Thursday, February 28, 2013

【Song|歌曲】Little Something

Fell in love in this song recently!!! =]
最近爱上这首歌!!! =]

愛到這世間末日 示愛根本不需大氣氛 
悄悄撫心自問 原來平凡都可以動人 
仍難忘那微細聲音 難忘微雨下那街燈 
Nothing more could ever be the same 
You kissed me through the rain 
And then whispered something 
Little something All I want to say 
Everything could never be the same 
I kissed you on that day 
I still feel the same way 
My sweet nothing You're my everything 

偶有些憾事 沒過去今天失掉意思
與你轉身會面 為何猶如相擁了十年
原來人已在我身邊 如何能靠近你一點

Nothing more could ever be the same
You kissed me through the rain
And then whispered something
Little something All I want to say
Everything could never be the same
I kissed you on that day
I still feel the same way
My sweet nothing 
You're my everything

日夜路上遇十萬途人 你遠遠靠近他即將行近
就像沒預料地覓著同行 你我看似不到被哪一位吸引
路上靜待著是誰人 帶我到跟他相識的月份
若是在路上沒留神 你我也最終可共某一位相襯

Nothing more could ever be the same
You kissed me through the rain
And then whispered something
Little something All I want to say
Everything could never be the same
I kissed you on that day
I still feel the same way
My sweet nothing 
You're my everything

Love is something I first felt with you
Love is something I first felt with you

【Summary|總結】February 2013|二月 2013

Feb 1,  2013 Friday
Paradigm Shopping Mall --> Shopped for CNY clothes with my sisters at Paradigm Mall!!! =] |与我的姐姐们一起去逛新年的衣服!!!  =]
Bullet To The Head --> What a nice movie!!! =] |好电影一部!!! =]

Feb 2, 2013 Saturday
Stamps Collection --> Busying help my eldest sister to organize her stamp collections!!! =[ |帮我大姐做集邮,忙着不是我自己的东西!!! =[

Feb 3, 2013 Sunday
Family Lunch and Dinner --> Family lunch and dinner for Chinese New Year!!! =] |与家人的新年团圆饭!!! =]

Feb 4, 2013 Monday
What's the strangest incident that's happened on a commercial airline flight? --> Shared an interesting picture!!! |这个照片蛮有趣咯!!! =]
Lazy Night!!! --> Express my feeling of my laziness!!! =[ |只是要说明我有多懒惰!!! =[

Feb 5, 2014 Tuesday
Woke Up Late --> This is such an unusual thing for me!!! =[ | 迟到??? 真是奇怪!!! =[
First Interview Call  --> Interesting and exciting for it!!! =] |人生第一次收到的要去面试的电话!!! =]
Why People just love to criticize on others??? --> This why don't understand too!!! They've nothing better to do??? |我想要说的话,大多这个视频都替我说了很多!!! =]
The Same Jet??? --> Maybe some of you didn't notice about this, but I do feel that they look alike!!! =[ |这个不用多说,照片说明了一切!!! =]
日本減重美女名醫教你打造「吃不胖」體質 --> Finished this book!!! Not bad!!! =] |很不错的一本书!!! =]
KO One Return《終極一班2》 --> Finished one of my favorite Taiwan Drama!!! =] |终于看完我最爱的电影!!! =]
Bones Season 8 --> Also Finished my favorite US Drama!!! =] |也看完了我最爱的美剧!!! =]

Feb 6, 2013 Wednesday
收工酒 --> Had my dad's company dinner!!! =] |爸爸公司的收工酒!!! =]

Feb 7, 2013 Thursday
First Job Interview --> Got my first job interview, but it turned out not enough preparations!!! =[ |人生第一次面试,可是准备不够!!! =[
Die Hard 5 : A Good Day to Die Hard "21st Century" Featurette --> Not bad!!! Love it!!! =] |又是一部好看的电影!!! =]

