Monday, June 27, 2016

【DubaiMall|杜拜商場】Texas Chicken

June 27, 2016, Monday
早上出門,搭了兩個小時多的車程,我真是餓扁了,但是。。。這個時候是齋戒月,我起初想即便是齋戒月,但是商場照理來說應該還是會打開門做生意的吧? 而且這間可算是國際商場啊。。。但是我走了好久都沒有看到一家餐廳,這個實在太奇怪。。。 在走頭無路的狀況,我就想找個人來問一問,但是問人也要有技巧,因為現在是齋戒月,假如剛好問到在齋戒的人,不被人罵死才怪。 所以我就隨便找個商場在中間廳的那種小商鋪問一問,不是進去那種一大間商舖的商店那種詢問。 我想我一定要找那種看起來不太像是穆斯林的。。。第一句我問她妳是穆斯林嗎?(這樣一問,還真的有種宗教歧視的感覺,可是這商場很大,我又錯了很多詢問站,來到這裡的時候我已經很餓了。。。所以。。。)當她說不是的時候,我才向她解釋我其實要找餐廳啦! 她想我解釋了路線的時候,我就奇怪了,我明明剛剛就在那邊走過來的啊。。。


【DubaiMall|杜拜商場】The Aquarium Store|水族館商店

June 27, 2016, Monday


【ShoppingMall|商場】Dubai Mall|杜拜商場

June 27, 2016, Monday
之前在我的倒霉事件有提到我在這裡上網很不方便,唯一讓我最開心的就是在杜拜商場的網絡。 這個不但沒有限制的網絡,真的讓我來到這裡後就變成低頭族,一直按手機(我真的是平時沒的按啦!)


【Transport|交通】Metro Station to Dubai Mall|火車站到杜拜商場

June 27, 2016, Monday
差不多25分鐘的電車程,我終於抵達杜拜商場了(我這個毫無做功課的人,是亂走一通,只是看著指示走)電車出來後,往最左邊的手扶梯走去,因為那是下去電車站出口的手扶梯;右邊的是上來的手扶梯,上下兩個扶手梯都是不同方向的。 這個杜拜的電車其實沒有很多條路線,但是卻可以到達很多主要的地方,幾乎每一個主要的大廈都會停站,所以只要知道自己要去哪一站,就很快可以到達了。


【Transport|交通】Dubai Metro|杜拜火車

June 27, 2016, Monday
那火車站(Metro Station)就在巴士站的前方,即時不知道方向,也可以看看人群走向的方向,因為他們大多數都是會走向火車站的地方。 要具體的嚴格來說就是下了巴士後,往巴士的後方走,這火車站的入口就在巴士的後方。 這火車的入口還蠻容易認的,它不像我們平時會看到的火車站入口那樣四四方方的,它的外型是一個長形的橢圓形屋頂,相當的特出。


【Transport|交通】 City Terminal to Metro Station|巴士由市區火車站

June 27, 2016, Monday
從沙迦市區去到杜拜市區又要換另外一輛巴士,我相信他們不是來自同樣的巴士公司的,因為這一輛巴士是要用另一種充值卡才可以乘搭。 這充值卡是不能在巴士上買到的,而是要到這總站的櫃檯去買。 假如在杜拜遊玩,擁有這張卡是非常方便的,因為它不但可以用巴士上,也可以用在火車上(但是那種city hop-on巴士就不能了)[假如忘記了上一篇的故事,可以點擊上一篇來了解]


【Transport|交通】 Bus to City Terminal|巴士到市區

June 27, 2016, Monday
If there must be a thing to blame, I always blame the weather, the weather here is extremely hot. People was telling me the weather here is almost like the same as in Malaysia, but they don’t know I don’t go outdoor that often in Malaysia. If I do go out, mostly indoor activity. My colleague was telling those who came here, they won’t be at the workstation that often, when off days, they always go out. Then I would say but none of them come here during Summer, right?
在這裡讓我心情一直暴躁的就是這裡的天氣,那46度的高溫,它不是潮濕的高溫,而是旱季的高溫,整個感覺就是非常的炎熱,仿佛就好像你一直被困在桑拿房一樣,一直悶悶的。 很多人跟我說馬來西亞也是那麼熱啊! 問題是在馬來西亞我都不常有戶外活動,可以避免的,我都儘量避免掉。 我同事問我為什麼我這麼討厭這裡,他說其他同事來的時候,他們都很喜歡這裡,然後我問回答說“可是他們沒有一位是在夏天的時候來啊!”


