June 13, 2016, Monday
When I was in Netherlands two weeks for training, it was like back to my study life last time. When I don't use Facebook at all, YUP!! I definitely can live without Facebook!!! The reason I quit last time was because I've bunch of friends like to post those sweet sweet lovely couples, bestie pictures...so I decided to quit Facebook at that time concentrate in studies and things. (I mean quit here is not really quit, is just I don't active and remain my account there only)
Things changed after I've connect back with Facebook and also blogging of course for now. Realized I've spend most of time in it, I spent on not just in blogging but swinging around and commenting, again to bring up the commenting problem, guess I've mentioned this before. I was having this commenting problem that I go through the whole blog post up and own and down to up for almost five times, but still couldn't find a single thing to comment, gosshhh!! Can you imagine I spend almost half an hour on a single blog post just to find things to comment, can you imagine how frustrated I was?? Tell me about that!! (of course I won't mention here which blogs are those)
Two weeks to cool down, due to lack of internet connection in the hotel, I've more time for myself. I asked myself are those commenting stuffs and blog walking stuffs really important?? Those pride of being top "LIKE" in your friends Facebook list is really important to me???
Last two days in Netherlands when I've time to solo travel again in another big city in Netherlands. I finally came out this conclusion that I might not comment on your blog anymore, the reason I put "might" is WHEN I really have something to comment, definitely not like I want you to come to my blog to comment so I got to force myself to spend minutes...hours there to squeeze a single comment to comment. I know this would drag down the stat or the traffic of my blog. But still that's what I can do to decrease my time on blogging.
For sure one thing is I won't quit blogging, because I've lots of memory here and easy for myself to track back my own footprint when and where. (which explained too why I never make my blog become like commercial one and I would like to just keep it as lifestyle instead, so please STOP complaining why I write all the old stuffs)
This time I truly mean it, I know last time I broke my promise of saying just blogging with one language. After a few posts I done that, I found some of those readers don't really understand my post content at all. Thus even though I've very broken grammar and I still come back to bilingual blog.
I'm 28 this year, how many ten years do we have in life?? If you really think about it, what you wanna be and what's important to you. You should know what is important to you now. If I put 80% of my time in blogging means that I'm hopping I will become like a full time blogger in the future. And I've asked myself many times, that's not what I want to be. I spent so much efforts in my engineering field, of course is not just for a title only. I need to admit that if I really want to be very success, I must put more time and efforts on it......
這是我的決定,“斷離捨”這件事的確很難,所以你也輕易的看到也有以這命名的書籍。 狠心的下這個決定因為我知道當下的我是需要什麼東西。 28歲的我,老人家會說“好命的話,早就當媽了!” 可惜我不是,所以我還是的為自己奮鬥,讓自己變更好。
在荷蘭兩個星期的日子,讓我回到讀書時代,那種不用擔心部落格,不用擔心面子書的種種更新(其中原因之一是酒店的網絡很慢,所以我都少上網)我應該是屬於少數可以捨棄面子書的人吧! 在讀書時期,我因為看不慣身邊朋友總是放閃,所以我索性不再上面子書,只專注於學業和事業。再回到面子書和部落格的時間,的確是時間不夠用,不單是寫部落格的時間,而是到別人部落格閒逛的時間。
最讓我自己都無法接受自己的是留言的時間,有幾個部落格,我竟然可以從頭看到尾,再尾看到頭,前前後後大概都有五次了,都看不到半樣東西可以讓我去留言。 更離譜的是這些還真的花上我半個小時多才硬找到東西留言。。。那種因為留言而留言,然後再擔心因為自己沒有去人家那邊留言,所以他人就不會來自己這裡留言的狀態,還真的是自討苦吃。
停止留言的狀態一發出,我知道我會減少很多遊覽者,不過再問問我自己“那真的重要嗎?” 的確假如我未來是要當一位全職的博客,那的確很重要。 但是一再的問自己,以我自己的性格跟自尊心,我不會只規格在這裡,用了那麼多時間金錢和心思去讀工程系,當然不是為了區區的“工程師”名字罷了。。。
上幾個星期電視重播出巾幗梟雄,裡面的經典對白“人生有多少個10年?” 這句話,再次的喚醒我人生的輝煌時期20,30甚至40。 我真的要我的人生只是被關在部落格內?? 今後我慢慢寫,我當作慢慢的記錄,這也解釋為什麼我部落格不會成為紅人部落格,因為我都比較傾向於自己的東西。 是個沒有主題的部落格(妳說的對!) 這裡只是一個記錄,何必要把它當成一份事業,一份差事來看(所以不要再抱怨我寫舊的東西了)
曾經幻想成為什麼紅人作家部落客,那真的還比不上我事業上的成就。 紅人會過期,人會老,90後00後的殺到。。。人不會紅一輩子,自己人生的歷練,事業上的知識,可遇不可求,更何況我偏愛上那麼冷門的東西,得到的機會每次都像是中獎般,所以會選一定知道要選哪一個!