Feb 8, 2013 Friday
Wong Kok Char Chan Teng @ 1U --> My breakfast!!! But it was too large!!! =] |在1U吃早餐,但是它未免也太大份了吧!!! =]
Shopping Day before CNY --> After breakfast, gonna do some little shopping what!!! =] |早餐后就是要逛逛一下的嘛!!! =]
Hui Lau Shan @ 1U --> After half day shopping, rest down to have some dessert!!! =] |逛到肚子饿,最好就是来个甜品!!! =]
Inbound Troubles 《老表, 你好嘢!》 --> Finished this Hong Kong Drama!!! |蛮喜欢这套电视剧,套现了很多实事在里面!!! =]
Hotel Deluxe《百星酒店》 --> Watched this considered CNY movie, but didn't feel any Chinese in it!!! =[ |接近新年的电影,看似新年电影,但是一点新年气氛都没有!!! =[

Feb 9, 2013, Saturday
Ang Pow for My Parents!!! --> First time in my life gave my parents CNY ang pow!!! =]|已经做工的你们有给爸爸妈妈红包吗???
Chinese New Year's Eve --> HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! |新年快乐!!! =]

Feb 10, 2013 Sunday
I Love Hong Kong 2013《我爱香港HK 恭喜发财2013》 --> Watched this movie with my family!!! Not bad, can sense the CNY feel, better than the previous movie!!! =] |终于看到有一部有新年气氛的电影了!!! =]

Feb 11, 2013 Monday
Day Out with Friends --> Second of CNY, celebrate with my high school's girl friend and her friends!!! =] |年初二,与中学女生朋友和她的朋友出去了!!! =]

Feb 12, 2013 Tuesday
The Wedding Diary II 《结婚那件事之后》 --> Watched this movie, didn't watch the first part, but it was just okay for me!!! =] |没有看第一部,但是还勉强可以接受的!!! =]
One Upon A TIme《皇宫灿烂》 --> Malaysia's first CNY movie, for me it's just so so!!! =[ |马来西亚的新年电影,还算可以罢了!!! =[

Feb 13, 2013 Wednesday
Look Stupid Taking Photos with an iPad --> Always wants to discuss about this stupid attitude, but it seem like became more and more common to people nowadays!!! =[ |一直以来就很想说这个很不雅,看起来很笨的动作,但是感觉好像越来越普遍了!!! =[

Feb 14, 2013 Thursday
Happy Valentine's Day --> I'm single all the time, that's why I hate Valentine's Day, is not a happy day for me!!! =[ |单身的我最讨厌的就是情人节!!! =[

Feb 15, 2013 Friday
My Last Driving Lesson --> Finally, it's my last day!!! =] |我最后一堂的驾驶课程!!! =]
The Day of Days 《初五啟市錄》 --> Finished this Hong Kong Drama, but it isn't that good to watch1!! =[ |又看完了一部港剧,没有很好看!!! =[

Feb 16, 2013 Saturday
Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons 《西遊.降魔篇》 --> Nothing to do, so go watch this movie with my mom!!! Maybe I'm old already, I don't find that's funny or interesting!!! =[ |一大堆人说很好看,但是我觉得还好而已!!! =[
FACE Q Mask --> The wrap is so cute!!! Love this mask!!! =] |包装纸很可爱,而且还很好用!!! =]

Feb 17, 2013 Sunday
Together《在一起》 --> Wasting time movie, don't waste your time and money to watch this!!! =[ 浪费时间,浪费金钱的电影!!! =[
The 9th Day of Chinese New Year --> Had a little supper with my high school girl friend!!! But I have to head home earlier because I've a driving test on the next day!!! =[ |电影后就是坐下来聊一聊,但是由于第二天有驾驶考试,所以就免了!!! =[

Feb 18, 2013 Monday
Driving Test --> Yeah!!! I've passed my driving test!!! =] |终于拿到驾驶照了!!! =]
Long Island Iced Tea --> Such a long time didn't have my favorite long island iced tea!!! But the way the make it wasn't good enough!!! =[ |很久没有喝我的最爱了,可是他们调酒又调到一点酒味都没有!!! =[

Feb 19, 2013 Tuesday
Lost in Thailand 《人再囧途之泰囧》 --> Watched this movie in YouTube, but it wasn't that funny to me lol!!! =[ |不用去电影院,YouTube就有得看这部电影,但是票房高又有什么用,又不是很好看!!! =[

