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Sunday, May 15, 2016

【TrainStation|火車站】Luggage Storage|行李寄存地方

May 15, 2016, Sunday
I have ever have a second thought that realized I was written pretty fast for my Netherlands trip? Because I do realized I've tons of trip to write and more and more coming on, so I tend to write faster and can't wait to show you all my very detail work trip. Nope, even though is a work trip but I won't post anything about work or I should say it is a solo trip, because most of the one day trip I go alone.
這次的荷蘭之旅會寫得比較快,原因無他,只是我實在有太多的遊記沒辦法也沒有時間的寫出。 這次的工作之旅,雖說是工作之旅,但是我當然不會放上工作的照片出來,相對的,我行走的地方也是多數自己一個人,所以其實基本上,也像是我自個兒出遊般。

How to get there
My colleague was telling me if I want to travel around Amsterdam, I can keep my luggage at the train station luggage storage center first (unfortunately this colleague doesn't tell me the very exact detail of where is the luggage storage center is) so what I did is to ask around, there should be a few of information center where you can ask, they will guide you the exact way. For my case, after I get out from the train, go down by stairs, I saw an information center, then she said go straight and turn left. Yea, all the left till the end, gotta have a walk a bit. I forgot to take a picture of it but I do realized most of the big train station in Netherlands, they must have a grand piano, is free to play anyway...wonder what's purpose of that, maybe that could be part of stress release way.
還沒走進阿姆斯特丹城市前,先來解決行李的問題,從機場過來,我當然不會拖著行李行走幾個小時。 所以同事有交代過在阿姆斯特丹的火車站是有地方可以寄存行李的,而且他還千交代萬交代記得要有信用卡在身,因為這些寄存箱是不收現金的(我當時還想說,怎麼這麼奇怪,不收現金,只收卡?) 在火車出來,我往出口的地方走去,但是沿途也沒有看到行李寄存處的標誌,所以找了個資料詢問處詢問,從我出來的地方,她說轉左就直直到了,基本來說它是座落在火車站的尾端。 沿途走過去還看到三角鋼琴,起初我以為只有這個火車站擁有而已,但是沒想到其他的火車站也有,只是比較小的火車站就不會有,相信只有比較大的像是總站轉換處就會有。 不明白他們放鋼琴在那邊的用意,但是我猜想應該是讓人消消壓力所用的吧,因為這鋼琴並不是裝飾,而是可以任由任何人彈奏的。

How to use it
7am in the morning, no one in the luggage storage center, I just walk inside. Don't know how does it work, so I stranger around, could you imagine all the way in Europe country, the stranger who help me is from Indonesia and funny thing is he was with his friends, his friend done with the luggage thing then left, leave his belongings on the floor...... He shows me that,
  1. Kept luggage in one of the available locker.
  2. Closed it.
  3. Press the number of the locker.
  4. Put in your credit card or debit card. 
  5. Key in your credit card or debit card PIN number.
  6. Card approved, collect your card and get a ticket in return.
(yea, my colleague do mentioned this, they don't accept cash, so must get your whatever credit or debit card ready) At first I used my credit card but it doesn't go through, luckily my debit card works.
走到了行李寄存處,右邊的是放小行李,左邊是放大行李的,我當時還一度擔心我的行李很大,放不進去大行李箱處。這看起來簡單,但是出來的全是荷問。 我嘗試多次無法成功,而當時又太早,沒有工作人員,所以就向附近也在寄存行李的陌生人詢問。 恰巧的這位陌生人是來自印度尼西亞(沒想到去到這麼老遠的地方,還會遇到幫忙的是鄰國人,所以說旅行上遇到的人還是無國界的)他清楚的指示。。。
1. 先把行李放進任何空的或可使用的行李寄存箱。
2. 再把門關上。
3. 輸入行李寄存箱的號碼。
4. 插入你的信用卡。
5. 輸入你信用卡的密碼。
6. 一切通過後,會吐出一張票根,提回自己的信用卡。

這是很重要的票根,因為這在提取行李的時候,你需要把這張票根卡給插入以打開行李寄存箱的門。 我當時失敗多次是因為我選擇的行李寄存箱的門,無法關上,然後我的信用卡無法使用,還好我身上還有一張提款卡。

Make sure do take a picture of where you kept your luggage, we all know memories is one thing but always need a backup for just in case.
臨走前,別忘了拍下你把行李存放在哪個行李寄存箱。 通常在國外我都會這樣做,不是不相信自己的記憶力,而是以防萬一,為自己留著一個後備。

Great, at first I saw is...what in Dutch again?? I tried, it doesn't work, that's why I came across to ask stranger for help. (don't be afraid to ask, apparently they're pretty nice, I won't say all of them are nice, but not surprise one or two is not among plenty of them)
出現的荷文,我還真是矛盾,幹嘛全部都是荷蘭文。。。 不成功就要找幫助。 相信很多人的問號就是“妳不擔心嗎?” 當你一個人在外地,難不成你要打電話回家求助? 當然是近水樓台啊! 相信我,多數陌生人都會幫忙的,經由我自個兒旅行多次,大多數的旅客或當地人都會熱心幫忙,但是不可否認自私的總有幾位,但那都只是佔了少數而已。 還有即使被人潑了冷水也不必擔心,只要想著那個人回家就會忘記所有了,若有機會再見面可能他們都不會認得或自己也不會認得,所以真的不需要去擔心丟臉,自己的樣子會被陌生人記住或取笑而不敢詢問。

After your credit card or debit card is approved, you'll get this ticket back as return. Please do keep this ticket, as this is you use to claim back your luggage. Noticed is getting pack at the noon, some of the tourists are even waiting around to see anyone take back their luggage so they can get their turn.
很重要的票根,我終於拿到的時候還真的很高興,因為經過幾次的失敗,終於嘗試到成功的滋味。 再回去取行李的時候已經是中午過後了,人潮很多,幾乎幾位都是在等著看誰來提行李而直接在等著那個位子的。
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  1. Their luggage storage system is automated, will only accept credit or debit card payment only. Pity those only with cash because they won't be able to store their luggage then.

    1. That, I guess they need to get an ATM to withdraw some money then.

  2. The only Europe and US countries I been to were Turkey and Canada

    And the only time I traveled alone was when I went Taiwan in 2013

    1. I see, I've been to Canada and Taiwan, haven't been to Turkey.


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