Monday, May 30, 2016

【Blog|部落格】Blog Disclaimer|關於版權的問題

May 30, 2016, Monday
Definitely no Monday blue today, but it wasn't until I received this email......

Sunday, May 15, 2016

【Palace|宮殿】Royal Palace of Amsterdam|阿姆斯特丹王宫

May 15, 2016, Sunday
原來我就是那麼喜歡建築物,喜歡到喜歡一個一個寫,讓我可以一個一個去了解。 阿姆斯特丹王宫(荷蘭語:Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam 或 Paleis op de Dam)位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹水坝广场,是依据议会法案荷兰王室的三座宫殿之一(另两座是豪斯登堡宫和努儿登堡宫),根据国会法案由威廉-亚历山大使用。 只可惜我當時只是快走的方式,只是在外面拍照,沒有進入到任何一個建築物,因為貪心以及三心兩意的我,一定會想說我每一個都想去。


【Shop|商鋪】De Bijenkorf|女王店

May 15, 2016, Sunday
雖然這麽早的早晨街上空無一人,但是這正是一個非常好拍照的好時機,不然平時的照片里都會多了很多路人甲乙丙丁。 在沿路走去的左邊,又是一座出色的建築物,在維基百科后,它的華語名字還真的讓我驚訝,它被荷蘭華人稱之爲“女王店”,是在荷蘭最大的高檔的連鎖百貨商店,成立于1870年,將近150年的歷史。 經過了世界第二次大戰的洗禮,所幸那衹是炸掉了一部分,剩餘的繼續經營直1957年,到了1960年,因爲要興建鹿特丹地铁才拆除,并由Marcel Breuer從新設計建造(資料來自維基百科


【StockExchange|證券交易所】 Beurs van Berlage | 阿姆斯特丹舊證券交易所

May 15, 2016, Sunday
Guess I'm one of not many do something like this, I'm gonna write building by building. Sorry yea, this blogger like buildings very much, just like the way I like aircraft. 
真是很抱歉的我的阿姆斯特丹之旅沒有看到很多花,因爲我去的時候還是冬季,還不是花兒盛開的季節。 所以你基本上看到的都是建築物,因爲建築物是我續交通工具后,最喜歡的東西,還是應該說他們的喜歡程度都是同等的。


【Avenue|大街】Damrak Avenue|達姆拉克大街

May 15, 2016, Sunday
So! End up things don't came out to be what I was expected, as like RealGunner comment, I was so close to the canal, thus I should be able to find it easily and that's what I thought too...
話雖如此,事實往往沒有我想象的那麽簡單,沒有目的的走,然後過後還不知道能不能夠找到路綫回來。 來阿姆斯特丹就是要看那運河旁邊的屋子,兩者加起來的景色真是美得無法用言語來形容。


【TrainStation|火車站】Luggage Storage|行李寄存地方

May 15, 2016, Sunday
I have ever have a second thought that realized I was written pretty fast for my Netherlands trip? Because I do realized I've tons of trip to write and more and more coming on, so I tend to write faster and can't wait to show you all my very detail work trip. Nope, even though is a work trip but I won't post anything about work or I should say it is a solo trip, because most of the one day trip I go alone.
這次的荷蘭之旅會寫得比較快,原因無他,只是我實在有太多的遊記沒辦法也沒有時間的寫出。 這次的工作之旅,雖說是工作之旅,但是我當然不會放上工作的照片出來,相對的,我行走的地方也是多數自己一個人,所以其實基本上,也像是我自個兒出遊般。


【TrainStation|火車站】Amsterdam Centraal Station|阿姆斯特丹中央車站|Bahnhof Amsterdam Centraal

May 15, 2016, Sunday
Out of the train, finally have the feeling that "I'm now in Amsterdam already!". Morning train is so quiet and peaceful, before I back here afternoon, for one second I thought Amsterdam is so quiet but in exact way this is the heart, the city of Netherlands, so it's just all because I was there too early in the morning.
還未踏出火車之前,都感覺不出來自己身在阿姆斯特丹,但是一踏出火車的那一步,看到密密麻麻,很大的火車站時,我終于有了那種“我終于在阿姆斯特丹了!”的感覺了。 早上的阿姆斯特丹很安靜,安靜得讓我覺得這個城市衹是一個小鎮罷了。


【Transport|交通】NS International Trains: Airport to Amsterdam|機場到阿姆斯特丹火車|Spoorlijnen in Nederland

