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Saturday, July 13, 2013

30 Hour Famine 2013 Fight Hunger: First 10 Hours Part 1 | 2013年饥饿30对抗饥饿: 首10个小时 上半场

July 13, 2013, Saturday
Posts of almost a year ago, not sure should I write or not lo~~~

On the first day, we were told to reach at the camp on 7am, I woke up late so didn't have time to catch a breakfast, thus I got to troublesome my eldest sister who's living nearby to buy some food me!!! (The fasting period start from 10am)

In the previous post of this, I mentioned that I was organized to be in-charged of the reception area, so what I did was just asking the camper what's the uniform size that they request previously and told them where they kept their bag and directions of the toilet to change their cloth!!!

Their goal of this is to raise Rm2.2 million, so each camper who is joining they're require to pay certain amount, like min Rm80 for students, working adult min Rm120 and children age below 12 is min Rm50!!! While they're in the camp, each of them will be give a camp uniform, a key chain as souvenir and a hanging name with their name on!!!

The camp starts at 10am, reception area was started from 8am to 10am, guess most of them were joining through their school as I saw most of them were showing their offer letter from school for attendance reference!!! Since it's quite early, some of them were saying they haven't taking any breakfast, so we let them to have breakfast outside first before they came into the camp!!!

After reception duties, the camp group leader got to gather up to have another small briefing before it starts!!! Luckily they did print the slides for us (not like the day before...we've nothing to refer back) Done with briefing, we were given a group name (Myanmar, Cambodia, and etc...(I forgot what the rest of the countries)) Ever since still a lots of people in a "country" so they split them into different "numbers" group, so my group is " Myanmar 5"!!!

Each camp group leader have to lead 16 to 17 campers, but my group has 19 campers (I forgot why my group has more campers than the rest, but I find it pretty challenging and fun!!!)

My whole group campers look like 13~15 old, guess should be in secondary school!!! We're given not much time to have ice breaking with my campers, so I just barely have time to choose a camp leader among them who needs to help me counts on campers when I!!!

After all we starts the camp game named as " Save and Free your Family", it has 6 different sections, everyone get to be participate in the game and play in different role (Father, Mother, Child A, Child B and Child C) in family, but each of them have a disability (Father has to tie up a hand so "he" move his hands freely but just one hand to do everything, Mother has tied her legs together so "she" doesn't get to walk but jump, Child A has to wear a mask so she/he are not allow to speak, Child B has to wear a full air balloon in front of her/his stomach, Child C has to use eye mask to cover his/her eyes. Since my group has so many campers so three or two of them were playing in a same role, but not every of them are happy with it, they kept on complaining can I switch to another character!!!

The first section they got to use newspaper and cellophane tape to build a "house", the highest and the stablest may get 8 notes (fake money) and release the Mother while the rest only 3 notes and release the Mother!!! Some of my group campers were quite aggressive but some are quite noisy kept on talking nonsense and not helping...but luckily ended up they still be able to "something" (something not so tall also not so stable building) barely can pass through the examiners requirements so we received 3 notes and the campers who played as Mother get to release!!! =]

Second section is to be "One day Fisherman", the first step to do is use the "notes" to buy materials(plastic nylon string) to make a "ship", 3 notes for short string and 5 notes for long string, so I let my campers to choose what they want then start the game!!! First two of them got to stand inside the string then pull it up to around their stomach height then walk into a pathway where has lots of paper fishes hanging on string, pull and kept as many fishes as you can but in this game the person who stand in front have to use eye mask to cover his/her eyes to pull it while the person behind was showing him/her which directions to go!!! Since everyone got to be participate so they have to keep switch campers after the previous two were back!!! By that I felt weird why they're the same campers take turns all the time, where're the rest......then I found some of them were standing under tree to rest......was trying so hard finally managed ask them come back to the game for their last two turns!!! My group campers did quite well on this, they did catch lots of fish and with one fish for one note, they have earned a lot on this and last but not least the Father get to release!!! =]

Third section is about "education" which the "teacher" (the staff) read a short paragraph for them, they got memorize and repeat whole paragraph!!! As is about education so only "children" get to join this section so I paid 3 notes for 3 children as education fee!!! Luckily some of my group campers manage did it at last after the "teacher" has read for her for about 3 times!!! So in the end we received 8 notes and Child C get to release!!! =]

After done with 3 games sections is time for rest about 20 minutes......to be continued!!!

八点开始到十点是报道时间,营员们也纷纷到来,他们到多都是中学的年龄,他们应该是通过学校报名,然后再收到通知书来而到来的!   很可爱的是有几个都说他们还没有吃早餐,所以我们都让他们再去吃过早餐再回来!



他们大概都是中学的年龄,几乎都没有时间ice breaking,大会的游戏就要开始了,在当中选了队长(往后帮忙点击人数)出来后就开始游戏,整个游戏叫“拯救家人回复自由”,总共有六个关卡要通过,事先每一位队员会自己抽出自己是扮演什么角色,角色分别有爸爸,妈妈,孩童A,孩童B和孩童C,每位角色都有他残缺的地方,爸爸是被绑上肩带只有一只手可以活动;妈妈双脚被绑上只能用来跳还是很小步走而已;孩童A被带上口罩不能说话;孩童B肚子前被绑上气球;孩童C被蒙上眼睛,而每通过一个关卡就可以被释放被扮演的角色还有可得到货币!!!    (由于我队员多,所以一个角色是有两三个人扮演的,而我的队员都一直嚷说我不要做妈妈,我可以做那个孩童A吗,都反对连连啊~~~)

