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Monday, April 08, 2013

【Thoughts|想法】About Me|關于我

Was nothing to talk about, so let's talk about me!!!

1. I'm very stubborn - I always want to do whatever I like to do, there's nothing can stop me!!! I can drive all the way to Battle Creek just to see the air show, even I my friend said that I was crazy but I'm still happy with it. I can go sing karaoke by myself for two hours, because can't anyone to go with me, but I just want to go so badly. I love to watch movie, since no one watch with me, but I still can go watch the movie by myself, I don't is scheme or wrong to watch movie by alone!!! 
1. 我很任性 - 陆续有读我写的部落格的人应该知道我常说我是个被宠坏的小孩,我确实没有说错,所以我才变得很任性,只要我一心要做的事情从来没有做不到的,就像我要去看的飞机飞行展,我可以自己一个人开了两个小时去到,就是为了它,结果回来后还一直被我朋友说我“神经”,可是看到我的最爱我已经什么都忘了。我要看的电影我可以自己一个人去看,尽管旁边每次都是坐着“摸来摸去”的情侣! 我忽然心血来潮想唱歌,我自己一个人到KTV唱了将近两个小时!
2. I'm very easy go - this seem to be conflict with the top one, but I'm only harsh to myself, I'm very soft to others. If somebody just ask for my help, no matter how angry at that person, but I still got to help them and end up it just brought enough troubles to me!!!
2. 我很心软 - 看似有些矛盾,但是我只是对自己的任性,对于别人的要求,每次都是心软的答应,然后就跑去跟我朋友诉苦,过后就会被她骂我“屁股痒,很喜欢做鸡婆!” 因为每次自己爱做鸡婆,然后都会搞成自己很多麻烦,着就是所谓的“自己拿来的麻烦”!  我姐也是每次说我很喜欢抗大便上身!
3. I'm a perfectionist - I can't allow myself to have any thing which is not perfect. Like my results sometimes, I was sad that I got 95 instead of 100, I even asked my lecturer why I can't I get full points in it. It's kind of stupid thing to my friend about this, because I'm the highest in the class but I was keep demanding for a full points. From what I recalled last time in a group work, I always not happy with what my group mates done, so I always try to redo everything, cause I just want the full points!!!
3. 我很好胜 - 我不容许自己有输的时候,即使是全班最高的95分我还是伤心(当下不能让我朋友知道因为他们会说我傻的)因为不是满分,拿着95分还一直很生气自己,难做的都做到,却错在这个小部分。记得中学的数学考试,我老师告诉我“那些难难的你都做到,但是为什么你这个a会写成9而导致下面错了。我的目标就是满分,和我同组的人都可怜,因为每次他们做出来都不是我想要的,我回家怎样死赶不睡觉都会变出一个满分的报告出来,但是他们也因为这样每次都有满分! 还有我不容许自己比别人慢看已上映的电影,假如真的错过,我就会想何时有空自己去看!

4. I'm a straight forward person - I hate lying, I would rather you tell me truth or like for those don't like me, please come face to face and tell me that you hate me. I hate people love to play guessing game, why can't you just say what you want instead of letting people guess on that, is that wasting our time for those unnecessary things!!!
4. 我直话直说 - 我不会拖拖拉拉,有话直说,即使成果会很尴尬,但是一直都觉得事情不说清楚别人怎知道你在想什么呢? 或许新认识的朋友会有保留,但是认识久了就会直接说,像是生日送礼物,我都是直问“你要什么?” 因为盲目的寻找要买的礼物很浪费时间。看电视看多了,看见别人的误会都是什么为了保护而瞒着瞒着,到最后,还不都要说,只是早说和迟说而已!

5. I'm very lazy - I always accuse myself as a lazy kid, so I can't stand for those are lazier than me! If I can procrastinate it, I will just wait the the last minute (but this won't happened on my works) this is just about some common basic lifestyle stuffs!!!
5. 我很懒惰 - 我懒惰的程度没有人可以忍受不了,所以我看不惯那些比我还懒的人,我常说“我已经够懒了,为什么他比我还糟呢?” 我懒惰去猜别人想什么所以都会直问东西。我懒惰的处理我该处理的事,到最后就被骂因为自己收尾不好。不到不能的时候我都懒惰动!

