Friday, November 29, 2013

【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾的趣事

November 29, 2013, Friday
Like this design very much, it uses the reflection of mirror from the  river, seeing from the far is like crystal wall shining on the building!!!

Walk along the river side then I saw this...not sure what was it, but I just follow them to write wishes on the balloon...o.O!!!

On the right side was the set up place the balloon will be keep refilling...don't have to worry about the balloon will be finish or full of writing!!!

Like these buildings very much...still unable to stop taking picture of it!!!

Look!! There're already lots of balloon on the river...anyone was around that time......anyone is playing this???

Um, I didn't want to take this actually...but have to pretend to picture of this......

Because I wanted take picture of them, they're so cute, they were running back and front just to adjust the camera and retake it......
我就是看到他们啦!!!   超级可爱的夫妇(还是情侣)也不太清楚,只是看他们来回这样调整相机,然后再设定。。。

Cute and sweet, right???

How about this?? Just look so beautiful!!!

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Song|歌曲】Hebe《熱情》
2015: 【Book|書籍】Mon, Kiss|《媽,親一下》
2013: 【Hotel|酒店】Last Night @ Singapore|新加坡的最后一晚
2013: 【Gardens|花園】Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore|新加坡滨海湾花园
2013: 【Library|圖書館】National Library @ Singapore|新加坡国家图书馆
2013: 【Church|教堂】St Andrew's Cathedral @ Singapore|新加坡圣安德烈座堂
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾
2013: 【Bridge|橋梁】Helix Bridge @ Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡的螺旋桥
2013: 【Museum|博物館】ArtScience Museum @ Marina Bay Sands | 新加坡艺术科学博物馆
2013: 【Museum|博物館】Cyanotype [Painting with Light] | 利用光线画图
2013: 【Museum|博物館】The Little Black Jacket | 香奈兒小黑外套攝影展
2013: 【Shopping Mall|商場】Marina Bay Sands: The Shoppes | 新加坡海滨湾金沙商场内
2013: 【Hostel|住宿】Hostel: Adler Hostel | 新加坡首家豪华背包住处: 亚乐


  1. Morning morning.. I see the balloons I also feel happy liao.. Eh, the wedding couple look unique and different wor.. The girl is just wearing sleeveless shirt, shorts and a veil, haha.. New era modern punyer wedding style?

  2. ah, those balloons are cute, so just write your wish(es) on it and then throw it into the river?? haha, one very rare chance that you can thrown something into the Singapore River without being fined woh.. or you wrote already, pass back and the people there do the rest for you??

    hahaha.. yeah.. cute little couple.. so did they realize you were actually taking shots of them?? :p

  3. 你去新加坡玩了?

  4. What a funny couple playing "Let's Marry" games! Are they mainland Chinese cos I have seen funny bridal couples in China too. Life is interesting sometimes!

  5. hahaha... I thought the couple was fighting when I first saw the photos.. Yes, cute couple!

  6. I really love the scenery in Marina Bay... very nice and spectacular!

  7. Did you offer to take a photo for the couple? No need for them to adjust the camera so many times.

  8. I wonder what are those balloons for? Celebration or just to commemorate something or someone?

  9. photos dressed like that kah? Aiyor, once in a lifetime, should dress to kill ah...not like going to hawker stall for supper like that.

  10. 不知不觉你的新加坡posts已经写了那么多啊!!呵呵~

  11. 那一对在拍婚纱照吗?很特别的装扮~~


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