and 2014 version, they're using the same box, but at least still can tell that's Haagen Daz type of mooncake.
一看到今年的包裝盒子就跌眼鏡,怎麼這麼隨便(怎麼說人家隨便? 盒子上的花好像是找了一位知名畫家畫的)哎唷,我不是說上面的畫啦,我是說盒子的設計,看看去年前年的,雖然那兩年都是用同樣一款盒子,不過怎樣看上去都有點Häagen-Dazs的味道,但是這個。。。真的有點過於普通。

Not that I really like to complain, but this one the dry was was just dump on top of the mooncake, not like the previous years, they've a specific compartment for it and at least is hidden one, okay!!
打開裡面更不知道要怎樣形容,前幾年的乾冰都會分開放,而且都會放得很整齊,因為他們設計了一個格子將乾冰放在裡面。 說我是外貌協會主義吧! 就這樣把乾冰放在月餅上面,都好像有點不尊敬他們,好歹中間也應該設計一個小柱子盒子把他藏起來都沒有那麼礙眼。。。

This year I got the petite collection, which is two milk chocolate mooncake with chocolate ice-cream, two strawberry chocolate mooncake with summer berries & cream ice-cream and one white chocolate mooncake mango ice cream flavor. At first I requested to have three chocolate and one strawberry and one mango, because I found the strawberry flavor has very strong strawberry taste. Unfortunately the staff said the flavor came with the package, can't change anything. =.=
今年我買了Petite Collection系列,裡面有兩個巧克力,兩個草莓,還有一個芒果味道。 我還以為可以自行選擇裡面放什麼口味的,誰知道工作人員說口味已經訂了,不能隨意更換的,那好吧!


Besides the mooncake, they've other collections as well, like this something like cookies is ice cream between two flat biscuits. Was wanted to try something new this year, but I scared the biscuits might be very thick plus it doesn't look like "mooncake" and looks like biscuit instead.

My eldest nephew like this flavor, before even I bought he already mentioned he wants it as he was there with his mom while I was buying there. This is a new flavor to me which doesn't have two years collections.
先來說說這個芒果味道,我大姪兒嚐試了這個就說他要這個,因為當時他和他媽媽在一起也就是我大姐。 哦,對了,他們現場可以免費給你試吃,這個帶有芒果味道但又不是很重很重的芒果味的冰淇淋月餅真的很不錯。

The strawberry one is very very "berry", definitely for those who likes strawberry they would love this. Hsagen Dazs ice cream always have very strong  taste, wouldn't be like very milky...
反倒是這個草莓口味的就真的很草莓,好像在吃很多草莓一樣。 說到草莓味冰淇淋,我就真的比較傾向草莓味很重的而不是那種一點點草莓味然後奶味很重那種。

Chocolate flavor as like usual, you never drop your expectation on it, guess this could be everybody favorite, unless yourself own doesn't interested in chocolate! Ha!
最後的巧克力冰淇淋算是最普遍的好吃吧。。。而且每一年我大姐都要跟我拿掉去,害我每一年都吃草莓味道的。 我原本買給我姊姊們一人一粒,結果她一家就拿兩粒,然後我又拿了一粒給阿姨,還有一粒給三姊,結果星期日晚才見到的二姊沒得吃。。。噓~~~

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  1. 我今年都没吃到月饼咧 >< 原来 haagen daaz 有推出月饼系列的哦 O..o

  2. I only like the traditional ones - traditional skin, lotus paste...with or without salted egg yolk(s).

  3. Very nice, I would love to have these Haagen Dasz moon cakes, but they so freakin' expensive leh! @.@

    1. Don't look at the price, due to certain people the RM keep dropping, everything is expensive!

  4. This year, i didn't go Malaysia look see look see at mooncake...

    1. Singapore got sell mooncake, only last time, i like to go Malaysia look see look see at the mooncake, hehe...

  5. 能与家人一起分享是多快乐的一件事

    1. 可能我是巨蟹座的關係,所以我比較在乎家人哦!

  6. wah must buy Haagen Dazs ice-cream mooncakes every year like a ritual?? you very 富 yor, haha.. I've never tried that before leh, so "sua goo" lor, haha!! every year also eat mooncake bought by company only, haha!! but this year got friend gave me homemade mooncakes, very nice!!! :)

    1. Once a year, not very fu you la! Hahaha, your company so good, got supply mooncake, mine one ya...don't hope la, hahaha!! Buy for my own is much faster!

  7. I like this ic mooncakes, so dainty and exquisite. But I ng say tak buy them.

    1. ng? Hahaha, so many shortcut words, I don't understand ya!


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