Sunday, June 26, 2016

【InstantNoodles|快熟面】 Indomie Instant Noodles | 印度面快熟面

June 26, 2016, Sunday
Because I had too little portion of the spaghetti in the morning thus I felt quite hungry at night. So what to have like instantly? Of course is the instant noodles, before point me being not healthy, I got to say I can’t even remember when was the last time I instant noodles, but it’s definitely very long time ago. But I do remember those schools time in university, due to rushing projects, homework and works I had instant noodles quite often. Sh*t! Am I gonna turned into mummy when I died?
因爲早上的意大利麵的分量實在太少了,那麽一丁點的分量,對於大吃的我來説那是不太夠的,所以晚上我就來個快煮的。 什麽是快煮的? 快熟麵就是快煮的啦! 對啦! 這是不太健康,不過不用擔心我平時真的很少吃快熟麵,次數幾乎可以說是零。 這是由於時間關係,所以我必須要不健康一下,我會告訴自己沒有在趕時間的情況下,我是絕對不要碰快熟麵,因爲我真的可不想死了后會變木乃伊啊。。。


【Spaghetti|義大利麵】 Mushroom Carbonara Spaghetti | 蘑菇醬料意大利麵

June 26, 2016, Sunday
I’m so admit that I’m not a good cook. it’s just too difficult to me that I can get interested on almost everything but not cooking. But some times I just need to do so because that’s life. Not everything is well prepared and I always need to tell myself to be independent and live by myself. I used to cook Spaghetti few times back in the States, but not after I live with my mom. Yea! By here people will start to say what a fortune kid that don’t need to cook for herself. Well, there’re always something you have and others don’t have and also there’re always something others have it and you don’t have.
我其實有時候我會不太喜歡吃東西,但有時候遇到我喜歡的食物,我又會很喜歡。 但即便如此,我在什麽時候都不會喜歡煮東西,我常説我可以花上一整天的時間做一件事,我也寧可不花幾分鐘在厨房,不好意思,興趣各不相同,假如我丟一個機件給你讓你修理,你也會理我都傻吧! 同樣道理,我可以對任何事物感興趣,就是對煮食物毫無興趣,還真可説如非必要,我還真的不會去動煮食的東西。


Saturday, June 25, 2016

【Soup|湯包】Knorr Classics Vegetable Soup | Knorr 菜湯

June 25, 2016, Saturday
After sharing what I bought, so now sharing how's the taste of the food. First thing come to first is some fulfilling food. So I picked this, the vegetable soup.
帶你看過我買什麽,那接下來一定是來看看他們的味道啦! 來個開頭的當然不是重量級的食物,而是一個衹是開胃填飽一下的蔬菜湯。


【Random|隨寫】Bad Luck Incident 4|倒霉事件4

June 25, 2016, Saturday
Incident 4 is almost related to incident 1. Due to my card is lock, it was all because my careless mistake so I got to sort it out myself.
我的倒霉事件還沒有結束,而這一件倒霉事件事由倒霉事件一所引起的。 一切都是因爲我自己的粗心而開始,而這個粗心所帶出來的禍還真的不小啊。。。


【Supermarket|超市】Sharjah Co-Op Society|沙迦社區超市

June 25, 2016, Saturday
On my off day, thanks to my colleague who take me to supermarket close by so I can get to buy something after my company has been unlocked.
因爲第一次去購物的時候我的信用卡還是被鎖著的,所以我也不敢買太多。 凡事都將就將就的買得剛剛好,急用那種就可以了。


Friday, June 24, 2016

【Cafeteria|食堂】Al Jah Cafeteria|鋁扎哈食堂

June 24, 2016, Friday
They've very big portion meal here, like the one I order the day before, it kept me for two meal. So since so good experience from the first time, I decided to try the delivery again but with another restaurant.
這裏的食物幾乎都很大份,經常都足夠我吃兩餐,就好像我的前一餐那樣。 既然第一次的經驗不錯,所以我再嘗試第二次,但是不同的餐廳。


【Random|隨寫】Bad Luck Incident 3|倒霉事件3

June 24, 2016, Friday
My bad luck incident hasn't finish yet.  I don't have internet in my apartment, so what my colleague telling me was to ask my neighbor, to share the wifi with them and I can pay on behalf of that.

