Wednesday, January 20, 2016

【Airbus|空中巴士】AirAsia X A330-300|亞航X A330-300

January 20, 2016, Wednesday
我的上一回也等太久才到下一篇了吧?? 其實是真的要寫上海的,但是第一次去上海的時候,就是從這一篇開始的,所以有頭有尾的,就開始從這一篇先寫吧! 在我的上一篇也是有提到因為我太遲買飛機票了,所以跟同事搭不同的航空到上海,然後再轉機到洛陽。 對! 洛陽就是我的目的地,夠新鮮吧? 洛陽這個地方,聽起來就是旅遊,遊山玩水的地方,但是我是去工作啊! 為了要趕在新年前完成,我們可是非常的趕工。。。


【Airport|機場】Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 KLIA 2|吉隆坡第二國際機場

January 20, 2016, Wednesday
Being called off to work for rush, got the ticket yesterday then fly today. I guess never in my life would that unless for work, and also another thing is the flight ticket is gonna be very expensive. Indeed it was a very rush day, I was back to the office in the morning and my flight is on 7.10 at night. Every of colleague was like "Why are you still here??" Yea, I was still working something in the office and they're so worried that I will miss the flight at night.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

【Carnival|嘉年華】Lucky Draw|抽獎活動

January 16, 2016, Saturday
雖然每次都會遇上的抽獎活動,但是是真的少有會抽到我,不過我還是抱著試著的心態,姑且一試。 所謂沒有試就沒有機會,至少試了還會有少許機會。


【Carnival|嘉年華】Ichigoman Alliance|球球粒粒吸

January 16, 2016, Saturday
不知不覺就已經寫到最後第三篇了,也是這展覽廳內我最後分享的遊戲。 這整個展覽,我從年頭寫到年尾,終於寫完了。 是因為我太執著了嗎? 但換個方面想,我竟然可以把一個展覽寫得那麽仔細,那多年後,我再回來看,我就會覺得那是個美好的回憶了。



January 16, 2016, Saturday
其實Hello Kitty一直以來都不在我喜歡的卡通人物之內,至於為什麼我會大費周章的去看這個展覽,當然是一定有他特別的吸引力。 神經質的我,經常都會因為某一樣東西而讓我做出出乎意料的行為。。。


【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Cinema|三麗鷗電影院

January 16, 2016, Saturday


【Blogger Gathering|博客聚會】CNY Bloggers Potluck|博客小小聚餐

January 16, 2016, Saturday
Is just a month passed, so is still considered quite new in my blog yea...okay!! I promised more updated posts frequently. First of all thanks to Vicky for inviting me over to this Chinese New Year bloggers potluck gathering. 


【Carnival|嘉年華】Candy Shop|糖果店

January 16, 2016, Saturday
還記得我在蘋果廟裡有提到有工作人員請我吃的糖果嗎? 它的糖果店就在這裡,就在玩具店的正對面。 這裡也是比較偏角落,所以也是沒有什麼人潮。


【Carnival|嘉年華】Toy Shop|玩具店

January 16, 2016, Saturday
前幾篇都是遊戲的,是不是有點悶呢? (我心裡是這樣覺得的,但還是覺得分開寫比較清楚的記錄)看完了會場裡的遊戲後,來到旁邊就有個展覽室,幸運的當我來到這個地方的時候,裡面沒有任何人,導致我拍照都拍得很有點起勁,我竟然一個一個去拍。。。。。。


【Carnival|嘉年華】Lucky Ribbon|幸運彩帶

January 16, 2016, Saturday
倒數會場第二個游戲了(我還真的迫不及待的想要快點寫完啊! 因爲這一個主題似乎拖了我好多篇哦! 不過也寫完好過沒有寫完,我不喜歡東西斷一半的在中間不上不下的,沒有一個了斷來結尾)所以話説回到游戲現場,這個又是另外一種游戲,而且我本身認爲這個游戲裏面的公仔獎品,好像都特別的可愛,當然漂亮可愛的東西也一定不容易贏得啦!