May 15, 2016, Sunday
Before I depart, my colleague has given me very well explanation of how to take buy train ticket from the airport to Amsterdam. At first I was thinking go to hotel right away, but he said it was too early, I actually can go walk around Amsterdam first. According to him, exit from the arrival hall, walk towards the left then I will see the counter.
在還沒出發前,我的同事就已經給我很詳細的指示,該如何從機場到酒店。他説衹要一出機場就往左走,就會看到可以買火車票的地方了。 同事說既然我這麽早到,我可以到阿姆斯特丹先逛逛再到酒店去。


【Communication|通訊】Lebara mobile: Prepaid SIM card|手機上網|Lebara mobiel: Prepaid SIM-kaart

May 15, 2016, Sunday
I touched around 6 something in the morning, stepped out from the arriving hall, ready to walk to the train station. I didn't get any SIM card services when I visit Europe last time, was thinking that I don't have to go online that often. But since this time the SIM card company approach me, so I gave a try.
我們在早上六點多降落,過了關卡出到外面,我正要往火車的地方走去的時候,被推銷sim card的工作人員停住了。 回想去上一次,我沒有買到任何sim card,因爲沒有遇到加上也沒有特別的去尋找。


【Movie|電影】The Walk|雲中行走

May 15, 2016, Sunday
Last movie before landing, it was almost over time, but I skipped to watch so that I would be able to finish the whole movie before touch down.
在臨下機前,我再看多一部電影,經過它的時間是長過即將降落的時間。 因爲這部電影是我想要看了很久了,但是沒有機會看到。

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【Movie|電影】Lost In Hong Kong|港囧

May 15, 2016, Sunday
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May 15, 2016, Sunday
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Saturday, May 14, 2016

【Boeing|波音】KLM 777-300|荷蘭皇家航空777-300

May 14, 2016, Saturday
Nope, I didn't keep this as a secret, just that I didn't have time to announced it. Many was saying that I was so fortune, get to fly Europe many times (actually not quite many, this was just the second time) and this time wasn't even for vacation, was for training, maybe others would treat training as holiday but for me as I've the burden of the only and the first female represent from the Malaysia branch company, so it wasn't that fun at all.
沒有經過特別的預告就已經起飛了,其實也不是格外的隱瞞,只是我沒有多餘的時間去預告。很多人第一個反應就是“哇,又去歐洲?” 其實也沒有去過很多次,這只是第二次罷了,機票是起飛前幾天買了。 而且這是公司委派去參加訓練的,又不是去遊玩,身為馬來西亞分公司唯一一位女工程師,背負著的責任,不能小看的男性工作,不在於是性別之間的爭論。 笨笨的我一點都不敢看輕,無畏的一定要付出百分百的專注力在學習。 在男性的職場裡,沒有最好,只有更好,只有自己跟自己比賽,被認為不可能的女性做男性職業,時間和實力會證明一切。


Sunday, May 08, 2016

【Violin|小提琴】My First Violin Group Performance|我第一次的小提琴團體表演

May 8, 2016, Sunday
My first violin performance was worst than I expected, luckily it's a group performance, have those expert to cover me up. How bad was it? Hmm, few keys are wrong obviously... Not that I didn't practice at all, or I should say I have not done enough practice because I know the way, even though I was scared I should be able to play well by memories like had just printed in my mind, is become like a routine for me.
我人生的第一次的小提琴團體表演還真的很爛,因為我即使在家練得很熟悉,但是一到台前就忘得一乾二淨,而且還一直頻頻拉錯。 還能推卸責任到哪裡? 我只能怪我自己的練習不足夠,我的確將自己的時間排得很滿,不要說硬擠時間,那是根本都擠不出來的那種。


Thursday, May 05, 2016

【Movie|電影】Precious Cargo|珍寶大戰

May 5, 2016, Thursday
Not much promoted movie, guess it has been covered the most by those high cast superheroes movie. Talk about hero, Bruce Willis wasn't played role as hero here as he always do.

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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

【Haul|購物】A Bouquet of Flower for my Mom|給媽媽的一束花

May 3, 2016, Tuesday
Every year of mother's day and my mom's birthday, I will get a bouquet flower for my mom, because she likes flower (I know some would say flower won't last this and that, but before you conclude that, I got that say that's what my mom really likes)
在每一年的母情節和媽媽的生日,我都會買花給我媽媽,那是因爲我媽媽很喜歡花(我知道假如我不這樣强調,一定會有人說幹嘛買花? 花枯萎了就沒有了,應該買一些實用的東西)

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