6. I've OCD - Even I'm kind of lazy, but my perfectionist always come first, so I always force myself to do something that I don't like. I always want everything to follow my plan. I want things to be organized properly. If I saw something messed up, I will just stop whatever I was doing right now to tidied up. My phone must be inside the phone cover bag or the case, I won't let my phone to be naked out there. I have to wear something white go out, like shoes, watch, clothes or pants or even the hair tied!!! 
6. 我有强迫症 - 我虽然懒惰,可是由于我好胜所以我一定要东西跟着走,一个都不能漏,每当要完成一件事前,我一定要想好我下一件事是什么。我东西一定要放回原来的位子。我的东西一定要很有程序的排着,这个就是这个,那个就是那个,东西乱了,我一定停下手上的东西而去整理。我钱包的前一定要全部正面放,而且要跟着数目大小来排。我手机一定要在保护壳里,一步都不能离开那保护壳。我书包不能放地上,曾经我朋友把我书包放地上,我立即大喊,过后她又是传通街的告诉其他人。我出门身上一定要有一件东西是白色的,像是鞋子,衣服,裤子,绑头发的,手表等等。
7. I'm lack of confidence - Maybe those people around me are just so great, so I always look down at myself. Even though I'm right but I won't point it out, because I know there's no one gonna listen to me. That's why when anything happened the first person to blame is myself!!!
7. 我没自信 - 或许是因为身边的人都非常的棒所以我都没有自信,就像我在一个很难的科目得到非常高的分数,那些嫉妒的都会说“她一定是有上届考试纸所以才会做的!” 加上每次看见朋友做错告诉他们,他们都不相信我,直到老师正式的告诉他们,他们才相信,因为没有人的肯定所以我都把我的信心放得最低,因为一旦有什么错误我都会觉得是我自己的错!

8. I'm a ugly girl - Seriously, I don't know the actual meaning of ugly!!! But from my point of view is because I'm ugly that's why no one like me! Moreover those guys friends around me always fall in love on my girls friends, not just one, it just two, three and more and more, that's just brought me to hell like always looking how they got set up and treat like a princess!!! I understand that my mindset was just keep up on my mind said that I've to convince myself that "YOU'RE JUST AN UGLY B*TCH, THAT'S WHY NO ONE LIKE YOU!" Only with this just enough to bring me out from the saddest hell!!!
8. 我是丑女 - 我很明确的说我是丑女,因为就连我爸都说我样子需要改变下,眼睛去改大一点,去点个酒窝,鼻子去做高一点,更夸张的是他叫我去韩国整容算了! 这个是其次,我自认是丑女跟我讨厌女生的想法是息息相关的。因为每次跟我很好的男生朋友,每次一当我介绍女生朋友给他们时,他们一定会爱上她,一个是缘分,两个,三个,四个,五个。。。我都快无语了。说实在的她们确实很漂亮(在男生眼中),所以慢慢的为了不让自己伤心下去我很理智的告诉自己“因为你是丑女,所以没人爱!”

9. I hate girls - From the one above, it makes me stopped to hangout with girls, just keep on thinking that, if I friend with them, those nightmares will just come back!!! People will just said that's call "JEALOUSY", I'll admit that but just make it this way "if I'm not happy with it, why should I have to force myself to hangout with them?" Maybe people would also comment that "You should be happy with them!" Okay!!! I always be happy with them, then who the hell will be happy with me??? You can said I'm selfish and jealous, but I have to say I'm tired to be nice to people!!! Again, the most important thing is I hate myself for being girl, I even ask my mom why I born to be a girl, why don't you give birth to me as a guy!!! Maybe I will be much more happy with it!!!
9. 我很讨厌女生 - 续上面的让我很不喜欢和女生做朋友,因为很累,每次我都变成背景被丢到远远的,但是我不会讨厌全部女生,像是以前下来的朋友或是思想比较成熟的那些我都不会讨厌,我讨厌在男生面前弱弱的,但是在女生面前是个强而有力的女生,我讨厌女生爱炫耀男方多爱她多为她,因为你是刻意要气死我这种“没人爱的丑女是吗???”,曾经我讨厌女生的程度是你们无法想像的,假如刚巧一个女生坐在我旁边我就会立刻换位,因为总觉得女生在我就会有衰运,这个是以前的,现在有比较好了! 还有我讨厌女生也是因为我自己是女生,我讨厌女生是个感性的动物,因为我有时会动不动就想起伤心事而自己默哭,我讨厌女生会为爱疯狂,因为爱情的影响让我不能专心做很多事! 其实不是那些女孩的错是我自己逃避伤心,所以才逃避女生!

