Friday, November 29, 2013

【Random|隨寫】Last Night @ Singapore|新加坡的最后一晚

November 29, 2013, Friday
My last day in Singapore, seems like I've spend a day went to most of the places that I want to visit......

Such beautiful place like this, wonder when gonna be the next time for me to revisit here again?
这么漂亮的地方,何时我才会再度回来呢?   临走前都忍不住多望几眼!

From the Gardens By Bay, there's a shortcut to walk through the Marina Bay Sand hotel!

They used the reflection of mirror to increase the visual to look widely of the place!

And no matter how you used to shoot on this hotel, it still looks very pretty in any angle of it!

I was there in the afternoon and now is how it look like during the night time with all the beautiful lights decorations!

Forget to take picture of this during noon and this's a restaurant look like "floating" on the "man-made river"!!

The one I show in the afternoon, I forgot to mention where's the water sources......

And here's it......

Heard a lot of people always travel to hunt for their local tasty food, but as for me, any food are just fine for me, at least it doesn't taste like su*ks then is definitely here's the dinner I had in the Shoppes of Marina Bay food court!!
虽然很多人都说旅行就要找美食,但对我来说吃东西都是其次,只要不太难吃我都okay!  这是在金沙商场的food court所吃的晚餐!!   

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Song|歌曲】Hebe《熱情》
2015: 【Book|書籍】Mon, Kiss|《媽,親一下》
2013: 【Gardens|花園】Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore|新加坡滨海湾花园
2013: 【Library|圖書館】National Library @ Singapore|新加坡国家图书馆
2013: 【Church|教堂】St Andrew's Cathedral @ Singapore|新加坡圣安德烈座堂
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾的趣事
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾
2013: 【Bridge|橋梁】Helix Bridge @ Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡的螺旋桥
2013: 【Museum|博物館】ArtScience Museum @ Marina Bay Sands | 新加坡艺术科学博物馆
2013: 【Museum|博物館】Cyanotype [Painting with Light] | 利用光线画图
2013: 【Museum|博物館】The Little Black Jacket | 香奈兒小黑外套攝影展
2013: 【Shopping Mall|商場】Marina Bay Sands: The Shoppes | 新加坡海滨湾金沙商场内
2013: 【Hostel|住宿】Hostel: Adler Hostel | 新加坡首家豪华背包住处: 亚乐

【Gardens|花園】Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore|新加坡滨海湾花园

November 29, 2013, Friday
As I got a call from Elis and she asked to meet at Marina Bay, so here I come...back to the The Shoppes @ Marina Bay Sands to wait for her!! Then we went together to the gardens by the bay!!

Same as previous places, I've been hearing this place a lot just don't have a chance to visit...

How's this picture? I love this very much!! =]



Well, nothing much to say about this, by just looking at the pictures, the beauty of it already helps to say everything...

Official Website:

Visit Hours: Outdoor Gardens: 5AM - 2AM daily, Conservatories: 9AM - 9PM daily, OCBC Skyway: 9AM - 9PM |滨海南花园户外花园: 每天凌晨5 点至隔天凌晨2点 植物冷室和华侨银行空中走道: 每天上午9点至晚上9点 最晚售票时间:晚上8点30分
Admission Fee:  Outdoor Gardens: Free, Conservatories: $8 to $28 OCBC Skyway: click here for further information|滨海南花园户外花园入场免费; 植物冷室和华侨银行空中走道收费表,点击这里
Address: 18 Marina Gardens Drive Singapore 018953

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Song|歌曲】Hebe《熱情》
2015: 【Book|書籍】Mon, Kiss|《媽,親一下》
2013: 【Hotel|酒店】Last Night @ Singapore|新加坡的最后一晚
2013: 【Library|圖書館】National Library @ Singapore|新加坡国家图书馆
2013: 【Church|教堂】St Andrew's Cathedral @ Singapore|新加坡圣安德烈座堂
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾的趣事
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾
2013: 【Bridge|橋梁】Helix Bridge @ Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡的螺旋桥
2013: 【Museum|博物館】ArtScience Museum @ Marina Bay Sands | 新加坡艺术科学博物馆
2013: 【Museum|博物館】Cyanotype [Painting with Light] | 利用光线画图
2013: 【Museum|博物館】The Little Black Jacket | 香奈兒小黑外套攝影展
2013: 【Shopping Mall|商場】Marina Bay Sands: The Shoppes | 新加坡海滨湾金沙商场内
2013: 【Hostel|住宿】Hostel: Adler Hostel | 新加坡首家豪华背包住处: 亚乐

