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Saturday, June 25, 2016

【Supermarket|超市】Sharjah Co-Op Society|沙迦社區超市

June 25, 2016, Saturday
On my off day, thanks to my colleague who take me to supermarket close by so I can get to buy something after my company has been unlocked.
因爲第一次去購物的時候我的信用卡還是被鎖著的,所以我也不敢買太多。 凡事都將就將就的買得剛剛好,急用那種就可以了。

This supermarket is way bigger than the one I've been to on the first day. They've more things, I was like a small kid never been to big market, everything looks so new to me.
所以在信用卡開通后,我就立即拜托了我的同事載我到附近超市一趟。 這超市可讓我打開眼界,我好像小孩子般,看見很多東西都很稀奇。

Maybe I hasn't been to market in Malaysia often enough and also those cabbages my mother bought are pretty small. I was surprise the cabbage here is so huge.
不過也有可能是我在馬來西亞的時候嫌少到超市逛,看看這包菜,他們是真的有多大顆啊! 但也許是我媽媽買的包菜都是小小顆的,所以我看到這麽大顆的時候,才會那麽稀奇。

This is also not I expected to see. I know is durian season now in Malaysia, too bad I didn't get to try one before I came here. My sister got the chance to eat and I asked her brought me one, she replied later you eat too much durian, your body got too heaty then you will got fever and you couldn't go on a plane... What?? >.<
但説到稀奇,我來到那麽遠都可以看到熱帶雨林的水果之王,榴蓮,不僅讓我惋惜我沒有在出國前吃到。 我大姐明明就有機會讓我吃,但是她說我不可以吃,不然待會兒吃多了會發熱氣,發熱氣就發燒,發燒就不能上機了(這樣的藉口都被她想到。。。)

Didn't realize I bought this much before I took this picture. Okay, the reason I bought so much is because I was gonna be here long and I found is troublesome to ask my colleague take me to supermarket too often.
我仿佛是會怕自己餓死般的買了這麽多,在我購買的時候我還沒發覺我買了那麽多。 這一切都等到我買了回家,拍照時候才發覺我不知不覺的買了這麽多。

10 Samoon Round White bread for 2.25 AED just for some bite. Last for three days, it starts from the day I bought it. Basically they're plain bread inside and a bit dry, it better to goes with water.
一樣一樣來看吧,這圓圓麵包2.25迪拉姆。 他們是沒有什麽味道,但是配上水和,那還是蠻不錯的的嚼勁的啦。 因爲這個就好像取代了零食啊!

Banana Chiquita USA for 14.60 AED. Banana was becoming my breakfast everyday later on. As the grapes don't last that long.
14.60迪拉姆的香蕉。 這過後成了我的水果早餐,因爲我之前買下的那個葡萄畢竟不能放太久。 (假如真的可以放很久,那就糟了,因爲那證明裏面有很多防腐劑啊!)

Fresh whole chicken of 1,000 gram for 18 AED. This is one whole chicken but had cut into pieces. It was in a whole chicken condition, after pick the one I want, the staff there will cut and peel the skin for you.
18塊迪拉姆,給1,000 克的鷄肉,是一整隻雞的鷄肉。 它原本是一隻的,購買的時候,可以告訴工作人員,你要去皮和切塊。 那工作人員就會幫你準備妥當,過後再回去拿就可以了,非常的方便哦!

I bought the normal type of carrot on the first night, but those don't last long and I forgot to buy the skin peeler, so first day I was eating the carrot with the skin on. On this time, I choose the baby carrot for 5.95 AED which can eat fresh as well.
我之前買的蘿蔔是普通長形的那種,但我卻忘了要刨皮,結果在我第一次烹煮的時候,我的蘿蔔是沒有刨皮的。 所以這一次我就覺醒,我買這種新鮮小個的,可以現吃,又可以配食。 5.95迪拉姆一包。

Season salad for 10 AED. Beside the carrot, I did buy broccoli too. Also it doesn't last long, my colleague told me, what they do is they buy frozen stuffs mostly. So this explained why!

Of course I don't just buy one type of vege. Here's another favor which are Sweet Corn for 7.95 AED and Mixed Veges for 6.45 AED.
蔬菜類當然不衹是一種,我還買了這個,一個玉蜀黍的價值7。95迪拉姆和多種蔬菜的價值6.45迪拉姆。 原來玉蜀黍比蔬菜貴啊?

Same goes to the can food which can last long too. Almost the same thing but putting in can. I was happy to saw the mushroom that in green can, because that's what my mother always cook in Malaysia but this is written in Arabic, I must show her this when I got back. Mushroom for 5.10 AED, Sweet Corn for 4.20 AED, Baked Bean for 4.10 AED and Mixed Vegetables for 4.55 AED.
除了冰凍的,還有什麽是可以放比較久的? 那就是罐裝的啦! 我在馬來西亞還真的鮮少吃冰凍和罐裝的食物,即使是以前讀書的時候,我都是很常去超市,所以買的幾乎都是新鮮的蔬菜和食物,但現在因爲交通不便的關係,所以唯有將就一下。 他們分別都有不同的價錢,蘑菇的是5.10迪拉姆,玉蜀黍的是4.20迪拉姆,熟豆是4.10迪拉姆,蔬菜時4.55迪拉姆。