10. I'm suck at relationship - I always fall in love in those who is already interested in other girl, that's freaking tired and every time, I just have to call myself stupid in order to convince myself that "YOU DESERVE TO BE TREAT LIKE THAT!" Or just because every girl around me is so awesome???
10. 我是爱情白痴 - 我每次爱的人,他们都有爱的人(他们是暗恋那种,我是绝对不会看有女朋友的男生的,一眼都不会看,不用担心),非常的失败续上面所以说自己是丑女和讨厌女生。我不容许别人对我好,尤其是男生的好,因为我担心一旦开了一个头我就一直需要! 我不会知道身边有谁喜欢我直到旁人告诉我。很难喜欢上一个人,但是一旦喜欢上就自己拿来衰因为他们都在喜欢着其他漂亮优秀的女生。

11. I'm an anthomaniac - I love to watch drama, I used to fall in love in those actors because of their handsome and pretty face. But now I just based on their professionals and their personality is that saying that I'm getting older???
11. 我是花痴 - 我爱看偶像剧,曾经也是为看偶像而浪费一整天的那种,一开始就是外貌协会的那种,但是慢慢就是因为他们的能力和个性而忠于她们,可是现在说起我还想没有欣赏还是喜欢任何的男艺人,反而女的就一大堆,一开始不是因为她们的样貌还是才华而吸引,而是因为她们的性格,我喜欢有个性的明星!

12. I have broken English - My Chinese but English educated friends always laugh at my English, laugh at my pronunciation, my grammar and everything, but what to do, I'm still trying my best to let it become better!!!
12. 我英语很差 - 我的英语常被那些从小受英文教育的人笑,笑还不用紧,他们还把它当作新闻一样见到谁就拿来笑,我无话可说,因为我就是差,有尽在学习当中!

13. I love to be special - I'm the only Chinese girl in my class which makes me feel so proud and special, my American friends always take care of me even though with my broken English, they always try the simplest way to explain to me instead of laugh at my like those Chinese but English educated kids. Is lucky that everything that I like is so special, like in primary school I used to studied history while my friends studied story books. In high school, I was addicted to architecture and natural miracle books while my friend is reading gossip magazine or love story books. In the college and uni, I was much more weird cause I love aircraft and mechanics, while my friends just busy of their relationship and beauty stuffs!!!
13. 我喜欢特别 - 我喜欢的东西都很特别,小学,同学看的都是童话故事,我看的是历史,像是世界大战,中国历史那种,我那时超爱看世界第二次大战的书。中学,同学看的都是八卦偶像杂志或爱情小说,我就看的就是建筑读物或世界奇观,这些书都很贵(那时候来说)我没有跟父母要钱,每次爸妈给的钱存起来就是为了买这些书看。大学,大家都是在最求爱情和爱美的时候,我钟情于飞机和机械! 很多人都说我喜欢的东西很奇怪,可是我却觉得它们很有趣。

14. I love whisky - I make this as a specialize because every time when we headed to bar, I always order "Whisky and Coke". My girls friends will just call me crazy, they said girls doesn't like to drink whisky, is that true??? I have no idea, but for me I just love it. Like there's one time at my friend's house, I finished my drink then I just simply grab a beer to drink, my friend just take over the beer and passed his whisky to me even though I told him I'm fine with beer, which can see I just love whisky!!!
14. 我爱喝威士忌 - 我常说我爱喝威士忌,我没有骗人,我真的爱喝,或许参我朋友多的关系,他每次问我和什么,我懒惰想,每次都说你喝什么我就喝什么,这是他们常喝的。可是很女生朋友就说我傻的,为什么女生会喜欢喝威士忌?因为那都是男生才爱喝的。其实我不觉得那是一个问题,因为我就是喜欢!

