Thursday, September 10, 2015

【Airport|機場】Kuala Lumpur International Airport KLIA|吉隆坡國際機場

September 10, 2015, Thursday
The day before the flight, I was like..."when is the exact time of the flight ya?" Yup, I was so blur and busy with work, the only thing I remember is to make sure I've passed everything on my work to my colleague then go get a credit card then money exchange. Wow, all this is last minutes works. If really do something came up, I will be screwed up.
以前出國的時候總是非常興奮的一直注意時間,但是現在我卻是在出國的前一天才去查看時間,甚至很多時候都會忘記到底確實的時間日期是幾時。 前一天時候,我突然想起。。。明天的飛機是幾點啊?? 行李最後一刻才收拾,非常臨時抱佛腳。

The flight is 11.20 at night, Mika told me to be there by 8pm, I was like "Why we need to be there so early? Isn't it just need 2 hours before the flight?" I told my colleague "You know what, my flight is 11.20pm but my friend asked me to be there by 8pm." My colleague was like "Crazy, is it?" Yea, right? But so I did make it there 8.30pm instead of 8pm. She said the reason she wants us there to be early because we need to be in the check in line. As I see it myself, I got her point that why she wants to be there so early.

I remember last time check in was you pass the passport to staff, they will print the flight ticket and check in the baggage for you. But now with their new system, we got to use the self check in machine to print the flight ticket and the machine is super duper slow, the screen is not sensitive is one thing. Second that I was really pissed off is I want the printed traditional flight ticket, I like the one has the airline logo on top right and with the COLORS!! Come on!!! Yes, I'm super serious on this, doesn't matter what airline is that, but when it's printed like this, it does look so cheap to me!!!

Beyond that, Mika was so worry that our luggage won't get direct transit to Italy so she went to the customer service for answer. =.=!!  Before she starts a word to ask the staff, he replies first "Go to check in counter, go to the check in counter!" Yup!! That's how it works... then I told her don't need to ask them anything, they won't answer you anything. 
Mika叫我8點到飛機場! 蝦米? 11點20的飛機,我8點就要到? 我跟同事說“我的飛機11點20,我的朋友叫我8點要到機場哦!” 他回說“啥?傻了?” 我也是這樣覺得,所以我8點30分才到,其實也不是故意的啦,是我的時間算到來是剛剛好的。 到機場的時候,Mika已經在那裡等我了,我看到baggage drop off的隊伍已經很長了。 當時我才明白原來要早到是因為這樣啊? 不過說是這樣,人們是在排隊,但是櫃檯是完全還沒開始的。

以前出國的時候,都是去櫃檯登記的,可是現在就要全部自己來,對我來說是沒有問題,但是這個機器也太怠慢了,慢還是其次,出來的飛機票,竟然是這樣的打印的罷了! 我當時都傻眼,你們不會玩我吧? 是荷蘭皇家航空叻,又不是什麼廉航,真是跌大眼鏡! 我要那種打印出來漂漂亮亮有該航空標誌顏色的飛機票啦! 而且這種很快退色呢。。。

機票的事投訴一下就算了,接下來就是要去排隊check in行李箱,Mika很擔心我們的行李不會直接抵達目的地,因為我們必須在阿姆斯特丹轉機。誰知道她走到那櫃台,她都還沒開始問,那個客戶服務員就指示她去baggage check in櫃台那邊。。。什麼嘛! 真是沒禮貌又不敬業,你不是敬業至少也不要那麼敷衍嘛! 我告訴Mika不要管他啦,我們直接去櫃檯那邊,他們會搞定的。

It was so dramatic ya?! But we get used to it and there is where you get to train your EQ. Maybe that's what have been through all the time and be tolerance!

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  1. It's self check-in everywhere now. I've done it at KLIA before, no problem at all and any problem, there will be somebody there to help or you can proceed to the counter. I did that once as coming back from NZ, something went wrong with my online check-in and there, I had to do it at the counter...and because of that, the machines would not do it for me at KLIA too, I had to get it done by somebody at the counter.

    It is very convenient if you do not have any check-in luggage. It is the long queues and long wait to drop off the luggage that may be a problem especially the budget airlines that will only open one or two counters for that purpose.

    1. P.S.
      I believe it is the boarding pass you're talking about, not the flight ticket? Ya...the one from the machine is very flimsy, very thin...something like the carbonised paper in the credit card's receipt.

    2. Wahhhhhh!!!! An all-expense paid company trip! Some people have all the luck in the world.

    3. Maybe you are lucky enough to encounter some very good staffs, but before I write this, I did survey around, especially my colleagues who always fly, they said the same thing, that most of the staff they encountered were not that friendly!

  2. I thought international flights need to check in 3 hours in advance? So being there at 8pm is accurate kua..

    1. Hahahaha, I don't know, I always like two hours before, super lazy, went there early also has no place to sit

  3. 我每次都在KLIA2的。。一月要去KLIA 很紧张叻。。而且还是自己一个人。。哇老。。哈哈哈哈

  4. 我每次都会提早3个钟抵达机场, 人到了也比较放心, 顺便逛逛机场咯哈哈。
    看到你的机票我傻眼了一下 =...=

  5. luckily you have people around you to remind you of many things.. else if you only remember your flight date and not the time, die lor if your flight is like 12:30am and you baru got home from work at 8pm the night before.. so i think if go travel with you, must book evening or night flight, haha!!

    i am also those who pack my luggage the night before the flight, and do everything the last minutes, haha.. but of course book flight and hotel months ago lah (else will have to pay more leh)..

    1. Hahaha, recently I always kept forgot stuffs when I was traveling, I truly believe that I must be too busy until I've messed up my things! Months ago? Hahaha, I also don't know why I've the guts to book like one or two weeks later! xp

  6. yeah, tran your EQ and it helps you to calm down and think straight!

  7. Wei that boarding pass really look so... parlia... Is it just KLM, or it is the same for all airlines in KLIA?? Shit la, my trip next year fly from there leh...

  8. 我也比较喜欢以前的机票,比较有机票的感觉。用这些机器出来的机票,字体很容易也很快变浅去


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