December 31, 2015, Thursday
2014 almost came to the end, time to refresh back and trace back my resolution of the year. Glad that I've succeeded a few, but not all sadly. Marathon, swimming and learning a new language still hanging in the air. Gonna work hard this more on next year. SO the biggest change for me this year is about my work, I had been switched to the engineering department, finally I'm officially an engineer. There's one day one of the captain asked my colleague who am I, then my colleague answered I'm one of the engineer here and the only female engineer (kinda proud and surprise when my colleague would specify it, cause usually guys wouldn't care so much, right?)
Besides then work, of course is play, right? I get to travel quite a lot of countries this year and is self paid one, happy to say that. But unfortunately not this one at the end of the year one, due to the freaking expensive flight ticket, I was about to cancel the trip, but gratefully my mom sponsor the flight ticket only for me. Always love to solo travel, that always enough time for me to refresh my mind.
SO, end of the story is, I'm quite pleased of my 2015, hope it will getting better in 2016 (a bf maybe, that my dad won't never ever ask me to go do plastic surgery again!) Anyway do hope that I getting more and more hardworking update more my travelogues, I know, I know....I'm trying, so this gonna be a sad announced that I'm got to make this blog in Chinese only, hope understand that I really can't scarify more of time on blogging, so I serious got to give up some!! And last but not least I'm here to wish you a great new year in 2016 and smile always!! =]
2014年是很有起起伏伏的一年,最大的驚喜轉變就是工作上的轉變,因為自己讀的是工程系,一直進不到工程部門而一直耿耿於懷,2014年8月我終於可以破例的來到工程部門,以為看似很爽的工作,但其實壓力非常大,一個人工作之餘,當在出現狀況時候還要自己想盡辦法處理。 所幸我有著一班全男班的同事時常都會刻意給我東西做,讓我一直的學習練習,最感動是有一次一位機長問起我是誰的時候,男同事就介紹的說我是這裡的工程師,唯一一位女工程師(還真的有點感覺飄飄然的帥)
接下來的應該是旅遊方面吧,還真的全數自己付錢的旅遊年,除了年底的單身旅遊,因為機票太貴的關係,本來去不成的旅遊,感謝媽媽的贊助機票,讓我可以再去獨自旅行的放空。 明年要把假期存起來,我要獨自旅遊到更遠的地方,陌生的國度,我會比較清醒。
Posts on this date -
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