15. I get easily influenced by my friends - People always said I know a lot on every categories. Actually I just got influenced by them. I watch anime because my high school best friends watched anime. I watch US drama because my best friend love to watched it. I watch HongKong drama because my mom watched it. I watch Taiwan drama because my brother was watching it every night. I play PS because my friend has one so I just got the chance to play. I play xbox because my friend force me to play, I play DS because I got a second hand price DS from my friend, I play PSP because my brother bought me one before I headed over to US. I watch football game because my friend and my second brother in law will watch it sometimes. I watch basketball game because my friend watch it. I know  about cars because my friend always talked about cars.
15. 我很容易受朋友影响 - 我看动漫,因为我中学的好朋友看动漫,所以知道一些动漫的东西。我看美剧,因为我大学的好朋友喜欢看而受影响,我也从中练习我的英文。 我看港剧,因为我妈看港剧。我看台剧,中学三姐看“流星花园”的影响,其实这已经停了很久没看,但是我大我十五的哥哥竟然在看台剧,有些觉得自己落后的感觉,所以我也看回台剧。我看米南剧,因为我妈看米南剧。我会玩许多电脑游戏,因为我参的男生朋友都在玩,我怎能错过。我会玩很多Play Station游戏,因为我朋友家有,没事做常去他家玩。我还会玩xbox游戏,因为我一个男生朋友的影响,硬逼我玩。我玩DS,因为我有个朋友以二手货的价格卖给我。我玩PSP,我出国前我哥送给我的。我看足球赛,因为我朋友和二姐夫有时候会看,加上新闻一直有播他们的新闻。我看篮球赛,因为我曾有一班朋友爱看篮球。我有事没事看YouTube,因为我好朋友常在里面学到很多东西。我会车,因为我朋友有时没事都在看车,所以我也八卦一场。

All pictures from 吴琼琼爱画画


  1. Which type of whisky do you like to drink? single malt or blended?

  2. @灰姑娘对呀,想写很久了可是都没时间,昨天终于心血来潮写了!!! =]

  3. actually it's quite impressive you know yourself so much and can list down so many characteristics!! i sometimes don't understand myself either~~ LOL =]

  4. @[SK]Hahaha, I was just want to write about this out of sudden!!!

  5. 把自己的性格都写出来,还分析出来,阿珊,你很厉害哦!!!

  6. 其实我们女生是有多重情绪的人。我们一时会这样;一时会那样,很正常。

  7. @@LIc3 s-h-i-h^s-h-i-h分析出来是为了提醒自己缺点,要多多改进,我一直都是开心的过的,因为不会去想太多,只是问题到了才苦恼!!! =]

  8. @eve_yee对呀,我就是讨厌情绪太多!!! =[

    我的英文每次都被人笑,所以我自认自己英语很差,或许你会比我好哦,不要这样讲自己啦!!! =]

    我很希望我的缘分快点到,因为我的缘分好像永远都不会来的。。。!!! =[

    我会很努力的做运动减肥,还有培养我的内在气质!!! =]

    谢谢你,你这么鼓励我,我哪会讨厌你呢? 感激都来不及呢!!! =]

  9. 哈哈~我发现我的性格和你挺相似的~















  10. 每个人都是独一无二的,你要对自己有信心点喔~
    祝福你,早日找到属于你的mr right。=)

  11. @Knight Light哈哈哈,你写得很详细,可是不可以懒惰不要上厕所哦,憋尿对身体不好!!! =]

  12. @Panda lce™我们一起加油,希望你的真命天子也尽早出现!!! =]

  13. Now only I notice this post. Oh gosh, you are an OCD victim. Do you feeling very suffer or feeling being tortured by OCD?


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