June 27, 2016, Monday
If there must be a thing to blame, I always blame the weather, the weather here is extremely hot. People was telling me the weather here is almost like the same as in Malaysia, but they don’t know I don’t go outdoor that often in Malaysia. If I do go out, mostly indoor activity. My colleague was telling those who came here, they won’t be at the workstation that often, when off days, they always go out. Then I would say but none of them come here during Summer, right?
在這裡讓我心情一直暴躁的就是這裡的天氣,那46度的高溫,它不是潮濕的高溫,而是旱季的高溫,整個感覺就是非常的炎熱,仿佛就好像你一直被困在桑拿房一樣,一直悶悶的。 很多人跟我說馬來西亞也是那麼熱啊! 問題是在馬來西亞我都不常有戶外活動,可以避免的,我都儘量避免掉。 我同事問我為什麼我這麼討厭這裡,他說其他同事來的時候,他們都很喜歡這裡,然後我問回答說“可是他們沒有一位是在夏天的時候來啊!”
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I couldn’t go out without an umbrella, my colleague always laugh at me when I using an umbrella (I seriously don’t understand where is the laughing point is =.=) From my accommodation walk to the bus stop is about 5 minutes. Don’t be surprise throughout the whole journey, you’ve get some taxi driver to horn at you ask whether you need a ride or not. The taxi fare rate so expensive here, since they’ve public transport here then why would waste the extra to pay for taxi (Note: taxi fare rate is expensive everywhere, all around the world, couldn’t blame why they’re so expensive as long as you’ve the money to pay for it)
但是儘管如此,都來到這麼遠了,不出去走走,還真的很對不起自己,所以我還是有到外面去走走,只是每次一出門,我就一定會撐把雨傘,但是每次我的同事看到我撐傘,他都會一直笑,我都不知道笑點在哪裡。 這裡明明就很熱,難道用雨傘友錯嗎? 從宿舍走到這一個巴士站大約5分鐘的路程,每次遇到德士的經過,他們就會響一響車笛,告訴你這裡有德士,你要搭嗎? 起初還真的很無奈,因為這裡的德士很多,過來就響一下,過去又響一下,真的很不耐煩(畢竟在馬來西亞我們都不敢亂響車笛的,誰知道被響車笛的那位司機會不會忽然發飆,直接停車下來罵你。 這還不是說笑的,因為我真的遇見過這樣的情況) 還有那這麼貴的德士,我怎麼捨得去花那個錢去坐啊? 明明就有巴士,還要去搭德士? 你知道,這樣搭一搭20分鐘的德士,幾百塊就沒有了,雖然天氣還是很熱,但是我還是真的過不了自己那一關。
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The bus number I’m gonna to take is numner 99 and 6AED is the bus fare, they do take cash then they will give this ticket as the return receipt. You can pay extra then as for change later, but please remember that yourself, because I’ve encountered once, the driver, he forgot to give back my change and when I realized that, it was already too late. So from later on, I tried to prepare exactly 6 AED instead. Maybe he wasn’t intently to forget about it, but to avoid those, is better you avoid from yourself first.
從沙迦機場到市區是搭這輛99號的巴士,而且他有兩輛99號,上之前要看好顯示牌,去市區的會寫著“Terminal......”(忘了後面是什麼)另外一輛則是寫著“Sharjah Airport”的,每次以為巴士要來了,都必須要看好來。 這巴士一個小時一趟,一上巴士就得立刻付錢,然後司機大哥會給你這張收據,不過我建議都是準備好足夠的錢,因為我有試過我付了10迪朗姆,我以為那司機大哥會記得還回剩餘的錢給我,但是他到最後竟然沒有還給我,而我事後才後知後覺,當時還真的氣死我了。 所以從那次以後,我都給足夠的錢,免得又再假假的被人騙幾塊錢。
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“Don’t speak with the driver” that’s a good sign, don’t you think so?? It’s in UAE, a officially Muslim country, the female have the privilage to protect themselves, such as the speciafy seats in the bus, the first row or the first coompartment always is reserve for the female, which is same as the metro here too. Males can try to sneak in there but doubt it female around will point to him that the ladies sign around, I personally have seen the few times, the men always got kind of embarressed after got point out he has went into the ladies compartment just like they’ve accidentally enter the ladies toilet.
浩浩蕩蕩的出發去,這還是我第一次在這裡搭巴士,這裡是個穆斯林的國家,在巴士上,女性有專屬的位子,不是性別歧視,而是保護著女性,而且女性還有優先上巴士的特權哦! 可以不用排隊的,而且座位通常是在巴士的最前端。還有這裡的公共交通工具都有為女性設置的,我看過很多次,有男士不經意的闖進了女性專用區,有女士都會出言的提醒他們,然後他們就會不好意思的走回他們的男性專用區去。 那種尷尬程度,感覺就好像男士不小心走進了女士的廁所一樣。 看到那“不要與司機說話”的告示牌,還真的稀奇(馬來西亞的巴士,我已經很久沒有搭了,所以變成怎樣了,說真的我還不太清楚)
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45minutes journey, I’m finally get into the city and here’s not there yet, I need to take another big bus to the metro station. Yea! Is a very long journey if take Dubai Mall as my final destination, I need to prepare like 2 and the half to 3 hours to reach. Is sort of a tired journey for me, which is why I don’t go out that often. The weather is one thing and the time consuming is the other half. They do have air conditioner in the bus, but for this bus the air conditioner always is not that strong and they have one very serious problem which is when the engine will got overheat due to the weather, the bus will sound very loud beep, beep sound from the inside, from the driver side. Which is not cool at all, because it got awake by that, many times >.<
45分鐘的車程,我還真的很安心的睡覺,小睡一下,不用擔心會遇到什麼老人家還是孕婦要讓位的,因為這裡那巴士女性很少,我聽我同事說,幾乎搭公共交通工具的都不是本地人。 這45分鐘的車程,沒有把我載到杜拜,這還是到沙迦的市區罷了,我還的轉一輛大輛的雙層巴士,再搭個45分鐘才到。 所以說這麼熱的天氣,這樣將近兩個小時到3個小時的路途,少一點恆心,都會隨時打個退堂鼓。 這樣解釋為什麼我很少出門,雖然巴士上有冷氣,但是那冷氣一點都不冷,還有這小輛巴士在那引擎過熱的時候,它還會發出“嗶,嗶,嗶”,持續不斷響聲,因為都多次睡著了,都被這響亮的提示聲給吵醒。
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Wah, what a long journey to go to Dubai Mall. Since it is so hot and such a long journey I think I also won't go.
ReplyDeleteThey only hot during summer.
DeleteIt's a hot and dry country unlike in Malaysia , it's humid. I don't see much green around and that see to say it's very dry there. Well, can't help it as the weather is too hot there and jam the engine. Even in SG , the air cond is not hot in buses.
ReplyDeleteReally? I thought Singapore is better though
Delete妳那些所谓的"很多人"... 请帮我转告他们:发神经阿!马来西亚也是那么热?!差整整10多度咧!!
ReplyDeleteIn Malaysia, I can still walk under the hot sun, although I will keep complain and grumble. Last time I in Dubai (same weather as you there), I could not walk. After 5 minutes I had to rush indoors. I felt like I would die if I spend 1 more second outdoors. Not same, totally not same!
Hahahaha, guess they just telling me to think on the bright side.
DeleteMy wife will be going to conduct training in Dubai and I will probably join her on later dates too. You just shared a very interesting post about this UAE place.