June 20, 2016, Monday
I know! I not even finish Amsterdam and now is the another one...hmm......this is a work trip as well, so don't think too much! I've been hearing a lot about Emirates, the amazing business class and first class...too bad, I wasn't until the level that can take business class (maybe one day in the future which I can pay myself without any sponsor)
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It was my first time taking this airline and flying alone again, hehe!! My job is always working alone, only on certain projects that is in group. I get to choose Emirates, Oman Air or Cathay Pacific, Oman Air and Cathay Pacific weren't have the good timing for me, so I picked Emirates in the end.
Everything looks new to me, including the country itself, that's why i was making the breakfast post like so suspicious. Because indeed I would never thought of flying here one day. With 30 kg check in luggage, I got the well printed boarding pass. So in recent years Emirates always represents as the top 10 best airline in the world, now we see how different it is.
每次乘搭飛機我都有一種很想收到漂漂亮亮,打印在硬卡上的那種登機證件,也許是因爲那種比較傳統吧。 我之前之所以那麽神秘因爲就是不想透露我飛往的地方,別無其他意識,就純碎玩玩而已。
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I was surprised why I got two boarding pass, then look carefully, one is the "Baggage Claim Card". This is seriously very new to me and I got impressed that they actually make a card that just easy for the luggage claim stickers.
一拿到登機證件時候,我還驚訝了一陣,奇怪爲什麽會有兩張。 原來還有一張是給予行李帖子用的,這個也未免太新潮了吧(不好意思,大鄉裏出城,沒辦法!)
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This is very sweet also, from the back of the boarding pass is the Dubai International Airport gates map with reference time to go to gates.
在看看登機證,通常後面都是空白的,但是在這個背後就打印了杜拜國際機場的轉機時間。 這個爲客戶所示的資料,相信對轉機的乘客來説,這是相當大的幫助。
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Actually in my wish I want to take Emirates A380 instead...but the timing was that good for me...so I've no choice to just B777, not say that their B777 wasn't that good, just that A380 is newer.
本來有機會搭上阿聯酋航空,我就一直心癢癢很想選A380的,畢竟那比較新。 但是幸運之神沒幫我的忙。 A380的起飛降落時間,都不太適合我,所以最後還是選了B777。
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Window seat again, but next time I won't choose window seat in the future. I know! Last time I was keep clarifying window seat is very good to look out the window, but after few flights. I was being stuck at the window seat and can't go to the toilet as I wanted to. This time a 30 age men sit on the aisle seat and no one sit in the middle. First time in my life seeing people sleep non stop, even sleep more than I do (my friends always complain that I sleep too much in transports) He start sleeping when taking off then meal came, he finish the meal and sleep again, until landing...what?? You didn't get to sleep last night is it??? Based on this aisle seat or window seat, my colleagues and I were discussing about it before, he was saying aisle seat is the best where you can go to toilet anytime, but to me window seat is better, so I can see the view outside easily. (guess the reason he came across this is because he has been to many flying experienced) For us who fly frequently, honestly toilet is more important.
跟著自己的區域登機,來到我的窗口位子。 這一次應該是我最後一次乘坐窗口位子吧! 因爲我再也忍受不了上不到厠所的苦惱。 你大概會説“以前你不是一直很鼓舞坐窗口座位的嗎?怎麽現在反口了呢?” 我想那是因爲我以前少乘坐飛機的關係,但是近兩年我都比較多機會乘坐飛機,所以我已經不再去在意看不看到外面的風景了。 所以下一次,我一定要選擇靠外面的座位,因爲上厠所對我來說很重要。 在這次從吉隆坡飛往杜拜的飛程中,我旁邊是空位,但再旁邊坐了一位大叔,大叔在飛機還沒起飛就開始睡覺,中間午餐起來吃了又繼續睡,直到降落到客運大樓他才起來。 這傢夥未免也睡太多了吧? 我還是中間曾空姐收被單時候,曾他醒一醒才去到厠所,這真是一個噩夢!
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End of story about the seat, now get back to the plane. See what facilities they have here. The country I flying to is U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates) They're using the same socket as we do in Malaysia, good! So I don't have to worry about the adapter. USB phone charger as common, then earphone plug, this can support your normal earphone too.
