Thursday, May 05, 2016

【Movie|電影】Precious Cargo|珍寶大戰

May 5, 2016, Thursday
Not much promoted movie, guess it has been covered the most by those high cast superheroes movie. Talk about hero, Bruce Willis wasn't played role as hero here as he always do.

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In here, he played as a bad guy. Most of reviews I read online are pretty bad, which they criticized the most is the storyline, practically I've comment on that too, like one of the scene where they're boat chasing on the lake, they're so obvious and so close, but the guys couldn't even make a single shot, and funny that throughout the whole chasing scenes, that two main actor and actress, the actor was arguing with the actress, one pointing the gun back to fighting and another hand was driving the boat very conspicuously...and still......the bad guy couldn't make a single shot on that too unreality??
在寫這部電影的時候,在網上做了一下資料收集,沒想到看到的影評幾乎都是負評,批評最多的就是他的故事情節。 其實故事情節我勉強還可以接受啦,只是在一幕逐戲的戲碼,讓我覺得很誇張。 話說男女主角被一般壞人追逐,所以他們就乘船逃走,途中壞人追上來,他們很明顯人很大個的,但是壞人開槍卻半法槍都沒有打中他們,而且其中男主角還一手還擊,一手開船,還要跟女主角吵架。。。這個未免也太神話了吧。。。

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  1. 哈哈哈哈,没办法啊,这就是电影,主角光环是正常的

  2. Oh, so this movie is very far fetch and difficult to believe in, eh? And Bruce Willis has a change of role to be a bad guy instead of the hero. You watched this movie in cinema here or on your flight?


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