Saturday, September 03, 2016

【Gift|禮物】Wooden Postcard|木製明信片

September 3, 2016, Saturday
第一次收到木板製的明信片,Kiko還問我不知道我有沒有收過這樣類似的明信片,我說沒有啊! 其實不要說收過沒有,我即使在當地也很少看到,不知道是不是我時常去的地方都很冷門,甚至有時候就連明信片都比較難買到。

那大象不是畫得好像很傳統的那種,它這是很可愛的,卡通型的那種,大象帶著小象真是給創意添加了很多分。 謝謝妳讓我有了第一張木板製的明信片,我很喜歡呢!

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  1. Wow! This wooden postcard is so amazing and innovative. I want too!
    I think our forests should be protected as the global warming is getting serious. Perhaps they can make these postcards from recycled wood and that would be Eco-Friendly. Thumbs Up!

    1. Hahahaha, you're so true, creative always makes the work better.

  2. Seems that wooden postcards are popular now. I have seen many being sold in Taiwan.


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