So I found my neighbor on my left, she was very nice, I asked her, then she gimme the wifi password, I told her I can pay her for the wifi then she said no need, is FREE!

Then I thought I was so lucky! But on today she changed the wifi password. Why would I say that? Because I still can see her wifi name in the wireless browser but I just can't connect. =.=!

She definitely has the right to do so! Now I was lucky found another neighbor which is in front of my apartment. He said he is paying 3++AED (can't remember the exact amount of that) for the wifi. So I said I pay you 175 AED.

Actually seriously, I don't understand why the lady change the password, I wasn't even use the wifi much, as I was always at work, maybe maximum one or two hours total in a day, just before I go to bed and before I left the apartment and I don't use to play any video, I just use for Googling and Facebooking and instagram maybe, that's all...still don't know what I've done to slow down her wifi that makes her changed the password. Thus by now I did was I just online for 5 minutes maybe to check any updates on Facebook and Instagram, because these apps are not allow to use in my workstation and hope that it can last until the day I finished my shift here.


但這一切卻才持續了幾天,一天我回到家后,我上不到網了。 檢查后才發覺這鄰居換了密碼,因爲在上網的綫上,我還看到她家的網絡名字,衹是傷不到罷了。

這個也怪不了她,因爲這是她的,她是有權力這樣做的。 但幸運的我又找到我對面的鄰居,他跟我說他付300多迪拉姆 (我也不太記得清楚他說的數字)那既然這樣,我就説我付他175迪拉姆。

可是認真回想回去,我真的沒有什麽時間上網,也許是回家后上一陣子,睡覺前和起床后那一下下罷了。 我還想不明爲什麽我隔壁的鄰居要把密碼換掉,我用的才不那幾分鐘,上一下面子書和IG,因爲這兩個在我工作的地方是禁止的(同事跟我說這還是在我抵達的前兩個星期前才開始禁止的,我也太衰了吧!)

Posts on this date -

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

【Restaurant|餐廳】New Emirates Home Restaurant L.L.C|新酋長國住家餐廳

June 22, 2016, Wednesday
It was still Ramadan period, seriously it's so not that fun in Islamic country, because you need to be aware all the time, not to drink and eat at the public. AND due to Ramadan also, I tried myself to fit in, to eat after 7 pm.
在開齋節期間到伊斯蘭教國,的確是一件不好玩的事,因爲沒有齋戒的人必須時時刻刻都謹慎的注意著。 爲此避免犯錯的方法一就是索性跟著齋戒,二你就是當你真的需要喝水還是吃東西的時候,你一定必須躲起來盡量不要讓他們看到。(這還不是講笑,到杜拜商場閑逛的時候,由於還是齋戒,那該怎麽辦? 所以我都是去上厠所,上完厠所就喝水,是要在厠所裏面喝哦! 不是外面洗手盆那邊! 這的確是有點不衛生啦! 要不然呢? 我真的很渴嘛!)


Tuesday, June 21, 2016


June 21, 2016, Tuesday
In Malaysia, I always have fruit for breakfast, then how about in UAE? Gratefully my manager took me to supermarket to do some grocery so then now I've food for breakfast.
在馬來西亞的時候,我的早餐幾乎都是水果早餐,因爲媽媽幾乎都會買很多水果,每天早餐的餐單内至少都會有一粒蘋果。 來到這裏我也不想有任何轉變,我還是很喜歡吃水果。

I didn't buy a lot at first due to the company is locked so I was using my own money on the grocery. Seedless grapes here taste very good. Grapes always is my favorite fruit, especially the seedless one.
但是水果的確也不能放太久,加上我的信用卡當時還是被鎖住的,所以我也不敢買太多。 可惜我去的這家超市,他們的蘋果沒有很新鮮,唯有葡萄算是可以接受的,而且這還是無種子的,簡直符合我的胃口極了。

