Friday, November 29, 2013

【Random|隨寫】Last Night @ Singapore|新加坡的最后一晚

November 29, 2013, Friday
My last day in Singapore, seems like I've spend a day went to most of the places that I want to visit......

Such beautiful place like this, wonder when gonna be the next time for me to revisit here again?
这么漂亮的地方,何时我才会再度回来呢?   临走前都忍不住多望几眼!

From the Gardens By Bay, there's a shortcut to walk through the Marina Bay Sand hotel!

They used the reflection of mirror to increase the visual to look widely of the place!

And no matter how you used to shoot on this hotel, it still looks very pretty in any angle of it!

I was there in the afternoon and now is how it look like during the night time with all the beautiful lights decorations!

Forget to take picture of this during noon and this's a restaurant look like "floating" on the "man-made river"!!

The one I show in the afternoon, I forgot to mention where's the water sources......

And here's it......

Heard a lot of people always travel to hunt for their local tasty food, but as for me, any food are just fine for me, at least it doesn't taste like su*ks then is definitely here's the dinner I had in the Shoppes of Marina Bay food court!!
虽然很多人都说旅行就要找美食,但对我来说吃东西都是其次,只要不太难吃我都okay!  这是在金沙商场的food court所吃的晚餐!!   

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Song|歌曲】Hebe《熱情》
2015: 【Book|書籍】Mon, Kiss|《媽,親一下》
2013: 【Gardens|花園】Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore|新加坡滨海湾花园
2013: 【Library|圖書館】National Library @ Singapore|新加坡国家图书馆
2013: 【Church|教堂】St Andrew's Cathedral @ Singapore|新加坡圣安德烈座堂
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾的趣事
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾
2013: 【Bridge|橋梁】Helix Bridge @ Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡的螺旋桥
2013: 【Museum|博物館】ArtScience Museum @ Marina Bay Sands | 新加坡艺术科学博物馆
2013: 【Museum|博物館】Cyanotype [Painting with Light] | 利用光线画图
2013: 【Museum|博物館】The Little Black Jacket | 香奈兒小黑外套攝影展
2013: 【Shopping Mall|商場】Marina Bay Sands: The Shoppes | 新加坡海滨湾金沙商场内
2013: 【Hostel|住宿】Hostel: Adler Hostel | 新加坡首家豪华背包住处: 亚乐


  1. haha, so you call that a "last minute sight-seeing"?? last day packed with lots of walk, but being alone you can actually follow your own pace and see all you wanted to see, nice right?? :)

    1. Yah la!! Put all in a time also mah!! Yup, that's very fun and without any limitation!!! =]

  2. hmmm, I won't say I will go to hunt for food purposely.. but one day three meals plus probably some snacks is normal la.. and I would usually research what's the must-eat beforehand, just to try out.. but then SG, errr, I really don't have any "motivation" for food lor.. haha!!

    1. Hahaha, that's true also la!! But serious, recently I found lots of people go travel just to hunt for food duh...=.=!!!

  3. That's Singapore all right, shop till you drop...and eat eat eat! Not anymore though...for me - with the currency difference, I don;t bother going there anymore. Can't afford.

    1. Told's at the food court so won't be crazily expensive la!! =]

  4. Ooohh, last day jor ahh? Feel macam mm seh tak hor.. kekekeke.. Eh, is that siew ngap wantan mee, or siew gai wantan mee? But both also I like.. I'm a big eater, you know rite, hehehehehe..

    1. Last day always mm she tak mah!! Is siew tai wantan mee, as you usually if got wantan mee, I always pick wantan mee to eat lo!! Yup, I noticed!!! =]

  5. You have very good eyes. Good snap shots. Lovely angle on the photos

  6. I am also very mesmerized with the Marina Bay view... as you said, every angle is also very beautiful... I love to stand and take pictures too.. but my camera cannot take the night view so nice as yours...

    1. Next time bring a tripod, I guess maybe you hand shake while taking picture? It might help a bit!! =]

  7. 酒店好美,在水上用餐应该很棒吧

    1. 是很棒,不过价钱应该更棒吧,哈哈哈~~~

  8. Replies
    1. Probably not, I've project on going that day, hehe!! =]

  9. Good morning Sheta,

    I love your 2nd photo of the large ferris wheel and the giant trees. Where were you standing when you took this photo?

    1. I guess was on the way corridor to Marina Sand Bay hotel?! Not sure...was too tired to explore around, sorry ya!!

  10. Lovely photos from Marina Bay. Hmmmm...when is my turn to go? hahah

  11. 昨天才跟我妈谈起,我22年没去新加坡了。。。22年啊。。。

  12. All the views are nice, they sure have very cool technologies!

  13. It was a good album of interesting photographs taken by you. Each photo reminds me of some places I have visited like the boat on the waters reminds me of the Mines Shopping Centre and the interiors looked like the China's biggest complex in Chengdu.

    1. Chengdu have one? First time heard about it, usually I heard people saying was like the one in Macau or Vegas!!

  14. You have captured many beautiful photos! And your dinner looks classy even if it was from food court hee..hee...High class food court, rite?

    1. Hahaha, I guess! Is Marina Bay wat, so shouldn't very much class different even though it's from the food court!!

  15. Oh ... I thought u from SG after started only reading your posts lately.

  16. Your night view photos are amazing!
    Btw, did you dine on that "floating" restaurant? I saw it back then, but feel awkward to give it a try, because there are walkways on both sides with people walking around, got a bit feels like we are eating there like museum exhibits :/


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