but now I can't find it anymore!!!
The reason I watched this movie because of it became China's highest grossing film!!!
Maybe I didn't really like comedy movie,
so for me the movie is just like so so only!!!
Did't feel that it's as funny as people said!!!
Country: China
Language: Mandarin
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Running Time: 105minutes (1hr15mins)
The story begins with a scientist, Xu Lang (Xu Zheng), who invented a solution (youba, lit. Oil Master, translated as "Supergas") which has the power of increasing the volume of any liquid to which the solution is applied. Such a solution implies great potential profitability if applied to gasoline or any precious liquid. However, he needs the authorization of Lao Zhou, the biggest shareholder, in order to get further funding from an investment fund. Gao Bo (Huang Bo), who was the classmate of Xu in college and his partner at the workplace, wants to sell the invention to a French company instead.
Upon the discovery that Lao Zhou is in Thailand, Xu Lang immediately embarks on a trip to Thailand, constantly tailed by Gao. On the plane, Xu meets a young man named Wang Bao (Wang Baoqiang), who is going to Thailand to fulfill a list of dreams (including enjoying a Thai spa, fighting a Muay Thai master, planting a cactus). Wang owns a scallion pancake store in Beijing, and claims that the famous actress Fan Bingbing is his girlfriend. Not wanting to be bothered by Wang, Xu keeps trying to get rid of him, but events unfold in such a way that the two become a team. The two go on a hunt to find Lao Zhou. The interaction between the savvy businessman and the pious, simple-minded chef is a source of endless laughter and enjoyment. Ladyboys, illegal dealings of Buddha statues, Thai spas, and so forth cause the two to undergo major culture shock in Thailand, while Wang is frustrated with the progress in finding Lao Zhou. Attempting to blame Wang for the whole mishap, Xu finds cash in Wang's wallet. Considering that Wang lost all his money earlier in the trip, Xu Lang suspects that he is a spy for Gao and tears apart Wang Bao's diary. Xu goes on to read Wang's diary and discovers that Wang is writing tourist diaries attempting to cheer up his mother, who has Alzheimer's Disease, is a fan of actress Fan Bingbing, and wishes that Wang was in a relationship. Moved by Wang's diaries, Xu regains his trust for Wang. Finally finding the temple where Lao Zhou is supposed to be located, Wang encounters a Buddhist layman who brings a case which contains the authorization letter. The layman goes on to say that Laozhou has indicated that it is up to them what they want to do with the letter. Gao shows up with a Muay Thai master and starts fighting to gain control of the case. Gao and Xu go on to fight frantically for the case, while Wang is overpowered by the Muay Thai master. Xu lets go of the letter and ultimately decides to fulfill Wang's wish of taking a picture of defeating a Thai boxer instead. Xu comes over and lies down and serves as his takeoff board. Stepping on Xu's chest, Wang flies up into the sky and defeats the Muay Thai master with a massive kick to the head. Upon reading the letter, Gao goes on to find out that they need to