May 14, 2016, Saturday
Nope, I didn't keep this as a secret, just that I didn't have time to announced it. Many was saying that I was so fortune, get to fly Europe many times (actually not quite many, this was just the second time) and this time wasn't even for vacation, was for training, maybe others would treat training as holiday but for me as I've the burden of the only and the first female represent from the Malaysia branch company, so it wasn't that fun at all.
沒有經過特別的預告就已經起飛了,其實也不是格外的隱瞞,只是我沒有多餘的時間去預告。很多人第一個反應就是“哇,又去歐洲?” 其實也沒有去過很多次,這只是第二次罷了,機票是起飛前幾天買了。 而且這是公司委派去參加訓練的,又不是去遊玩,身為馬來西亞分公司唯一一位女工程師,背負著的責任,不能小看的男性工作,不在於是性別之間的爭論。 笨笨的我一點都不敢看輕,無畏的一定要付出百分百的專注力在學習。 在男性的職場裡,沒有最好,只有更好,只有自己跟自己比賽,被認為不可能的女性做男性職業,時間和實力會證明一切。
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My whole day on that day was quite pack, morning I promised my mom went to Sg Buloh buy flowers with her, then rush home for the rest of the packing, currency exchange thing, get a cake for violin teacher for teacher's day celebration...things weren't really stop until I was on board on the plane.
當天可是非常的忙碌,因爲上個星期的小提琴表演,讓我延遲了陪媽媽到花圃逛逛,所以拖延到這個星期,回來后再趕收拾行李,兌換歐幣,然後再去買蛋糕給小提琴老師慶祝教師節。 我的忙碌可説是直到我登機后才停止。
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With 11 kg check in luggage, before it at home, I was so scared that I got overweight luggage, didn't even what I've carry with me, actually I didn't carry much, but it just very heavy which I don't really know where are the weight came from. Got everything done, I'm finally on board, a stewardess seem to be very nice that she looked that I'm very small and short she offered to help carry my hand carry bag to put on the cabin luggage compartment. I was so glad that and almost thinking want to write that in blog then the second I heard a loud "boom" sound =.=! I admitted my bag was quite heavy but doesn't mean the stewardess can throw my bag like you know I've one company laptop and one camera inside??? Luckily all of them works fine in the end...I would say you're just lucky!
一度擔心的超重行李,其實我也沒有帶上什麽東西,而且帶的東西也不多,所以也不知道那些重量到底來自哪裏,然後我還無聊到一度懷疑是我買的行李箱太重的關係。。。 寄行李艙的時候是11 kg,所以說我還有9 kg可以買。。。 終于完成一切可以登機了,我的例行照片好像已成了習慣,刊登照片不爲了炫耀,衹爲了自己收藏,自己放自己爽。 上機后以爲遇到很好的空姐,看我那麽小隻,所以自動說幫我把手提行李放上行李箱内,心想說要把這件是寫上來,誰知道下一秒我就聽到“砰”的一聲,我不否認我的行李包很重,但是你有必要那樣嗎? 重點是我裏面有公司的電腦加一個相機,還好過後一切都沒有問題的正常運作。
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Since I've make a quite detailed post about this airline and this type of aircraft so basically nothing much is really new to me. But the way they distribute the earphone is kinda different this time, last time was given after takeoff and everything has settle, this time they distribute the earphone before takeoff. (guess many has make some complaints to that so they do so?)
之前我的歐洲之旅已經詳細的寫過這航空,而且同樣機號,其實也沒有特別好寫的。 很大的不同是這個耳機分發時間,上次是起飛后,等所有東西妥當后才分派給我們,但是這一次還沒起飛第一樣就是分派耳機了(他們不是遭到投訴,才這樣做吧?)
Can't remember wasn't like the same as last time, but this was using portrait to demonstrate the flight safety rules is pretty interesting, it was definitely representative the sense of Amsterdam.
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About 12 am something, the stewardess start to distribute the flight meal. It looks like almost the same as the one I had last time, but different packaging.
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Like this, this was placed outside instead of placing inside the paper box. By the way please remember to try cheese anytime when you're in Netherlands because that's what famous in Amsterdam and the taste was absolutely great.
包裝上的差別就在于這個,上次這個是完全自己的,沒有紙盒包裝著,多了這個應該是增添美觀的關係吧。 照片裏面的起司讓我不得不提醒你們,到荷蘭記得一定要嘗試那邊的起司,因爲那是阿姆斯特丹的特產,在那邊大大小小的商店都有專賣店,重點是它們真的都很好吃哦!
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Same dishes as the last time one, I had dinner before I get to the airport and it was too late for super, basically I just finished this chicken wrap only throughout the whole meal...I know, what a waste...but seriously I was too full for everything.
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Finish watched Lost in Hong Kong I fell asleep. Was't really finish watching it, was half watching and half skipping, Surprisingly for the breakfast roughly 0400 Malaysia timing, I can finish all of them, guess I was too hungry since the unfinished last supper. After this breakfast I watch Office and The Walk, 《The Walk》is a very impressive and motivated movie, once you've found your dream, don't wait, just go for it miracle do happens once you've stepped out the first step.
吃完再看完看省的港囧,我就睡着了。 再起來的時候,已是馬來西亞時間凌晨4點鐘了,是早餐時間,這次的早餐,我似乎很餓的吃完了所有的食物,應該之前的宵夜吃很少的關係吧! 早餐后再看华丽上班族和The Walk就幾乎是降落的時間了。。。
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Almost 10 am in Malaysia, different time zone on the ground, but I forgot to check the flight data to see where region was I, but it do really great to see sunrise in the airplane. Do you know the prettiest office view is the cockpit view, which explained too why I like aircraft so much. Such a long time didn't sit by the window seat, almost forgot how long is the wingspan of 777, but it does look very pretty here, don't you agree??
馬來西亞時間早晨十點多,窗外正好是日出的時候。 差點忘了777的機翼有多長,窗外的景色真的很美,這就是所謂世界上最美的辦公室就是在機艙内,沒有任何的景色可以再漂亮過機艙内看出外面的景色了。
Posts on this date -
Lucky you, indeed. Never been to any place in Europe, just the UK.
ReplyDeleteYes, you can, you can be even luckier, because you've retired already, you've more time to do that. Just the matter you want or don't want!!!
DeleteI believe you are living your dream now working in your dream job! I quite like airplane food but seems like eat a lot and sleep a lot just on the long flight makes me feel very fat. hehehehe.
ReplyDeleteNo choice, just wish to be one day I can take business class so I can have already walk walk and stretch before go to bed, hehe!