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Saturday, January 16, 2016

【Carnival|嘉年華】The Beginning|入口處

January 16, 2016, Saturday
This part wasn't the part where everybody able to take picture. Because there will be a cameraman here, help you to take a picture then they give you the number, from that number you can trace back your picture near to the exit later.

To the right, actually I got a wrong illusion here, I was thinking they're having the carousel for real. Realized it wasn't real until I walked towards the end, I looked carefully, it's a mirror instead.
一進去的時候我還白木的往右邊走去,走近后我才發覺那是一面鏡子。 這還是真的很大個烏龍,還是說這個鏡子所映照出來的旋轉木馬實在太真了?

Same to the left, the illusion does make it real. Left is pink and blue house with wings. Right is typical classic horse. I choose to stand on left side to take picture.
再看看左邊的怎樣,同樣也有鏡子做旋轉木馬的倒影。 左邊的是粉紅色和淺藍色的飛行木馬,右邊的則是普通復古式的木馬。 最後我選擇站著拍照的地方是左邊的飛行式木馬。

So why was I have the chances to take picture of it? Because I was the first, I was fast enough to capture two picture before the staff come and tell me that's not allow to take picture here.
前兩張照片我不是偷拍的,而是我在不知情的情況下拍了,然後工作人員才來告訴我這裏是不給拍照的。 也許這是第一位進來的好處吧,呵呵!

With that number, near to the end of the exit, I found the counter where I can use the number to look the picture I was taken earlier, they took the paper and gave me another ticket with name of my picture to refer. I check on the picture, I wasn't look pretty inside and quite expensive, so I didn't buy it in the end.
拿著那號碼來到出口處附近的照片商店,我把號碼遞給工作人員,她再給我這一張,依據這一張票根上面寫著的號碼,就可以找到我剛剛拍的照片,衹可惜這拍照的人不會拍照,把我拍得那麽肥,誰會買啊! (還是說明明自己就很肥,然後還要賴人不會拍照=.=)

In the middle of the carousel is the entrance. The right one it does look like an entrance, but it's a mirror. The actual entrance is on the left.
旋轉木馬的左右都不是入口處,中間才是入口處。 這裏還可以看到右邊那個不是入口哦,那個又是一面鏡子,左邊的才是入口處。

Right after enter, a lady came to me ask me to "Like" their Facebook Page, then I will get this pin. Hmmm, definitely you can get lots of freebies inside, almost like every section you went, you'll find the staff approach you to offer something.
進了入口處,還沒會過意徠,一位工作人員走過來告訴我衹要我到面子書到他們的網站按個“贊”,那我就會得到這個。 這還是真的有很多贈品,相信這也解釋了難怪門票那麽貴。

Event Date: Dec 19 (Saturday), 2015 ~ Feb 14 (Sunday), 2016 
Time: 11am - 10pm 
Address: Viva Home Expo Hall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Posts on this date -
2016: 【Blogger Gathering|博客聚會】CNY Bloggers Potluck|博客小小聚餐
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Lucky Draw|抽獎活動
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Ichigoman Alliance|球球粒粒吸
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Workshop|工作室
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Cinema|三麗鷗電影院
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Candy Shop|糖果店
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Toy Shop|玩具店
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Lucky Ribbon|幸運彩帶
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Kitty Totes|蓋章布袋
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Ring Toss|丟圈圈
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】MaMa’s Kitchen|媽媽厨房
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】PaPa’s Reading Room|讀書間
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Official Goods Shop|精品店
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Flower Shop | 花店
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Apple Temple | 蘋果廟
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Hello Kitty Fashion Catcher | Hello Kitty公仔捉一捉
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Kuromi Tattoo | Kuromi圖騰
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Bus Stop | 巴士站
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Hello Kitty Post Office|Hello Kitty 郵政局
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Friends Express|三麗鷗好友快車
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Save the Goldfish|搶救金魚
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Baby Race|三麗鷗嬰兒賽跑
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Go Around Cafe|Hello Kitty 咖啡廳
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】Hello Kitty Memory Garden|Hello Kitty回憶花園
2016: 【Carnival|嘉年華】The Entrance|入門站
2016: 【Mask|面膜】bluunis


  1. Even though you are not a Hello Kitty fan but you still find time to visit the Hello Kitty Carnival. Good that you give them your support. :)

    Do you remember how much is the Photo that they took for you?

    1. Can't remember, because I wasn't thinking of buying it, so didn't go check the price.

  2. Oh, the carousel is a mirror? Loos so real leh..


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