Saturday, January 16, 2016

【Carnival|嘉年華】 Kuromi Tattoo | Kuromi圖騰

January 16, 2016, Saturday
As I continued on my last Hello Kitty Go Around post, the Apple Temple will be the next, but before get into that, let me shows you what had the staff has bumped into me? The carnival wasn’t just theme by theme, it do have some random Sanrio character you can found and took picture with. And here’s the Melody statue like randomly middle of the nowhere, hehe! Doubted it, since it’s so cute, of course I can’t miss the chance to take picture with her.
相信大會也想盡辦法的想要讓整個嘉年華都物有所值,假如沒有在網上看到任何咨詢,懵懵懂懂的這樣闖進這個嘉年華,一定會覺得驚喜連連,就拿這個爲例,經過了上一篇,非常長篇的郵政局,接下來大多的文章幾乎都會比較短,我有時候會想我是真的有必要這樣的分段來寫嗎? 的確在做目錄的時候是很清楚,但是這讓我拉長了很多,所以我不能再讓我自己這個樣子一直拖的變成拖把。 我會以我自己的興趣寫完。

 Wait, did I just forgot what I was about to tell just now? Yea, the staff bumped into me and asked whether I want this tattoo thing on hand. Of course this is not a permanent one, it’s just temporary thing. I can use one of the free ticket that I got with my entrance ticket to exchange with it. So I did, but I didn’t do the tattoo thing, I know the tattoo thing won’t last forever and I rather kept this and printed it on my notebook which I believe it would last even longer, right? In the end of the carnival, I do have one extra ticket, which I used to exchange this too and gave it to my friend who likes Hello Kitty a lot.
相信大會也想盡辦法的想要讓整個嘉年華都物有所值,假如沒有在網上看到任何咨詢,懵懵懂懂的這樣闖進這個嘉年華,一定會覺得驚喜連連,就拿這個爲例,經過了上一篇,非常長篇的郵政局,接下來大多的文章幾乎都會比較短,我有時候會想我是真的有必要這樣的分段來寫嗎? 的確在做目錄的時候是很清楚,但是這讓我拉長了很多,所以我不能再讓我自己這個樣子一直拖的變成拖把。 我會以我自己的興趣寫完。

Event Date: Dec 19 (Saturday), 2015 ~ Feb 14 (Sunday), 2016 
Time: 11am - 10pm 
Address: Viva Home Expo Hall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Blogger Gathering|博客聚會】CNY Bloggers Potluck|博客小小聚餐
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Lucky Draw|抽獎活動
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Ichigoman Alliance|球球粒粒吸
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Workshop|工作室
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Cinema|三麗鷗電影院
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Candy Shop|糖果店
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Toy Shop|玩具店
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Lucky Ribbon|幸運彩帶
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Kitty Totes|蓋章布袋
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Ring Toss|丟圈圈
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】MaMa’s Kitchen|媽媽厨房
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】PaPa’s Reading Room|讀書間
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Official Goods Shop|精品店
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Flower Shop | 花店
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Apple Temple | 蘋果廟
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Hello Kitty Fashion Catcher | Hello Kitty公仔捉一捉
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Bus Stop | 巴士站
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Hello Kitty Post Office|Hello Kitty 郵政局
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Friends Express|三麗鷗好友快車
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Save the Goldfish|搶救金魚
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Baby Race|三麗鷗嬰兒賽跑
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Go Around Cafe|Hello Kitty 咖啡廳
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Hello Kitty Memory Garden|Hello Kitty回憶花園
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】The Beginning|入口處
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】The Entrance|入門站
2016: 【Mask|面膜】bluunis


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