cosign the authorization letter to validate it. At this point, Xu discovers that he does not care about the letter anymore, and he feels guilty for not having given enough attention to his wife and daughter. Xu returns to China and tries to make things up to his family. Through the trip, Xu goes through a metamorphosis from a callous, manipulative businessman to an epiphany of what is really important in life. Wang, on the other hand, inadvertently fulfills every single one of his dreams during the trip in Thailand. Towards the end, Wang actually meets with the real Fan Bingbing through Xu's arrangement. Fan is moved by Wang's love for his mother, and agrees to take pictures with Wang inside a studio. Xu reunites with his family and brings the family back from the brink of divorce. Gao, still trapped in Thailand due to the loss of his passport which was stolen by Wang earlier, is happy hearing his wife giving birth to their baby over the phone. The story ends on a positive note. 商业成功人士徐朗(徐峥 饰)发明了一种可以增加油脂体积的神奇液体“油霸”,准备与风投合作,长期开发;但其大学同学、合伙人高博(黄渤 饰)则打算将油霸一次性卖给法国人,大赚一笔。两人最终分道扬镳,遂分别私下寻找联系公司最大的股东周扬,欲赶在对方之前拿到授权书。 徐朗抢在高博之前,通过黑客获知周扬(老周)身在泰国清迈附近一座寺庙,参加一个短期禅修班。但紧张的工作导致其妻极度不满,提出离婚。徐朗不顾妻子,出发飞往泰国。与此同时,正在巴黎度蜜月的高博赶回北京,在徐朗的手机中植入病毒和跟踪器,一路跟踪徐朗去了泰国。 飞机起飞前,徐朗通过手机下载老周身在的寺庙图片时,被邻座的游客王宝(王宝强 饰)叫来空姐无奈关了手机。之后,健谈而不设防的王宝不断和徐朗搭话,自我介绍开着一家“宝记餅舖”,做葱油饼为生,去泰国和其“女友”范冰冰度蜜月。徐朗十分无奈,下飞机后好不容易摆脱王宝的纠缠,发现手机被病毒破坏,并发现自己被高博跟踪。于是徐朗将手机偷偷放进王宝的手提包內,试图引开高博,并打车赶往曼谷另一座机场准备飞往清迈,却不慎将护照丢在出租车上,无法购买机票。王宝发现徐朗的手机后,一路找来,并向徐朗借钱付了车费。徐朗将手机丢到公路上被碾碎,高博跟踪至此,收回跟踪器。徐朗打算利用王宝前往清迈,于是假意请其住酒店,并答应帮他完成旅游计划。王宝提议两人组成组合“泰国传奇”。 徐朗带王宝在一家豪华酒店入住后,王宝在酒店门前拍照发了微博,还@了徐朗,被高博跟踪而来。在酒店里,高博趁二人外出吃饭之机,潜入房间,将跟踪器放回王宝的背包。徐朗发现高博,让王宝去偷高博的护照,自己错潜入高博隔壁的房间,被召人妖取乐的客人揍了一顿;王宝误会中为高博做了按摩,成功偷回了护照。徐朗骗王宝说自己与高博的妻子偷情。因为电脑无法使用,遂用王宝的手机下载了寺庙图片,却被王宝误删除。第二天,二人乘火车赶往清迈,高博则租车一路跟踪。 在火车上,徐朗接到妻子电话,被王宝误会,谴责徐朗不负责任。争执中王宝弄丢了徐朗刚买的无线网卡,导致图片下载再次失败。两人大吵一架后,徐朗发现王宝的旅游计划中有自己要去的那座寺庙,于是百般讨好王宝,得到寺庙地址。到达清迈后,徐朗耐着性子陪王宝一路完成其旅行计划。途中,徐朗偶然得知要去的寺庙就在不远处,遂撇下王宝赶往寺庙,不想此庙非彼庙,这里是一个地下文物交易据点,且文物贩子恰巧也姓周。正在徐朗陷入困境时,高博找到了王宝,王宝告诉高博徐朗与其妻子偷情。高博大怒,两人赶到寺庙,大闹一场。王宝施展其唯一一招泰拳腿法,一度逆转局势。最终徐朗和王宝开高博的车逃脱,高博被群殴。逃跑途中,徐朗和王宝再次争吵,准备返回去救高博时车坏在路边,徐朗盛怒之下将王宝赶走。高博被打后又被勒索了一大笔钱,并怀疑其妻子怀的是徐朗的孩子,发生争吵。 王宝在前方不远处找到一个村子,因为没钱,冒雨回来找到徐朗,二人推车到村子,被告知要次日才能修好。当天是泼水节,徐朗再次试图下载寺庙图片时,被王宝浇了一大桶水,电脑被烧毁,但村长为徐朗指明了前往寺庙的路线。当晚,徐朗和王宝放飞了孔明灯。次日清晨,高博跟踪而来,和徐朗大发其火,并抢走地图。徐朗和王宝驾驶一辆三轮摩托追赶,并在当天中午趁高博吃午饭时偷走了其汽车钥匙。高博驾驶三轮摩托追赶二人,途中三人冲到河边,徐朗和王宝试图乘大象渡河,不慎掉入河中,高博也严重受伤。 徐朗和王宝被河水冲到浅滩,苏醒后,二人试图徒步走出森林,却不慎再次掉落悬崖。王宝不慎把徐朗的授权书撕坏,两人扭打在一起,王宝使出泰拳绝招,将徐朗一颗病牙踢掉。徐朗精神终于近乎崩溃,砸毁了电脑,嚎啕大哭,却被一条眼镜蛇咬伤屁股。王宝为徐朗吸出毒血并疗伤,二人生起篝火,徐朗给王宝讲了自己和高博的故事。王宝劝徐朗向妻子道歉,又发现自己带来的为母亲祈福的“健康树”——一小盆仙人球因为沾上了“油霸”枯萎了。徐朗由此发现油霸有毒。天亮后,二人徒步走出了森林,搭手扶拖拉机终于到了目的地——老周修行的寺庙。在通往寺庙的吊桥前合影时,徐朗在王宝包中发现了高博放进去的跟踪器,对王宝产生怀疑。二人大吵一架,徐朗撕毁了王宝的旅行日记,王宝一怒离去。徐朗在收拾王宝的日记时,得知王宝的母亲患老年痴呆症,王宝骗其母与女星范冰冰赴泰国度蜜月,并写下了感人的文字。徐朗被深深打动。 到了庙里,徐朗发现自己寻找的佛寺已被拆除。这时,一个中国人告诉徐朗,自己和周扬一起修行,周扬已经返回北京,并留下一样东西。这时,高博带着自己的泰拳保镖赶到,逼徐朗交出授权。徐朗和高博因误会再起争执,王宝赶到,澄清了自己和徐朗的误会。徐朗决定放弃开发油霸,与高博争抢周扬留下的授权书;王宝和高博的泰拳保镖对打,被惨殴。情急之中,徐朗脱身,与王宝配合,打倒泰拳保镖,完成了王宝的旅行计划。高博发现授权书需要徐、高二人签名方生效,于是百般讨好徐朗。徐朗撕毁授权书,劝高博放弃油霸。尘埃落定后,徐朗到中国大使馆取回自己丢在出租车上的护照,并打电话给妻子忏悔,请求其收回离婚诉求。徐朗妻子赶到泰国,二人重归于好。 回国后,徐朗一家邀请王宝到家,并邀请范冰冰与其拍了合影。王宝大喜过望,之后想起自己偷的高博的护照,交给了徐朗。与此同时,被困泰国的高博在泼水节热闹的大街上,打电话听到了自己妻子顺利生产。全剧以喜剧结束。 Sources from Wikipedia |
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