Feb 20, 2013 Wednesday
Sing K Alone??? --> Have you ever try to sing k alone??? I did!!! =] |一个人去唱K!!! =]

Feb 21, 2013 Thursday
Lincoln --> What a boring movie!!! =[ |非常闷的电影!!! =[

Feb 22, 2013 Friday
Nephew's Birthday Present --> Serious??? Wasted three hours in 1U just to get a birthday present??? |浪费了三个小时才买到的礼物,真是的!!! =[

Feb 23, 2013 Saturday
Perfect --> "It looks perfect just because it isn't perfect!!!" |因为不完美所以更美!!! =]

Feb 24, 2013 Sunday
My Nephew Birthday --> Happy Birthday to my eldest nephew!!! =] |祝我的大侄儿生日快乐!!! =]
Sushi King --> Dinner with my high school girl friend at Sushi King!!! =] |晚餐就是吃这个啦!!! =]
Spider --> What a fake spider movie!!! =[ |很假,没有很好看!!! =[

Feb 25, 2013 Monday
Cloud Atlas --> Complicated movie, keep jumping here and there!!! =[ |复杂的电影,是很需要很清晰的头脑去看的,但是我看电影是要放松的啊!!! =[

Feb 26, 2013 Tuesday
Enemy --> Who's the scariest enemy??? Is the one who had two faces that pretend to be good in front of you but stepped you like hell at the back!!! |最恐怖的敌人就是人前人后两个样!!! =[

Feb 27, 2013 Wednesday
Jack the Giant Slayer --> Nice movie!!! =] |好看!!! 好看!!! =]

Feb 28, 2013 Thursday
Little Something --> What a sweet and lovely song!!! =] |好听的歌曲就是要分享的!!! =]

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

【Movie|电影】Jack the Giant Slayer|傑克:巨人戰紀

What a long movie, 
but it's freaking nice,
was wanted to go to restroom during the movie,
but I still keep in till the end,
and once the movie has finished,
I try my best to run as fast as I can head to the rest room!!!

This is just like those bedtime stories when I was young last time,
(even my parents didn't gimme any bedtime stories last time,
but I like to read all by myself!!!)

The movie follow all those main things in the story but not some little things!!!
Moreover there's Ewan McGregor which is one of the great actor,
makes the movie much more incredible lol!!!


加上伊万·迈克格雷戈实力派的英雄演绎更是赞不绝口咯!!! =]

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Who is the scariest enemy???
You know what, 
the scariest enemy is those people that pretend to be very good with you, 
but the truth is they just want you to have no awareness from them, 
so that they can do anything secretly to back steps you or get any beneficial from you!!!
So people, 
is true not to believe others easily, 
for those that looks to be very good with you, 
maybe they are not to be like that!!!

好人心善, 坏人嘴善, 越是想算计你的人说的话, 越好听!!!"




Posts on this date -

Monday, February 25, 2013

【Movie|电影】Cloud Atlas|雲圖

A almost 3hours movie,
makes keep on fall asleep along the whole movie,
so I can't criticizes much on this movie,
am I too tired for it or what???
I have no idea about it, 
but the only thing I know about it is the story is confusing!!!

After walked out from the theater room,
my brother check the synopsis of it,
and from that we just know what's story about!!!

A film consists of six interrelated stories,
from story jump to another story, 
keep jumping among this six stories.

How confusing it is!!! @.@!!!

To be honest,
the six interrelated stories are just jumping too much which make me feel very confusing!!! =[
Dones't really like this movie!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Picture Sources
This movie is terrible!!!
Why would I say so???
Because they have great opening, great climax,
But they don't know how to end the story!!! =[
At first they were putting like the spider is so hard to kill, 
Not even one bullet can go inside it's body and it walks incredible fast, not scared of fire, 
But how the main character able to kill it with an explosion of an old train and it still has it energy power on after been so long???
They definitely don't know how to end the story, 
I have no idea how should it end, 
but just not like the way they end it!!!
真是大失望!!! =[

【Dinner|晚餐】Sushi King

Dinner before movie!!! =]
电影前的晚餐!!! =]

My Nephew Birthday

Actually I have a lot of nephew,
I should say that this is my first nephew!!!
He is ten year-old this year!!!

