January 16, 2016, Saturday
The goodie shop, what else to see here? Lots of goodies and cutest stuffs you can find it here AND also is not cheap, but there’re certain things are quite valuable to buy as collection. Before it I was thinking I just go to this event and don’t buy anything, but at up I did buy something and also some for my friend too. Good things also great to share, right? That’s why don’t mind posting separately to show you all throughout the whole carnival.
本以爲我來這個嘉年華,那入門票都已經那麽貴了,所以我應該不會花任何一分錢在裏面吧! 這是我所想的,但是我意想不到的是裏面的東西很可愛,早知道就不走進去了(人生哪有那麽多早知道啊?) 既然都走進去了,買了一些東西,當然也要來分享一下。 而且我不但如此,我還很惡魔的告知我很喜歡Hello Kitty的朋友,現場直播的問她要哪一個,讓她即使人沒有來到,也可以花到錢,我也太邪惡了吧!
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The first thing to show here is this unique collection costs RM188, this wasn’t for myself, I just helped my friend to buy it, but indeed this is very good collection. Before you purchased them all, the staff would tell you to check all the figurines inside, makesure you’re happy with it, no scratch or miss painted. I do double check and triple check on it, since I’m helping people to buy it, obviously I don’t want to disappoint her when she got her stuffs on hand.
第一樣展示的,就是嘉年華的模型紀念套,總共價值188零吉。 我的朋友就是要了這一套,購買的時候,工作人員會讓你拿完出來檢查裏面的模型,看看有沒有任何瑕疵(感覺好像購買包包那樣,通常這種檢查法,好像衹有購買包包的時候,才會被叫檢查看看的)我非常認真的檢查,因爲我代購的,我當然不希望東西到我朋友的手中的時候,才發覺東西是有瑕疵的。 感謝工作人員都不厭其煩的幫我更換,嘻嘻!(雖然看起來可以當場更換,但好像顯得我很挑剔那樣,呵呵!)
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Colour pencils and files, only these pictures I’ve taken, the rest you can see from the order form, thanks to the staff allow me to take pictures of all this forms (actually I was sharing it with my friend via LINE, look that is there anything she wanted to buy) The very friendly staff was so sweet that giving me enough time to decide what I want and what my friend want. These are like sales in package, indeed some of them are quite expensive when selling as single item. What a good way of doing business, so people would thinking to pay a little more to get the whole set then.
衹可惜除了第一個模型套裝,其他的我都沒有拍到任何照片了,反而我拍到了這個促銷配套的照片,因爲當時我得拍照給我朋友看,問看她要哪一個。 當然也要謝謝工作人員讓我拍照,感覺不可以拍照的感覺。 裏面的東西是有一定的貴了,衹看看你有多喜歡罷了,也許因爲這樣,所以他們才推出了這樣的促銷配套,把全部東西配合起來,給多了點錢,就可以得到整個配套,因爲既然單價都那麽貴了,再給一點點就有整個配套哦,是有點招生意手法哦!
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In the end, I got the package 3 which costs RM100. The reason I buy it was for some crazy reason, because I want the keychain, the stickers (RM13), sticky notes and the parking phone number tag for car for my other friend, MeiLing (previously I got myself the blue one, now I got the pink one for her) and the files (RM38) for my friend who love kitty. Over all, everything is pretty worthy for RM100, ya! Last, with all of the purchased above, I got 2 free limited carnival tote bags. (and trust me, they’re useful and I like them a lot)
所以到了最後,我的確是有受不了誘惑了買了一個配套,我拿的是配套3,價值100零吉。 我買這個的關係也是因爲我要裏面的幾樣東罷了,我要那個鑰匙圈和那貼子,貼子價值13零吉。 再來的是我想到那個放在車内的電話號碼牌子,我可以拿來送給我朋友,美玲(在入門的時候,我選擇的藍色,這次就選粉紅色的給她吧!) 接著那個文件夾是價值38零吉。 所以全部加起來價值100零吉,其實還蠻划算的啦! 而且因爲以上的購買數額,我得到了兩個大會Hello Kitty版本的環保袋,這兩個環保袋看起來不怎麽重用,但其實它們很好用,因爲它們的質量很好。
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Besides those, what the valueble one here? The coffee mug and the touch n go card cost RM38 one and it’s limited edition. My friend and I both wanted one, guess this edition only out for seasons for one, unless they have another tour around in Malaysia, or else you won’t get to see this In other places then. Those left in clear box are what leftover, hmmm (evil thought here, what if they doing that to makes you desire want to buy it more? Quiet suspicious ya! Or I was thinking too much)
最後我其實還買了這個價值38零吉touch & go的卡! 因爲這個是大會的限量版,touch & go卡應該是很有用吧! 工作人員還跟我説這個都快賣完了,這裏看到的存貨,他們就衹剩這麽少了(但是我在心想,他是不是要催慫我購買才這麽説? 然後等我走了后,他們其實還有很多收著在裏面的。。。好! 那都是我單方面的幻想,我還真的有很多強還會有很壞的想象力)哦! 忘了說那個咖啡杯,但那個已經斷貨了,要的話可以預定,讓后他們再寄給你,但是這個我沒有買,我衹是拍爽而已哦!
Event Date: Dec 19 (Saturday), 2015 ~ Feb 14 (Sunday), 2016
Time: 11am - 10pm
Address: Viva Home Expo Hall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
DeleteKitty 真可愛。這麼多的Kitty給我帶來愈快的時間。謝謝。
DeleteI would buy the touch and go hkitty card and the black hkitty if it is sold individually.
ReplyDeleteI guess that one is sell in a set only.
DeleteI am attracted to the Hello Kitty's Touch & Go card. I wanna buy for my wife! I am also impressed with the black coloured Hello Kitty - so unique.
ReplyDeleteYea, actually the Touch & Go seriously is very useful, that's why the promoter was highly recommended.