【Carnival|嘉年華】Kitty Totes|蓋章布袋

January 16, 2016, Saturday
看過了多項游戲,來帶你看個有趣的,這個算是有趣和實用,裏面一直都處於很多人,人來人往,人潮不斷。 我沒有進去玩,但卻進去拍了幾張照片(這算是到此一游吧!)


【Carnival|嘉年華】Ring Toss|丟圈圈

January 16, 2016, Saturday
這個算是經典了吧? 衹要把圈圈丟到小熊熊的頭上就謂之贏(説來簡單,你來丟看看?) 哈! 我不用丟,我就知道我丟不到啦! 不用嘗試也無所謂,不過我還是覺得對於這種瞄準再丟的游戲,對於那些手長腳長的人比較有福利吧! 因爲身高和長度都已經贏了人家一半啦,當然游戲當局也沒有那麽笨,那可是有一定的規例綫條的,參加者是不可以超過這個綫條的,而且主辦當局還將這個艱難化,不是套到小熊的頭就爲之贏(我之前的以爲原來是錯的)而是要把圈圈丟到小熊,然後圈圈穿過整個小熊,抵達到底部,才爲之贏,啊! 這個也太難了吧。。。。。。


【Carnival|嘉年華】MaMa’s Kitchen|媽媽厨房

January 16, 2016, Saturday
So what else games they have here? This one is have a setup like in the kitchen, what you gonna to do is throw the rice pack on the decorated item. Acutally I don’t know whether is rice pack or not (I didn’t hold it myself to make sure) but from what I saw is a pack looks like soft toast pack. Places to aim is in the microwave and on the weighing skill. Guess the one throw in the microwave is where you will get the popcorn pillow. 
之前分享很多都是他們的主題裝飾,其實他們還有很多游戲的,不過我都歸類這些像是在游樂場那種的游戲,我對自己信念是我怎麽玩都不會中,所以我也不會去嘗試(好像還沒嘗試就説自己做不到那樣,但那一切一切都衹是一個藉口啦! 我就是不想玩嘛,就這樣簡單說就好了嘛!) 但即便如此,我還是要來介紹大會上所有的游戲節目,這個工作人員會給你幾個沙包,因爲我沒有玩,所以也不知道是他們會給幾個,不過通常應該是給3個的吧! 然後你就必須將沙包丟到量枰上,或者是微波爐里,不過這個我大概捉到是要丟到微博里才是獲勝的,因爲微漠路里顯示的圖案是爆米花,而爆米花就是他們公仔圖案啊!


【Carnival|嘉年華】PaPa’s Reading Room|讀書間

January 16, 2016, Saturday
連續上載的都是游戲文章,因爲他們都是拼排在一起的。 整個設計像是一個大柱子,然後幾個游戲當鋪都是圍繞著一起的。 接下來看的這個就是讀書間,什麽是讀書間? 其實我倒覺得我有點題不符合的感覺,也許衹是一個名字罷了,其實也無需太在意。


【Carnival|嘉年華】Official Goods Shop|精品店

January 16, 2016, Saturday
The goodie shop, what else to see here? Lots of goodies and cutest stuffs you can find it here AND also is not cheap, but there’re certain things are quite valuable to buy as collection. Before it I was thinking I just go to this event and don’t buy anything, but at up I did buy something and also some for my friend too. Good things also great to share, right? That’s why don’t mind posting separately to show you all throughout the whole carnival. 
本以爲我來這個嘉年華,那入門票都已經那麽貴了,所以我應該不會花任何一分錢在裏面吧! 這是我所想的,但是我意想不到的是裏面的東西很可愛,早知道就不走進去了(人生哪有那麽多早知道啊?) 既然都走進去了,買了一些東西,當然也要來分享一下。 而且我不但如此,我還很惡魔的告知我很喜歡Hello Kitty的朋友,現場直播的問她要哪一個,讓她即使人沒有來到,也可以花到錢,我也太邪惡了吧!