Just the bottom part,
and what to do with the top part???

Used for decorations,
look how he put all nicely!!! =]
还不错哦!!! =]

Saturday, February 23, 2013


"It looks perfect just because it doesn't perfect!!!"
We always love to look for perfection!!!
But is there always perfect in this world???
We always expect everything to be perfect, 
Everything or everyone around us to be perfect as we thought!!!
Besides that, 
Have you ever ask yourself, 
"Are you perfect???"
If you are not even perfect, 
How can you expect those things, peoples to be perfect for you???
So sometimes we should remind ourselves about this!!! =]
反而因为它不完美所以更美!!! =]

Friday, February 22, 2013

Nephew's Birthday Present

Guess what!!!
My third sister and I have been wasting about three hours in 1U just to get a birthday present for my nephew!!!

First of all we went to Toy R Us!!!
And I didn't find any interesting stuffs so I headed to somewhere else to look for it!!!

After about two hours,
I called up my sister,
she told me that she still in the same store!!!

For those who has been to 1U,
you should know how big is the store,
how can she be inside there for two hours???

And what...
she still hasn't decide what to buy...
actually she has to get one for her friend's daughter too,
so she is apparently getting two presents...

I hate to choose a present for people,
because I don't know what to buy!!!
So for those close friends,
I just ask them what do they one face to face!!!
Which is easier and straight to the point and they will get what they want!!!
And that will just help to save my time for looking a present!!!

sometimes I will just see what they were hoping to get,
if that's not very expensive I will buy for them!!! =]

Finally I get to find something to buy for him and it is about 5pm,
that's what I hate,
we were there for almost four hours,
is totally wasting time!!! =[

假如不是太贵就买给他们!!! =]

话说我和我三姐一到1U就直接到Toy R Us买小孩子礼物,



(虽遭的就是担心买到后对方会不喜欢!!! =[)

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Picture Sources
After Chinese New Year!!!
What to do???
I still meet up with my girl friend at 1U and watched a "boring" movie!!!

Maybe the movie is not boring,
just that it's not my type!!!

She felt asleep half of the movie,
I felt asleep 1/4 of the movie!!!

To be honest,
I don't know what's showing in the movie,
just roughly know the story is!!!

So not much to comment on it!!!



Country: United States
Language: English
Genre: Biography, Drama, History, War
Running Time: 150minutes (2hr30mins)
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Lincoln recounts President Abraham Lincoln's efforts, during January 1865, to obtain passage for the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in the United States House of Representatives, which would formally abolish slavery in the country. 

Expecting the Civil War to end within a month but concerned that his 1863 Emancipation Proclamation may be discarded by the courts once the war has concluded and the 13th Amendment defeated by the returning slave states, Lincoln feels it is imperative to pass the amendment by the end of January, thus removing any possibility that slaves who have already been freed may be re-enslaved. The Radical Republicans fear the amendment will merely be defeated by some who wish to delay its passage; the support of the amendment by Republicans in the border states is not yet assured either, since they prioritize the issue of ending the war. Even if all of them are ultimately brought on board, the amendment will still require the support of several Democratic congressmen if it is to pass. With dozens of Democrats having just become lame ducks after losing their re-election campaigns in the fall of 1864, some of Lincoln's advisors believe that he should wait until the new Republican-heavy Congress is seated, presumably giving the amendment an easier road to passage. Lincoln, however, remains adamant about having the amendment in place and the issue of slavery settled before the war is concluded and the southern states readmitted into the Union. 

Lincoln's hopes for passage of the amendment rely upon the support of the Republican Party founder Francis Preston Blair, the only one whose influence can ensure that all members of the western and border state conservative Republican faction will back the amendment. With Union victory in the Civil War seeming highly likely and greatly anticipated, but not yet a fully accomplished fact, Blair is keen to end the hostilities as soon as possible. Therefore, in return for his support, Blair insists that Lincoln allow him to immediately engage the Confederate government in peace negotiations. This is a complication to Lincoln's amendment efforts since he knows that a significant portion of the support he has garnered for the amendment is from the Radical Republican faction for whom a negotiated peace that leaves slavery intact is morally unacceptable. If there seems to be a realistic possibility of ending the war even without guaranteeing the end of slavery, the needed support for the amendment from the more conservative wing (which does not favor abolition) will certainly fall away. Unable to proceed without Blair's support, however, Lincoln reluctantly authorizes Blair's mission. 