【Library|圖書館】National Library @ Singapore|新加坡国家图书馆

November 29, 2013, Friday
After done pictures taking of the church, I told myself that "Seriously, I can't walk anymore...MUST find somewhere indoor to have a proper rest!! Then I go through the Tripadvisor again...saw this national library looks like not that far from where was used up all my energy to reach at the library!! Surprise me that it's a very big library with 11 floors, 7th to 11th floors are open for public, but I wasn't go through the floor map so I just took the escalator goes up and up again, until the level which's open for public!!
在教堂拍完照,简直可以说的是很想直接躺在地上休息的那种。。。急急忙忙在Tripadvisor看,到底有什么是可以坐下来休息,最好就是室内可以消暑的!!   就在这时刻,我看到了图书馆!!!   图书馆?不就是会有椅子沙发那种?   所以就加紧脚步到了图书馆!   但这图书馆也太大了吧,它分为很多层,共有11层,7楼到11楼是开放给大众。。。其实我当时都累到傻傻的,也没有去注意太多,就一直乘搭手扶梯向上走,终于来到了一个开放式的地方!!

Wasn't check out that much of the place when I first entered, so I took this picture on the way out, found they're done by paper card board!!
进去的时候也没有注意太多,只是注意到这在入口处右边的可爱摆设而已!   特别吧?是全用纸皮做的哦!

Finally I've found a seat, take out my book want to have some reading while resting......but I accidentally fell asleep in less than 5minutes (which I never expect it to be happened) So what can conclude is the library is very comfort, no wonder so many of them love to study or reading inside!

Well, I wasn't there for too long and I left after I got message from Elis asked to meet at Marina Bay!! So I took the lift all the way down to ground floor, saw this while I walked out from the entrance! (Now can tell how tired was I, that I didn't even notice when possible passed by this just now)
好了,我也没有逗留太久,因为收到阿佩的讯息,所以我也离开了!!   之前由于太累,没有留意到周围的一切,所以在我回到底层的时候,才注意到这漂亮的东西!

Get closer to see, they're made by mineral water bottle, they cut the bottom part and split it, then colored them!!
原来它们是矿泉水瓶啊!!!   他们把矿泉水瓶的底部剪掉,再把它剪开上色!!!

Not just few of them, but they were as these much!!

And here's the back of the designs......

Opening Hours: Mon - Sun: 10am - 9pm (Closed on Public Holidays)
Tel: 63323255 
Fax: 63323248 
Address: 100 Victoria Street Singapore 188064

How to get there 
Nearest MRT: Bugis, City Hall MRT Station 
Bus Interchange: Buses: 145, 197, 32, 51, 63, 7, 80, 2, 7, 12, 33, 130, 133, 960, 56, C3, SMRT 980, SMRT 520, SMRT 851, NR7 & NR8

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Song|歌曲】Hebe《熱情》
2015: 【Book|書籍】Mon, Kiss|《媽,親一下》
2013: 【Hotel|酒店】Last Night @ Singapore|新加坡的最后一晚
2013: 【Gardens|花園】Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore|新加坡滨海湾花园
2013: 【Church|教堂】St Andrew's Cathedral @ Singapore|新加坡圣安德烈座堂
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾的趣事
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾
2013: 【Bridge|橋梁】Helix Bridge @ Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡的螺旋桥
2013: 【Museum|博物館】ArtScience Museum @ Marina Bay Sands | 新加坡艺术科学博物馆
2013: 【Museum|博物館】Cyanotype [Painting with Light] | 利用光线画图
2013: 【Museum|博物館】The Little Black Jacket | 香奈兒小黑外套攝影展
2013: 【Shopping Mall|商場】Marina Bay Sands: The Shoppes | 新加坡海滨湾金沙商场内
2013: 【Hostel|住宿】Hostel: Adler Hostel | 新加坡首家豪华背包住处: 亚乐

【Church|教堂】St Andrew's Cathedral @ Singapore|新加坡圣安德烈座堂

November 29, 2013, Friday
After Marina Bay I felt so tired, wanted to look for a place to have a rest, so I looked through the Tripadvisor to check any possible place to rest, then I found this church, used to walk passed by while I was staying at my first hostel in Singapore, and I told myself I must go visit there some time....(so apparently it was the "some time" that I mean...and here I'm)