White Tuna for 7.65. Remember I always had this with mayonnaise in bread during school time. My colleague was saying this goes good with rice too. Hmm, first time heard about it, but I can give a try.
記得以前我常用吞拿加麥油脂夾在麵包内,帶去學校吃。 但我從不知道這個也可以配飯吃,這樣配飯的吃法是我同事介紹的。 這一罐價值7.65迪拉姆。

Spaghetti always is the easiest to cook and is what I like. As I like noodles a lot. Such a long time didn't cook spaghetti I didn't know how much spaghetti I need for this amount of sauce, but I know definitely not enough after I did my first cook. Carbonara Sauce for 8.20 AED, Traditional Sauce for 5.80 AED, Cheesy Alfredo for 8.20 AED, Olive Oil for 9.60 AED and Spaghetti itself is 6.60 AED.
除了飯菜,最容易煮的就是意大利麵,這也是我常聽我馬來西亞同事都會煮的。 經過長時間沒有下厨,我幾乎都忘了一盒意大利麵需要多少醬料提供。 Carbonara醬料的是8.20迪拉姆,傳統番茄醬料是5.80迪拉姆,芝士口味的是8.20迪拉姆,Olive油是9.60迪拉姆,而意大利麵則是就是6.60迪拉姆。

Mushroom soup with 4 pack inside for 9.25 AED. I've tried this, it's so nice and filling, I was wish to have another one next so badly but I stop......
這個價值9.25迪拉姆,裏面有四包。 我開了一包來試試看,這真的很好吃,好吃得讓我想要再開第二包來吃。 但還好到最后我有時刻何止,呵呵!

Not every of them are same price. Cream of Chicken is 3.10 AED, Vegetable Soup is 3.35 AED, Cream of Vegetable is 3.35 AED, Cream of Mushroom is 3.10 AED and Lentil Soup is 3.35 AED.

I know these two are not very healthy food, but just once in awhile. Honestly and seriously I hardly had instant noodles thing in Malaysia. The noodles is 6.25 AED for 5 packs and 2.50 AED for the cup noodles.
最後就是不健康的食品啦! 放心! 我真的不常吃快熟面,幾乎是零,所以到國外,因爲時間關係,偶爾一下是難以避免的。 5包快熟面是6.25迪拉姆,然後杯面是2.50迪拉姆。

My colleague was telling me how they kept hydrated during ramadan is they had yoghurt during the night. Before it I only heard about yoghurt can lose weight, this time I heard yoghurt can keep hydrated. Anyway, since the hot weather here, so I decided to have got this two. Black Cherry one is 1.50 AED and 1.40 AED for the strawberry flavor.
在齋戒期間,晚間時段,我都看到我的同事們很常喝酸奶,他說這是有益於補充水分。 我沒有真的齋戒,我也是有喝水,但是在於這樣40度攝氏的高溫,我也買了兩種不同味道的酸奶來品嘗一下。 相同牌子,不同口味,不同價錢,黑櫻桃的是1.50迪拉姆,草莓口味的是1.40迪拉姆。

Why I buy black pepper here? Because I don't have salt, soy sauce or any flavor species as I'm not stay here forever, so I just buy one thing that can make food has taste. Even though I can take very plain food but in advanced they're always certain food, it must have some tastes to goes with it. And price for it is 24.25 AED.
重點來了,我沒有醬油也沒有鹽,我卻買了黑胡椒,總覺得黑胡椒可以讓食物,至少有一點點味道。 雖然其實我已訓練自己可以吃很清淡的食物了,比如水煮蔬菜,這幾乎是我在馬來西亞的午餐。 但是我還是提防不必衹需,衹可惜它價格有點貴,時24.25迪拉姆。

Sunquick Fruit Cocktail for 15.15 AED. This is drink with water. Small amount of it can mixed with a cup of water. So if I run out of fruit, I still have something so called like "fruit"=/
水果之外,這次我選擇了果汁,這個果汁是需要參水一起喝的。 玻璃罐裝的它,我相信它應該放蠻久的吧! 其實當初買這個,我就是衝著一點瞎想說,即使沒有水果,我都還有果汁喝啊! 這個價值15.15迪拉姆哦!

Peeler for 8.50 AED, you may find very awkward why I bought this...as I mentioned before, I've bought the normal carrot without the skin peel, so I purposely buy this to peel the carrot skin...but too bad the carrot can't wait until I got the peeler, they already got rotted. =[
因爲腐爛了的蘿蔔,所以即使我買了刨子也沒有什麽用,但那時候我買這個的確是真的爲了要刨掉那蘿蔔的皮嘛! 我還真的在這一方面很少的經驗,相信下一次我會更有經驗的。

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  1. The cup noodle, i only standby at home, if hungry and nothing to eat, then eat the cup noodle...

    1. Yea, but you know my home doesn't have any cup noodles nor instant noodles, hehe!

  2. So much food! @.@...

    Last time when I stay in US, I have rental car, so I seldom stock up a lot. Almost every evening I would go to Super Target or Walmart to buy things @.@

    1. The thing is I couldn't rent a car there, it was so inconvenient.

  3. Good that you bought so much food. All the food look ok to keep you full. You can use a fork to scratch away the carrot skins after washing them if you don't have a peeler since carrot skin is quite thin.

  4. Wah, bought so many types of food, I like! When come back, buzz me, we go Simple Dish..


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