第一个关卡就是建立“挡风遮雨的村庄”需要利用报纸和胶纸建造出一个塔或建筑,最高最稳的有8个货币,其他的可得3个货币,成功后饰演妈妈的可获得释放。在十几个队员们有合作想要成功的有,捣乱一直说无谓的话语的也有!!!   虽然我的队员建出来的也没有算起来很稳,好像分分钟都要倒的那样,但还好也勉强的过关,妈妈被释放,不然被绑脚的队员们都快要吵翻了!!!   =]

第二个关卡是“渔夫的一天”就是首先要制做渔船,而渔船的材料就是要用货币去买,材料有分3个货币(短的绳子)及5个货币(长的绳子),我队员选的材料是塑胶绳子选好了材料就由两位队员套着绳子去到两边都挂满纸鱼的“河流捕鱼”,在船头的人要被蒙上眼睛,而后面的需要指引方向,队员们来回交换出去“捕鱼”!!!   这时候我就怪了,怎么来来去去都是这几位队员,原来有一些跑到树下躲阴了,极尽幸苦哄哄下终于肯回来再“捕鱼”,我们的队在这个关卡不但可以让爸爸的角色释放不用再带肩带,而且还以一鱼一货币的赢回很多货币!!!   =]

第三是“再穷不能穷教育”,三位孩童的报名费是3个货币,他们必须听完一次一段长长的句子后再背念出来,还好我队员里有几位应该是读书蛮厉害的,虽然听了三次,但还好三次后她们都可以清楚的念回出来,真是捏了一把冷汗啊。。。因为后面的几位队员都已经要理不理的不想玩,一直投诉了。。。这关过了后,可得8个货币及孩童C被释放不用再蒙眼睛!!!   =]


  1. Oh, I don't know about this "Fight Hunger".... wow, you are terror la! I don't think I can fight hunger... but then it needs lots of determination and self control, right? Interesting.. and you are good.. doing it bi-lingual so that we all understand... good job here!

    1. Yup, I was almost want to give up already...hahaha!!!

      Yah...sometime is really hard to translate the whole thing...due to my limit of English level!!! =[

  2. One year ago? Wah, now only post? But it's ok la, it's a meaningful post.. I saw and heard about this "Fight Hunger" thing from NTV7.. Geng, pretty young sweet girl!

    1. Hahaha, I've tons of basi posts duh!!!

      So you plan to join this on this year???

  3. 講到过期到不能过期的文, 嘿!! 你的香港游記去了哪裡??!! :D

    oh, this is actually a very meaningful event, i've always wanted to attend but then aiyah, uncle scared uncle cannot tahan later pengan on the spot leh.. better let the young people go and support, while uncle better just donate money for charity enough lah~~ :D

    1. Hahaha, I'll see how after the Singapore travelogue, hehe!!! =]

      You can join actually, it doesn't count how old are you, there's a camper, an aunty who's almost 60+ old, she enjoys this event very much duh...so you should plan to try joining this year, hehe!! =]

  4. It is great that after one year you can still remember the details and share it here. The games sound educational.

    1. Actually I just remember the main part only, forgot most of the details already, hehe!!! =]

  5. oh..I'm always hungry so I don't think I can do it..hehe..

  6. Hi Xiao Ying! I have not heard of this event. You seem to be an adventurous person to take part in this game. I always like to read about other people's adventures. For me, I am not into this type of thing. But good for you for taking part as you meet people and learn new things. Waiting for your continuation!

    1. Hello, thanks for your dropped, I'll try my best to post about the following details!!! =]

  7. Heard of it many times, but me no courage to do so, hehe, shame shame :(

  8. 哈哈哈,一直投诉……

    1. 很多都是这样。。。有什么办法呢~~~

  9. That's nice. We don't have such things here - other than an old folk's home run by the Catholic Mission and a Children's Home run by the Methodist mission...plus a blind centre run by the charity body. That last one, they have a food and jumble sale annually...lots of people will go and buy the things to support.

    1. I'm sure Sarawak has one, but not sure where it's!! That's one group I heard last year they did fly all the way from east Malaysia!!! =]

  10. 真的是好久之前的啊!!

    1. 哈哈哈,说的也是,没办法。。。我已经很努力写了!!! =]

  11. 期待你下一篇分享,希望那群一直投诉埋怨的营员到最后有所学习啦!

    1. 应该有吧,其实我觉得他们其实都很乖的!!! =]
      什么问题啊? 我其实也是。。。所以我今年直接参与世界宣明会的!!! =]

  12. 游戏还蛮有意义的,考验组员们的合作精神和耐力。

    1. 但现在青少年往往最缺少的就是毅力和耐性!!! =[

  13. Are you joining for this year? Actually how do you sign up as a volunteer but not a camper?

    1. The deadline to register this year is 21 june 2014 so closed d.

    2. I join it under world vision, as I've been to lots of their volunteer event already so when they've new event I'll receive their email first, which is why I get to join in the first place!!! =]

      I joined them throughout the world vision website, just filled up the volunteer form and send to them!! The camper is close, but still can join as volunteer like what I did last year, I contact with my area camp leader asked to be a volunteer for their camp was like almost two or three weeks before the exact event date starts!! =]

  14. 看你写2013的时候还以为你放错年份,呵呵~~

    1. 哈哈哈,说的也是,七月就要到了。。。不说真的会以为我写错年份,嘻嘻!!! =]


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