所以我就随着手机的GPS来到这教堂,其实我蛮喜欢拍教堂的,因为我很喜欢它的建筑风格,不一样的建筑外观,有些复古又有些欧洲的味道,现在应该很少会看到会有地产商会建这样的建筑吧!   圣安德烈教堂坐落在行政文化区,是新加坡首座也是规模最大的圣公会教堂。教堂曾遭受过两次雷击,而后由 Ronald McPherson 上校设计,于 1856 年建成,因此具有浓厚的新歌德式风格

Maybe it's because hard to find architect willing to build some like this, like those a bit retro style of church...


The side view of it

Well, apparently it's open on Weekend only, so unfortunate that I didn't get a chance to see the inside...Umm, maybe next time in the future??

Admission Fee: Free Admission
Tel: (65) 6337 6104
Address: 11 St Andrew’s Rd Singapore 178959

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Song|歌曲】Hebe《熱情》
2015: 【Book|書籍】Mon, Kiss|《媽,親一下》
2013: 【Hotel|酒店】Last Night @ Singapore|新加坡的最后一晚
2013: 【Gardens|花園】Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore|新加坡滨海湾花园
2013: 【Library|圖書館】National Library @ Singapore|新加坡国家图书馆
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾的趣事
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾
2013: 【Bridge|橋梁】Helix Bridge @ Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡的螺旋桥
2013: 【Museum|博物館】ArtScience Museum @ Marina Bay Sands | 新加坡艺术科学博物馆
2013: 【Museum|博物館】Cyanotype [Painting with Light] | 利用光线画图
2013: 【Museum|博物館】The Little Black Jacket | 香奈兒小黑外套攝影展
2013: 【Shopping Mall|商場】Marina Bay Sands: The Shoppes | 新加坡海滨湾金沙商场内
2013: 【Hostel|住宿】Hostel: Adler Hostel | 新加坡首家豪华背包住处: 亚乐

【Bay|海灣】Happiness around Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾的趣事

November 29, 2013, Friday
Like this design very much, it uses the reflection of mirror from the  river, seeing from the far is like crystal wall shining on the building!!!

Walk along the river side then I saw this...not sure what was it, but I just follow them to write wishes on the balloon...o.O!!!

On the right side was the set up place the balloon will be keep refilling...don't have to worry about the balloon will be finish or full of writing!!!

Like these buildings very much...still unable to stop taking picture of it!!!

Look!! There're already lots of balloon on the river...anyone was around that time......anyone is playing this???

Um, I didn't want to take this actually...but have to pretend to picture of this......

Because I wanted take picture of them, they're so cute, they were running back and front just to adjust the camera and retake it......
我就是看到他们啦!!!   超级可爱的夫妇(还是情侣)也不太清楚,只是看他们来回这样调整相机,然后再设定。。。

Cute and sweet, right???

How about this?? Just look so beautiful!!!

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Song|歌曲】Hebe《熱情》
2015: 【Book|書籍】Mon, Kiss|《媽,親一下》
2013: 【Hotel|酒店】Last Night @ Singapore|新加坡的最后一晚
2013: 【Gardens|花園】Gardens by the Bay @ Singapore|新加坡滨海湾花园
2013: 【Library|圖書館】National Library @ Singapore|新加坡国家图书馆
2013: 【Church|教堂】St Andrew's Cathedral @ Singapore|新加坡圣安德烈座堂
2013: 【Bay|海灣】Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡滨海湾
2013: 【Bridge|橋梁】Helix Bridge @ Marina Bay, Singapore|新加坡的螺旋桥
2013: 【Museum|博物館】ArtScience Museum @ Marina Bay Sands | 新加坡艺术科学博物馆
2013: 【Museum|博物館】Cyanotype [Painting with Light] | 利用光线画图
2013: 【Museum|博物館】The Little Black Jacket | 香奈兒小黑外套攝影展
2013: 【Shopping Mall|商場】Marina Bay Sands: The Shoppes | 新加坡海滨湾金沙商场内
2013: 【Hostel|住宿】Hostel: Adler Hostel | 新加坡首家豪华背包住处: 亚乐
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