In the meantime, Lincoln and Secretary of State William Seward work on the issue of securing the necessary Democratic votes for the amendment. Lincoln suggests that they concentrate on the lame duck Democrats, as they have already lost re-election and thus will feel free to vote as they please, rather than having to worry about how their vote will affect a future re-election campaign. Since those members also will soon be in need of employment and Lincoln will have many federal jobs to fill as he begins his second term, he sees this as a tool he can use to his advantage. Though Lincoln and Seward are unwilling to offer direct monetary bribes to the Democrats, they authorize agents to quietly go about contacting Democratic congressmen with offers of federal jobs in exchange for their voting in favor of the amendment. 

With Confederate envoys ready to meet with Lincoln, he instructs them to be kept out of Washington, as the amendment approaches a vote on the House floor. At the moment of truth, Thaddeus Stevens decides to moderate his statements about racial equality to help the amendment's chances of passage. A rumor circulates that there are Confederate representatives in Washington ready to discuss peace, prompting both Democrats and conservative Republicans to advocate postponing the vote on the amendment. Lincoln explicitly denies that such envoys are in or will be in the city — technically a truthful statement, since he had ordered them to be kept away — and the vote proceeds, narrowly passing by a margin of two votes. When Lincoln subsequently meets with the Confederates, he tells them that slavery cannot be restored as the North is united for ratification of the amendment, and that several of the southern states' reconstructed legislatures would also vote to ratify. 

After the amendment's passage, the film's narrative shifts forward two months, portraying Lincoln's visit to the battlefield at Petersburg, Virginia, where he exchanges a few words with General Grant. Shortly thereafter, Grant receives General Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. 

On the evening of April 14, 1865, Lincoln is in a meeting with members of his cabinet, discussing possible future measures to enfranchise blacks, when he is reminded that Mrs. Lincoln is waiting to take them to their evening at Ford's Theatre. 

That night, while Tad Lincoln is viewing Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp at Grover's Theater, a man announces that the President has been shot. The next morning his physician pronounces him dead. The film concludes with a flashback to Lincoln delivering his second inaugural address.

Sources from Wikipedia

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sing K Alone???

You can say that I'm too independence but sometimes is not I want to be alone!!!

Today I went to sing k alone!!!

I'm not crazy,
is just that I can't get anyone to go with!!! =]


但是只是找不到人陪嘛!!! =]

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

【Movie|电影】Lost in Thailand 《人再囧途之泰囧》

Picture Sources
I didn't watch this movie in the cinema because I found it in YouTube,
but now I can't find it anymore!!!

The reason I watched this movie because of it became China's highest grossing film!!!

Maybe I didn't really like comedy movie,
so for me the movie is just like so so only!!!

Did't feel that it's as funny as people said!!!


Country: China
Language: Mandarin
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Running Time: 105minutes (1hr15mins)
Directed by: Xu Zheng 徐峥
The story begins with a scientist, Xu Lang (Xu Zheng), who invented a solution (youba, lit. Oil Master, translated as "Supergas") which has the power of increasing the volume of any liquid to which the solution is applied. Such a solution implies great potential profitability if applied to gasoline or any precious liquid. However, he needs the authorization of Lao Zhou, the biggest shareholder, in order to get further funding from an investment fund. Gao Bo (Huang Bo), who was the classmate of Xu in college and his partner at the workplace, wants to sell the invention to a French company instead. 

Upon the discovery that Lao Zhou is in Thailand, Xu Lang immediately embarks on a trip to Thailand, constantly tailed by Gao. On the plane, Xu meets a young man named Wang Bao (Wang Baoqiang), who is going to Thailand to fulfill a list of dreams (including enjoying a Thai spa, fighting a Muay Thai master, planting a cactus). Wang owns a scallion pancake store in Beijing, and claims that the famous actress Fan Bingbing is his girlfriend. Not wanting to be bothered by Wang, Xu keeps trying to get rid of him, but events unfold in such a way that the two become a team. 

