January 9, 2016, Saturday
Went to The Curve for some DIY stuffs "top up" (not here to show first before I've completed the whole thing) So, after got out from Popular down to the basement parking lot, I passed The Street, The Street is a street market in the middle of IPC, The Curve and eCurve (Don't ask me where is which one, because even me myself got confuse many times, I still need to look for the directory to states me where was I, despite I've been there many times =.=)
話説那天就到IPC去買一些DIY的東西,因爲我覺得那邊的大衆書局很大間,有很多我要的東西,所以幾乎每次要補貨要找什麽都會到那邊一趟(衹不過那邊的停車費就有點貴,第一個小時要三塊,接下來多少我就不太清楚了)走完書局,要回到地下的停車場時,被路邊攤給吸引住了(這個路邊攤是位于IPC,The Curve和eCurve的中間)