位子的事情談完了,就來說飛機上的設施吧! 一個相同插座還真的很方便,因爲阿拉伯聯合酋長國用的是跟馬來西亞一樣的插座,所以不用帶上國際插座。 USB手機充電已很普遍,還有耳機雙插和單插的插座。
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Very informative here, Aircraft Type and Aircraft ID, what is Aircraft ID? Aircraft ID is the aircraft registration number, which from this ID, you can see how old is aircraft and where it has been servicing.
在飛機里可以清楚的看到飛機的注冊編號這個也太好了吧! 因爲通常我要找這個,我都是刻意去看機尾才看到的編號。 至於我要這個編號有什麽用處呢? 這可以讓我查到這一架機已有多少年份了,飛行了多久,飛過哪些地方等等。
They've two live camera, one is from landing gear, I believe, I wasn't so sure on this. The other one is the front camera, is just like what the pilot see from the cockpit.
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Refreshing towel before take off. I actually prefer a warm towel but this is a cold one. And very efficiency, the stewardess turned one round, come back to collect from us, as this was distribute before take off.
起飛前,來個濕紙巾。 我還是比較喜歡溫暖型的那種,那種感覺起來比較舒服,而這種冰冰冷冷的,打開拿出來時候,握在手上,還會打冷顫一下。
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This is another live camera that I mentioned earlier. I still found it very interesting, even though I almost facing these everyday.
這就是我説的另外一個飛師的鏡頭,還真的蠻清楚的。 雖然我現在很常接觸到這個,但是我還是覺得很有趣,還是覺得機艙内的景色是最美的。
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After take off, receive a menu to check out what I gonna have for lunch later, I wish I can get to try all of them, but too bad, my flight only 6 hours. Do do you know my departure time is 1010 Malaysia time, when I arrived is 1210 local time, 6 hours flight become 2 hours, that was because of different time zone.
起飛后,空姐就派了餐單給我們,其實也不是可以選擇的餐單,衹是給你看看你等一下午餐會吃到什麽罷了。 起飛前同事還説我不會有機會吃午餐,因爲現在是齋節,所以我也要跟著禁食。 我起飛時間是早上10點10分,降落時間是當地時間下午12點10分,明明是6個小時的飛機變成2個小時,那是因爲當地時間比馬來西亞時間慢四個小時。
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Headset and the notification sticker where to stick on top of the seat, this is so cute, I do stick the "wake me up for meal" on my seat, because I was so tired, about to fall asleep already.
在耳機包里,有著這個貼子,非常可愛的貼子,在睡覺前我把吃東西的帖子貼在我的椅子上。 空姐真的有叫我起床叻! 最後我還把這個貼子占爲己有帶了回家,oh no...
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And the stewardess did wake me up for the meal. I found the chicken rice wasn't that nice, the chicken is nice but not the rice, rice is a bit hard to bite, I prefer soft rice. After meal I continued to watch the TV show I was watching before I fall asleep. The show named "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" season 2, can't remember did I finish season 1, but I just start watching season 2.
午餐時鷄飯,味道還可以,衹是飯太硬了,我比較喜歡從軟一點的飯。 午餐后就繼續看美劇神煩警察,這個我之前有看過第一季,但是不確定我有沒有看完,但是我還是開始看第二季,男主角還是一樣搞笑幽默。
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One hour before landing, I got another sandwich snack. I didn't eat the cake but save it for later tonight, but I finish the sandwich, it was not bad.
在降落前的一個小時,空姐送來了三文治作爲午後甜點。 我吃了三文治,蛋糕就收起來晚上再吃,因爲當時我已經很飽了。
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Just before landing, I was able to take this landing scene from the live camera, it was a bit harsh landing but safe. (guess that's the matter yea!)
很幸運的,在降落前,我成功的捕捉到這個畫面。 這個就要歸功於這個現場直播設施,我真是大愛這個功能。 這不但讓我們乘客清楚的看到地面,也可以留意到什麽異樣。
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Also another two pictures in front of the gate of Dubai Airport. Indeed I really like this facility on board, it looks more get in touch with the pilot, just like why we need open the window during takeoff and landing.
臨走前的最後一張,停在杜拜國際機場。 在取行李的時候,才發覺很少乘客的目的地是杜拜,其他的大概都是轉機去了吧! 我連等候也不用,很快就看到我的行李了。
I don't know why the Windows must not be closed while taking off and landing? Is it so that outside people can see the lights from within the plane cabin? Good to read you enjoy the flight. I prefer aisle seat because I need to use the toilet a lot
ReplyDeleteNo no no, they don't need the outside people to look inside the window, they need the inside people to look outside the window, to see anything bad happened outside the window or not.