Posts on this date -

Monday, June 20, 2016

【Restaurant|餐廳】Ramada Ajman Hotel: Orchid Restaurant Buffet|阿拉伯聯合酋長國第一餐

June 20, 2016, Monday
Due to I was walking under the hot sun for quite awhile, the manager picked me up, he saw me full of sweats, because I was waiting and standing at the side of the road, I felt embarrassed that every cars passed by, they would definitely looked at what is this Asian girl doing in the middle of the road. So I was using a scarf to cover my whole head =.=!
由於經過剛才在炎熱的太陽地下暴曬,站在馬路旁的我,幾乎每一輛開車經過的車輛都會停一停來看看我這位亞洲臉孔的女性到底在幹嘛,所以我就拿來的一個絲巾,把我的臉包包住,簡介的也導致我更熱。 當工作室的經理來到接我的時候,我已經是滿頭大汗,他帶我到住處,讓我休息一陣子才出發去吃晚餐。


【Accommodation|住處】My Accommodation|我的住處

June 20, 2016, Monday
This is my company accommodation so is no point telling where is it. But I can show you about the surrounding inside the apartment.


【Transport|交通】Bad Luck Incident 2|倒霉事件2

June 20, 2016, Monday
From Dubai Airport to Sharjah Airport, because Sharjah Airport is near to my workstation. From Dubai Airport, to take a taxi, if you're a female, they will send you to a female driver, and driver are wears in pink.
遠在機場,即使要解決信用卡的事情也不是即時的事,所以我打算到了住處才打算,我要抵達的目的地不是杜拜,而是他隔壁的城市,沙迦。 從杜拜機場出來,我尋找著德士乘搭,工作人員指向女生的德士給我。 身穿粉紅色頭巾的女德士,可以説是因爲要顧及女性的安全,所以對於女性乘客,他們是鼓勵乘搭女性司機德士的。


【Random|隨寫】Bad Luck Incident 1|倒霉事件1

June 20, 2016, Monday
My bad luck incident 1 was started right after I left the lift, I saw an ATM machines at the side. So I was thinking use my company card to withdraw some local company.
第一件倒霉事件,完全是因爲我自己的粗心大意。 因爲在升降機出來后,我看到旁邊有個提款機,所以我就用了公司的信用卡提款。



June 20, 2016, Monday
Got the luggage, first come first is the internet, yes! That's what I need the most when I'm oversea and alone. Honestly I'm not a very hand phone type of person, I can live without my phone, like the normal days at home, I don't have my phone with me all the time, mostly I do readings.
拿了行李,第一件事就是找地方買SIIM Card上網,那是很重要的,而且我又處於國外,一個人的時候,那是唯一的通訊,其實我也不是一位機不離手的人,在家裏晚上我是放下手機,然後看書的。


【Airport|機場】Dubai International Airport|杜拜國際機場

June 20, 2016, Monday
I thought everything would just go smooth as I thought, but the truth is things won't go exactly as you expect. My first day was very bad luck and silly since the moment I stepped out of the airport.
在進入我的倒霉篇前,先來看看這個杜拜國際機場吧! 本以爲一切的順利,讓我卻沒有想到接下來惡魔的開始。 難以自信同事常説當你自己一個人在外地工作室時,你就知道沒有那麽順利的了。


【Boeing|波音】 Emirates 777-300 | 阿聯酋航空 777-300

June 20, 2016, Monday
I know! I not even finish Amsterdam and now is the another one...hmm......this is a work trip as well, so don't think too much! I've been hearing a lot about Emirates, the amazing business class and first class...too bad, I wasn't until the level that can take business class (maybe one day in the future which I can pay myself without any sponsor)



June 20, 2016, Monday
This time is a new place, a new place that I would never thought I would go there one day. Also is a place where hardly find people around thinking of going for vacation.
一個新的地方,一個我做夢也不會想到我自己會去到的地方, 一個平時我周圍人去旅行也不會首選的地方。 恰好遇上當地夏日的地方,55度攝氏的高溫,每天仿佛行走在桑拿房内的氣溫,我衹能告訴自己要保持平靜的心情,避免讓炎熱的天氣影響所有事情。