【Carnival|嘉年華】 Flower Shop | 花店

January 16, 2016, Saturday
Just right in front of the Apple Temple exit, there’s a “flower shop”. The flower shop is a little bit of disappointed here, it doesn’t have a specify compartment or room for it. It was just like this located behind the goodies shop. Drawing on the board are incredibly nice but overall it looks too simple and not much done here. If I don’t aware of there’s a flower shop on the map, I guess I would never think of this is one of the theme area too.  
一踏出了蘋果廟,就在正前方就是這個“花店”,啊! 可是我覺得一點都不像花店啊。。。至少應該要有一個大一點的空間吧! 這個像是後院那樣的,乍看來有些隨便,而且它還真的是在後院,它就是處於手信店/精品店的後面。 不知道這裏擺設的花朵會不會每一天都更換,但可確定的是那些花兒都不是真花。 至於我爲什麽會好奇那花朵會更換呢? 那是因爲黑板上寫著“今天特別的”,但我猜想他們應該不像會更換的,因爲反正都是假花,應該也不會有人注意到吧!


【Carnival|嘉年華】 Apple Temple | 蘋果廟

January 16, 2016, Saturday
I truly think they should build this one somewhere, maybe in Japan for real, I mean make it being there forever, like a theme or something and let people visit constantly, because everything inside is very cute. The cutest you can ever think of, just imagine like a normal temple has turned into a Hello Kitty version, everything in the temple is Hello Kitty signature. I can’t tell this until I’ve gone through my picture here, I’ve lots of picture in here because you won’t wish to miss any single cute thing here. 
郵政局的那篇,是第一長篇,而這個蘋果廟就是第二長篇(應該是説這一篇是照片居多,貪心的我,雖然開始有一點累了,但是我還是不停的拍照,因爲裏面實在太可愛了)假如這個主題真的在日本建成,這可算是世上最可愛的廟宇吧! 因爲裏面的所有裝飾,無論圓的還是四方形的東西,都變成了蘋果或Hello Kitty的形狀,幾乎那些你不可能想到的東西,他們都變得非常的可愛。 相信女性會瘋掉,但是男性就想快點離開吧,哈哈哈。。。


【Carnival|嘉年華】 Hello Kitty Fashion Catcher | Hello Kitty公仔捉一捉

January 16, 2016, Saturday
Every time when you look at this catcher, what do you expect to see? Don’t you expect to see the whatever character dolls in the glass then you put the coins in and ready to catch it with some sort of technique. Yea, I do believe to catch it, you might need some tricky technique that I heard from MeiLing, that you need to get those that is close to exit and has hands and legs, not like a round thing, because it won’t hold it from dropping back down. 
這個公仔捉一捉,當我遠看的時候,我還以爲是那種真投入錢幣的機器,然後以技巧的方式捉到機器裏面的公仔。 這個游戲時常都會聽到說“去買一個公仔都沒有那麽貴”,但是我想這應該是當時的即興吧! 當你真的以一兩零吉捉到了一個公仔的時候,那種成就感,像是真的贏到了大獎一樣(這個也可以算是一種消壓的方式吧! 衹要不要過度就可以了) 話説回來在現場的這個,它可不是真的捉公仔機,這可是放大了得捉公仔機,在它的下端還是後面會有一個小口,讓你可以穿進去,然後整個上半身出現在箱子裏面。 我當時還真想找到工作人員來幫我拍照,但是現場可惜就是沒有,然後在場的都是男女朋友同行,所以我就算了吧!


【Carnival|嘉年華】 Kuromi Tattoo | Kuromi圖騰

January 16, 2016, Saturday
As I continued on my last Hello Kitty Go Around post, the Apple Temple will be the next, but before get into that, let me shows you what had the staff has bumped into me? The carnival wasn’t just theme by theme, it do have some random Sanrio character you can found and took picture with. And here’s the Melody statue like randomly middle of the nowhere, hehe! Doubted it, since it’s so cute, of course I can’t miss the chance to take picture with her.
相信大會也想盡辦法的想要讓整個嘉年華都物有所值,假如沒有在網上看到任何咨詢,懵懵懂懂的這樣闖進這個嘉年華,一定會覺得驚喜連連,就拿這個爲例,經過了上一篇,非常長篇的郵政局,接下來大多的文章幾乎都會比較短,我有時候會想我是真的有必要這樣的分段來寫嗎? 的確在做目錄的時候是很清楚,但是這讓我拉長了很多,所以我不能再讓我自己這個樣子一直拖的變成拖把。 我會以我自己的興趣寫完。


