Friday, November 29, 2013

【Bay|海灣】Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾

November 29, 2013, Friday
Just a simple post to show the pictures I took, hehe!!!

Another picture of surrounding at the end of the bridge!!!

The left side

The Singapore Flyer is a giant Ferris wheel in Singapore. Described by its operators as an observation wheel,[4] it opened in 2008, construction having taken about 2½ years.[1] It carried its first paying passengers on 11 February, opened to the public on 1 March, and was officially opened on 15 April. It has 28 air-conditioned capsules, each able to accommodate 28 passengers, and incorporates a three-storey terminal building.[5] The Flyer has an overall height of 165 metres (541 ft) and was the world's tallest Ferris wheel until the 167.6 m (550 ft) High Roller, which is 2.6 m (9 ft) taller than the Flyer,[6] opened on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, US, on 31 March 2014.[7] The previous record holder, the Star of Nanchang, in Jiangxi, China, is 160 m (525 ft) tall, although its 153 m (502 ft) diameter wheel is larger than the Flyer's 150 m (492 ft) wheel. I didn't have chance to take a ride of this...maybe next time???

The best place to take a picture of them is walk across the bridge to the opposite side!!! =]
我发觉在对面这里就可以拍到最好的照片了!!!   =]

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Song|歌曲】Hebe《熱情》
2015: 【Book|書籍】Mon, Kiss|《媽,親一下》
2013: 【Hotel|酒店】Last Night @ Singapore|新加坡的最后一晚
2013: 【Gardens|花園】Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore|新加坡滨海湾花园
2013: 【Library|圖書館】National Library @ Singapore|新加坡国家图书馆
2013: 【Church|教堂】St Andrew's Cathedral @ Singapore|新加坡圣安德烈座堂
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾的趣事
2013: 【Bridge|橋梁】Helix Bridge @ Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡的螺旋桥
2013: 【Museum|博物館】ArtScience Museum @ Marina Bay Sands | 新加坡艺术科学博物馆
2013: 【Museum|博物館】Cyanotype [Painting with Light] | 利用光线画图
2013: 【Museum|博物館】The Little Black Jacket | 香奈兒小黑外套攝影展
2013: 【Shopping Mall|商場】Marina Bay Sands: The Shoppes | 新加坡海滨湾金沙商场内
2013: 【Hostel|住宿】Hostel: Adler Hostel | 新加坡首家豪华背包住处: 亚乐


  1. This wasn't there the last time I went. Can't afford to go anymore - stay in cheap hotel there, can stay in four or five-star, basking in the luxury, here, so no point. Cuti-cuti Malaysia saja...

    1. Yah, no doubt it...Singapore everything is so expensive, unless you earn Singapore dollar then is different...

  2. Nice photos.. See the photos can "tong hai" (assume) I been there liao, hehe.. Call me jakun, I never been to Sg before.. Uikksss.. Hahahaha..

    1. I am so very damn blardy shocked that you have never been to Singapore!!! i know you blaff and pull our legsssss! Muahahahaha

    2. Hahaha, aiyo...TM...lot of people also never been Singapore mah, hehe!!

  3. nice photo.. I think every tourists who is there will take tons of photos of this very beautiful place.. it's just a place that would awe many people.. great shots you are sharing here!!

    1. Yup, indeed...I've been to Singapore before this, but never go here, so when that I was there, I know I must visit this place, at least once, hehe!!!

  4. 怎麼你最近去那麼多地方啊?哈哈

  5. You are very good in taking photos to lure me always! I must go and take the Ferris Wheel ride in Singapore. I found that's the cheapest and best way to see any cities in 360 degrees!

    1. True time I must go there to take a ride of it, save cost and save time!!! =]

  6. I also took a lot of pictures here when I went the other time.. Really very nice la... the place there is very mesmerizing.. About the ferris wheel, I also havent tried before and I dont think I dare to go up also.. height phobia la.. hahaa...

    1. Ops...then better don't try la...but maybe can go there to take picture under the ferris wheel? Should be not bad also!!! =]

  7. Hope you manage to go and ride in this Singapore huge ferris wheel next time. I wonder how does its size compares to the London eye.

    1. The height of London Eye is 135m while the Singapore Flyer is 165m!!

    2. Wow, so the Singapore flyer is bigger. Thanks for the info.

  8. 年轻真好,真的需要体力走动才能从不同角度拍摄好景点


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