Saturday, June 18, 2016

【Gift|禮物】LetGo and Giving|轉讓

June 18, 2016, Saturday
6月18日,這天明明是我哥哥的生日,怎麼我都有禮物收啊? 其實是要多謝我姊姊,我姊姊每次有不要用的東西,尤其是身體乳液,大姐和三姐一定會拿來給我的。 大姐拿給我,是因為她說她不會用(但,其實她明明就是懶惰去查看那寫在上面的字是什麼意思,用來做什麼的)


Friday, June 17, 2016

【Haul|購物】The Concert Ticket is here|劉若英演唱會票

June 17, 2016, Friday
My blog is my online diary, of course not something that very personal and cannot tell. Few days ago I was discussed with my colleague, he was saying why I post everything online for FREE. Then I said that's for my own record, then for your own record, you should write somewhere then keep it to yourself. I said no, that's not the way, when I was writing it, I've a copy of myself also sharing the information to others so others would have a roughly reference to it. Then he said no, is not good to do it for free. Well! Is my habit and my hobby, why am I changing my hobby because people just don't agree with it. Plus, this's not something illegal too, as long as I don't exposed too much very personal information here, then I'll be fine.
過去的2015年還真的遺憾沒有去到任何一場演唱會,不知道是不2014年去到太多演唱會,所以來個平衡。 其實每一次不是票很貴,下不了手導致最後就不了了之了。 2016年很多演唱會我很想去的,卻碰上了我出差的日期,同事問我那你要看哪一個比較重要咯! 廢話! 那還用說,當然是工作比較重要啦! 最近同事無意間發現我寫部落格,他問我寫的所有東西,都有錢收的嗎? 我說沒有,他説那你寫來幹嘛啊? 我說寫來記錄啦! 他説記錄就自己記錄就好,幹嘛要去分享? 爲什麽要給人家免費的資料。。。嗯,這個嘛! 算了吧! 斤斤計較何時了? 我雖然視乎把這個平臺放得很公開化,但是該私人的東西我都有保留的,畢竟我們還是需要爲了自己行爲自己的人生負責嘛!


Monday, June 13, 2016

【Blog|部落格】Stop and Let Go|斷。離。捨

June 13, 2016, Monday
When I was in Netherlands two weeks for training, it was like back to my study life last time. When I don't use Facebook at all, YUP!! I definitely can live without Facebook!!! The reason I quit last time was because I've bunch of friends like to post those sweet sweet lovely couples, bestie I decided to quit Facebook at that time concentrate in studies and things. (I mean quit here is not really quit, is just I don't active and remain my account there only)

Things changed after I've connect back with Facebook and also blogging of course for now. Realized I've spend most of time in it, I spent on not just in blogging but swinging around and commenting, again to bring up the commenting problem, guess I've mentioned this before. I was having this commenting problem that I go through the whole blog post up and own and down to up for almost five times, but still couldn't find a single thing to comment, gosshhh!! Can you imagine I spend almost half an hour on a single blog post just to find things to comment, can you imagine how frustrated I was?? Tell me about that!! (of course I won't mention here which blogs are those)

Two weeks to cool down, due to lack of internet connection in the hotel, I've more time for myself. I asked myself are those commenting stuffs and blog walking stuffs really important?? Those pride of being top "LIKE" in your friends Facebook list is really important to me??? 

Last two days in Netherlands when I've time to solo travel again in another big city in Netherlands. I finally came out this conclusion that I might not comment on your blog anymore, the reason I put "might" is WHEN I really have something to comment, definitely not like I want you to come to my blog to comment so I got to force myself to spend minutes...hours there to squeeze a single comment to comment. I know this would drag down the stat or the traffic of my blog. But still that's what I can do to decrease my time on blogging. 

For sure one thing is I won't quit blogging, because I've lots of memory here and easy for myself to track back my own footprint when and where. (which explained too why I never make my blog become like commercial one and I would like to just keep it as lifestyle instead, so please STOP complaining why I write all the old stuffs)

This time I truly mean it, I know last time I broke my promise of saying just blogging with one language. After a few posts I done that, I found some of those readers don't really understand my post content at all. Thus even though I've very broken grammar and I still come back to bilingual blog. 