【Carnival|嘉年華】 Bus Stop | 巴士站

January 16, 2016, Saturday
After post office, let's see what else in the carnival. The bus stop, hmmm..... they've express before and now is the bus, so what transport do you think is next?
上回看了快車,這回是巴士,有沒有好奇下一次看到的交通工具是什麽? 這個放在很後面的巴士站,假如沒有走進來看,況且也不會有人看到吧! 因爲還蠻少人的在這裏的,因爲我在郵政局待了一段時間,所以人潮應該開始多了。 這個是個巴士站,我好奇爲什麽沒有看到巴士,衹有公路,交通燈和巴士站。。。嗯! 是不是要放一輛巴士會更好呢? 這裏放了兩個三麗鷗角色,兩位我都不太清楚名字,但是奇怪的是怎麽會有熊貓呢? 他也是三麗鷗的角色之一?


【Carnival|嘉年華】Hello Kitty Post Office|Hello Kitty 郵政局

January 16, 2016, Saturday
I guess here is the longest time I've stay at throughout the carnival, due to this place is a truly post office that I can send postcard out from here.


【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Friends Express|三麗鷗好友快車

January 16, 2016, Saturday
The very far end inside is the Sanrio Friends Express display. No crowds around? Yea, that's the reason why I want it to be first one to go inside, so is very easy to take picture without anybody in it.


【Carnival|嘉年華】Save the Goldfish|搶救金魚

January 16, 2016, Saturday
I read some reviews online, some said the games are easy, some are not. But those who said is easy, they did say once you've found the trick of the games, you should be able to won some prizes.
由於我每一次都是拖延到很久才寫,所以網上幾乎都會有了很多完整的介紹。 當中也有看到一些提到其實他們的游戲很簡單,衹要你捉到那個點,你就可以輕而易舉的贏到了獎品。


【Carnival|嘉年華】Sanrio Baby Race|三麗鷗嬰兒賽跑

January 16, 2016, Saturday
What else on the right side, the right side which are the middle mostly are the games area which I didn't even play anyone of them, because I know I would lose anyhow =p
看完左邊的東西,就來看看右邊的,右邊的也算是中廳的,大多數是游戲區。 大大小小的游戲,但是我一個都沒有玩,因爲我知道我一定不會中,哈哈哈。。。


【Carnival|嘉年華】Go Around Cafe|Hello Kitty 咖啡廳

January 16, 2016, Saturday
Further to the left is Go Around Cafe, I just went passed by to take picture. I didn't try any food inside as I suspect it should be quite expensive.
再往裏面走就是Hello Kitty咖啡廳,我多沒有踏進去就自然而然的覺得裏面的東西會很貴,所以我也沒有進去嘗試任何東西,加上早上我都是吃飽了才出門的。


【Carnival|嘉年華】Hello Kitty Memory Garden|Hello Kitty回憶花園

January 16, 2016, Saturday
So let's bring you to see the carnival slowly, start from the left  is Hello Kitty Memory Garden. Enter like a garden gate, a statue of Hello Kitty in front of you, written since 1974.
入場后,我就帶你慢慢看這個Hello Kitty嘉年華展吧! (突然發覺我自己真的有點神經,過分的要求整齊分段來寫)一進門,往左邊走的是Hello Kitty回憶花園,上面有個Hello Kitty的雕像,下面寫著“自1974年”。


【Carnival|嘉年華】The Beginning|入口處

January 16, 2016, Saturday
This part wasn't the part where everybody able to take picture. Because there will be a cameraman here, help you to take a picture then they give you the number, from that number you can trace back your picture near to the exit later.


