Sunday, December 22, 2013

【ComicFiesta|動漫日】Comic Fiesta 2013: The Outside|動漫日的外場

December 22, 2013, Sunday
Oh, gosh! This is so long time ago, but recall back how much efforts I've been put into this event, trying to take all those picture of every single costume (maybe) so here I'm and yes, you're right! I'm still gonna to post this!
As according to the ticket, the event is held in the KLCC Convention Center, but no matter how I find it, I couldn't find the entrance.  But on the other hand, I start to found lots of people wearing various costume around. So might not miss the chance, get out from the KLCC Convention Center basement parking lot, I headed outside and start to take pictures around. 
在票根上都很清楚的說明是在第一個到第六個禮堂,但禮堂是有,卻找不到入口處,上上下下找了都沒有。所以我就往外去找,但原來都還沒踏出KLCC Convention Center的大門口,就已經開始看到很多cosplay的人了。

Okay, this first picture that I serious got to pull out my camera to shoot is this. It was so giant that I seriously can't tell is this cosplay by human being or just a model here?? If as a human inside, he/she seriously is very tall and slim...but if it's a model here, hmmm...who's so generous to place it here yea? But it's definitely very nice to see (AND I don't know what's it call and what anime from. Yea! I was just there to see for fun but know nothing)
最經典是這個吧,是人還是模型,我還真的分不清楚。是人的話?會有那麼高嗎? 那假如是模型,這個以它的大小來看,他應該不便宜。。。是誰把它放在這裡的啊?(哦對!我只會觀看美觀度,是什麼名字和來自哪部動漫,我是完全不曉得的!)

Same as this, don't know what character is this and from which anime, but I do admire they can stay and hold there for some times to let people to take picture. Being in a same pose for too long is not easy, I doubt it!

I like this costume so much, as my eyes actually was just focus on the wings, it's very easy to spot from far. Those can tell are not light, it does truly look like she has wing on.

I know this! I know this! Finally got a character that I know, this's from Spirited Away, from the wikipedia they call it "No Face" guy. But this definitely exactly looks like the real character from the movie.

Can't tell what characters are they, but I accidentally get a few shot of how the little was staring at them. Guess must be full of curiosity from her mind.

Event Periods: December 21 (Saturday) ~ December 22 (Sunday), 2013
Time: 10am - 10pm
Admission Fee: RM20


  1. I am sure many bloggers know that I am very fond of going to Cosplay Events to see all the creative dressings and costumes! To me, they really have the courage and passion to create another personality for the fun of it. They could be bold and daring at times to attract public attention with confidence. Thumbs up!

    1. I often saw the youths in Cosplay attires riding the subway trains in Japan but most of the folks just don't bat their eyes to look at them. Seems to be a very common sights.

    2. Yea, I think so, but not in Malaysia, in Malaysia like that, you might it on Facebook on next few minutes duh!

  2. Comic Fiesta, if i didn't remember wrongly, Twilight Man also went to this event and took photos with all those cosplayer.. did you bump into him?? muahahaha.. anyway, come comic fiesta sure lots of comic and manga fans, and sure there will be cosplayer around, it seems so natural right?? salute those cosplayer, they sure are hardcore and serious about cosplaying.. look at their costumes, no joke man, so beautiful.. though i can never name their characters but i like to look at them.. and if possible take photos of and with them, which i think they would be glad as well~~ :)

    1. Yea, nope. I was surprise to see he posts about it too. The world is so small.

  3. My kids will like this, haha.. Especially the first one, robots and all.. They like Tobot, Robocar Poli, wakakaka.. I imagine myself dressing up as Robocar Amber, huhuhuhu..

  4. 感觉上最后两张小妹妹的样子超级photobomb!! 好可爱啊

  5. Many would get all excited to see these, I know.

  6. Picture 5 and 6 are characters from Naruto anime. Picture 2 should be from "Devil May Cry". I like picture 2 although I don't know what character it is. Must admire them for their dedication to do their costume.


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