I'm 28 this year, how many ten years do we have in life?? If you really think about it, what you wanna be and what's important to you. You should know what is important to you now. If I put 80% of my time in blogging means that I'm hopping I will become like a full time blogger in the future. And I've asked myself many times, that's not what I want to be. I spent so much efforts in my engineering field, of course is not just for a title only. I need to admit that if I really want to be very success, I must put more time and efforts on it......
這是我的決定,“斷離捨”這件事的確很難,所以你也輕易的看到也有以這命名的書籍。 狠心的下這個決定因為我知道當下的我是需要什麼東西。 28歲的我,老人家會說“好命的話,早就當媽了!” 可惜我不是,所以我還是的為自己奮鬥,讓自己變更好。

在荷蘭兩個星期的日子,讓我回到讀書時代,那種不用擔心部落格,不用擔心面子書的種種更新(其中原因之一是酒店的網絡很慢,所以我都少上網)我應該是屬於少數可以捨棄面子書的人吧! 在讀書時期,我因為看不慣身邊朋友總是放閃,所以我索性不再上面子書,只專注於學業和事業。再回到面子書和部落格的時間,的確是時間不夠用,不單是寫部落格的時間,而是到別人部落格閒逛的時間。
最讓我自己都無法接受自己的是留言的時間,有幾個部落格,我竟然可以從頭看到尾,再尾看到頭,前前後後大概都有五次了,都看不到半樣東西可以讓我去留言。 更離譜的是這些還真的花上我半個小時多才硬找到東西留言。。。那種因為留言而留言,然後再擔心因為自己沒有去人家那邊留言,所以他人就不會來自己這裡留言的狀態,還真的是自討苦吃。 

停止留言的狀態一發出,我知道我會減少很多遊覽者,不過再問問我自己“那真的重要嗎?” 的確假如我未來是要當一位全職的博客,那的確很重要。 但是一再的問自己,以我自己的性格跟自尊心,我不會只規格在這裡,用了那麼多時間金錢和心思去讀工程系,當然不是為了區區的“工程師”名字罷了。。。

上幾個星期電視重播出巾幗梟雄,裡面的經典對白“人生有多少個10年?” 這句話,再次的喚醒我人生的輝煌時期20,30甚至40。 我真的要我的人生只是被關在部落格內?? 今後我慢慢寫,我當作慢慢的記錄,這也解釋為什麼我部落格不會成為紅人部落格,因為我都比較傾向於自己的東西。 是個沒有主題的部落格(妳說的對!) 這裡只是一個記錄,何必要把它當成一份事業,一份差事來看(所以不要再抱怨我寫舊的東西了)

曾經幻想成為什麼紅人作家部落客,那真的還比不上我事業上的成就。 紅人會過期,人會老,90後00後的殺到。。。人不會紅一輩子,自己人生的歷練,事業上的知識,可遇不可求,更何況我偏愛上那麼冷門的東西,得到的機會每次都像是中獎般,所以會選一定知道要選哪一個!
Posts on this date -

Friday, June 10, 2016

【Haul|購物】HM The Queen's 90th Birthday Stamp|英女皇90大壽郵票

June 10, 2016, Friday
On 21 of April, I saw news about The Queen Elizabeth II's birthday celebration. And on the date itself they're start selling stamp where has their royal pictures printed on the stamp. 


Thursday, June 09, 2016

【Festival|節日】Happy Duanwu Festival|端午節快樂

June 9, 2016, Thursday
Happy Duanwu Festival, if didn't wikipedia it, I didn't even know the English name of it is exactly direct pronunciation from the mandarin version.
端午節快樂! 假如沒有刻意去寫這一篇,我還真的不知道端午節的英語也叫“duanwu”,像是同音異詞般。 不過自古以來有賽龍舟的地方都會稱之爲賽龍舟節,吉隆坡這個大城市比較沒有這樣的慶典,所以還是稱之爲“端午節”比較合適吧!

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