The two go on a hunt to find Lao Zhou. The interaction between the savvy businessman and the pious, simple-minded chef is a source of endless laughter and enjoyment. Ladyboys, illegal dealings of Buddha statues, Thai spas, and so forth cause the two to undergo major culture shock in Thailand, while Wang is frustrated with the progress in finding Lao Zhou. 

Attempting to blame Wang for the whole mishap, Xu finds cash in Wang's wallet. Considering that Wang lost all his money earlier in the trip, Xu Lang suspects that he is a spy for Gao and tears apart Wang Bao's diary. Xu goes on to read Wang's diary and discovers that Wang is writing tourist diaries attempting to cheer up his mother, who has Alzheimer's Disease, is a fan of actress Fan Bingbing, and wishes that Wang was in a relationship. Moved by Wang's diaries, Xu regains his trust for Wang. 

Finally finding the temple where Lao Zhou is supposed to be located, Wang encounters a Buddhist layman who brings a case which contains the authorization letter. The layman goes on to say that Laozhou has indicated that it is up to them what they want to do with the letter. Gao shows up with a Muay Thai master and starts fighting to gain control of the case. Gao and Xu go on to fight frantically for the case, while Wang is overpowered by the Muay Thai master. Xu lets go of the letter and ultimately decides to fulfill Wang's wish of taking a picture of defeating a Thai boxer instead. Xu comes over and lies down and serves as his takeoff board. Stepping on Xu's chest, Wang flies up into the sky and defeats the Muay Thai master with a massive kick to the head. 

Upon reading the letter, Gao goes on to find out that they need to cosign the authorization letter to validate it. At this point, Xu discovers that he does not care about the letter anymore, and he feels guilty for not having given enough attention to his wife and daughter. Xu returns to China and tries to make things up to his family. Through the trip, Xu goes through a metamorphosis from a callous, manipulative businessman to an epiphany of what is really important in life. Wang, on the other hand, inadvertently fulfills every single one of his dreams during the trip in Thailand. 

Towards the end, Wang actually meets with the real Fan Bingbing through Xu's arrangement. Fan is moved by Wang's love for his mother, and agrees to take pictures with Wang inside a studio. Xu reunites with his family and brings the family back from the brink of divorce. Gao, still trapped in Thailand due to the loss of his passport which was stolen by Wang earlier, is happy hearing his wife giving birth to their baby over the phone. The story ends on a positive note.

商业成功人士徐朗(徐峥 饰)发明了一种可以增加油脂体积的神奇液体“油霸”,准备与风投合作,长期开发;但其大学同学、合伙人高博(黄渤 饰)则打算将油霸一次性卖给法国人,大赚一笔。两人最终分道扬镳,遂分别私下寻找联系公司最大的股东周扬,欲赶在对方之前拿到授权书。


飞机起飞前,徐朗通过手机下载老周身在的寺庙图片时,被邻座的游客王宝(王宝强 饰)叫来空姐无奈关了手机。之后,健谈而不设防的王宝不断和徐朗搭话,自我介绍开着一家“宝记餅舖”,做葱油饼为生,去泰国和其“女友”范冰冰度蜜月。徐朗十分无奈,下飞机后好不容易摆脱王宝的纠缠,发现手机被病毒破坏,并发现自己被高博跟踪。于是徐朗将手机偷偷放进王宝的手提包內,试图引开高博,并打车赶往曼谷另一座机场准备飞往清迈,却不慎将护照丢在出租车上,无法购买机票。王宝发现徐朗的手机后,一路找来,并向徐朗借钱付了车费。徐朗将手机丢到公路上被碾碎,高博跟踪至此,收回跟踪器。徐朗打算利用王宝前往清迈,于是假意请其住酒店,并答应帮他完成旅游计划。王宝提议两人组成组合“泰国传奇”。 







Sources from Wikipedia
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