【Carnival|嘉年華】The Entrance|入門站

January 16, 2016, Saturday
After switched to my current job, I barely have time go out to check out for event. So you might initially find out all the event I post are way past long time......Like this one, since December 19 until January 19, was last for a month, if I remember the date correctly, they did extend the event until somewhere in February 14.
自從換了工作后,要找個時間去參觀展覽都比較難,不是時間配合不到就是我根本湊不出時間來。 所以往後你看到的幾乎都會是過期很久的活動了(待會兒又會有人說“這麽久了,你還記得啊?”)這我刻意寫了,所以你也不需要再問了。 話説這個Hello Kitty展覽,我沒有很喜歡她,但是既然她來到,而當時我又有那個時間,所以我就去了一趟。 當時我去參觀的時候,已經是快要接近結束時期了,我當時還慶幸我可以在它還沒結束前參觀。 誰知道舉辦當局過後就宣佈延遲到2月14日。


Friday, January 15, 2016

【Haul|購物】 Bookurve Haul January | 一月買書記

January 15, 2016, Friday
I’ve read quite a lot of Chinese book but I always refuse to read English books because I always assuming myself don’t have very well English understanding to read. Is 2016 now I guess not now then when? So I started try to get in touch with English books, as like World of Wanderlust mentioned, just a book a month, I guess it’s not that much. Since I was be able to finish a Chinese book a week so why don’t do the same with the English book and it’s never too late to start.
看了很多華語書,即便一直一心想要搞好英語都是不可能的事,所以唯有的方法就是自己先開始看英語書吧! 快的話,我幾乎可以一個星期看完一本華語書,但是從前我英語書的記錄,就是那本書買了很久,看了前面十多頁后,就一直放到現在。。。 最上一本英語書就是“哈比人”,可想可知,那個他的續集都不知道出到哪一集了,我那一本書還放在那一邊(不行,我過後一定要更加倍的努力!)年頭在我最愛的旅游部落格World of Wanderlust里被啓發到,其實不需要多,可能一個月一本英語書就可以了。


Monday, January 11, 2016

【Camera|相機】Sony Alpha a6000|索尼 α a6000

January 11, 2016, Monday
Woman always have a reason to buy stuffs, but look at mine this one is with serious with a reason, as my Samsung Galaxy Camera kept on has a black shadow on the lens. (Yea, it has been sent to wash once and I got lazy on sending it for the second time) Wait, now I wondered wouldn't be something "dirt" kept blocking it, right??


Saturday, January 09, 2016

【Haul|購物】Little Accessories|小“裝飾“

January 9, 2016, Saturday
Went to The Curve for some DIY stuffs "top up" (not here to show first before I've completed the whole thing) So, after got out from Popular down to the basement parking lot, I passed The Street, The Street is a street market in the middle of IPC, The Curve and eCurve (Don't ask me where is which one, because even me myself got confuse many times, I still need to look for the directory to states me where was I, despite I've been there many times =.=)
話説那天就到IPC去買一些DIY的東西,因爲我覺得那邊的大衆書局很大間,有很多我要的東西,所以幾乎每次要補貨要找什麽都會到那邊一趟(衹不過那邊的停車費就有點貴,第一個小時要三塊,接下來多少我就不太清楚了)走完書局,要回到地下的停車場時,被路邊攤給吸引住了(這個路邊攤是位于IPC,The Curve和eCurve的中間)


Friday, January 08, 2016


January 8, 2016, Wednesday

【Haul|购物】Win_ni3 Handmade CNY Postcard|手帳達人Win Nie個人首次「猴勢力」明信片

January 8, 2016, Friday


Tuesday, January 05, 2016

【Gift|禮物】Christmas Card from San Jose|來自聖荷西的聖誕卡

January 5, 2016, Tuesday
I don't really celebrate Christmas, but I always wish to sending gifts around, receive and sending Christmas card. Thanks to my friend in San Jose make it happened.
每年的聖誕節不是我宗教的慶祝,但是我卻很向往送禮物或聖誕卡給身邊的人。 今年,不是今年,這是去年的聖誕卡,多謝我馬來西亞的朋友從聖荷西寄來的聖誕卡。

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